March 15, 2006

Brokeback Author is a Whinny Sniveling Pathetic Little Suck

annie-proulxThis issue just isn't going away. The conspiracy theorists about Crash winning the Best Picture Oscar over Brokeback Mountain just keep poking their ignorant little heads up to keep stirring the pot. This time it's Annie Proulx, the author of the Brokeback Mountain Story.

The good folks over at M&C; are reporting that Proulx did an interview with Guardian where she spouted off some of the stupidest, self pitying, ignorant garbage I've heard. Basically she was crying over the loss of Brokeback Mountain to "Crash". And she repeatedly referred to "Crash" as "Trash". What a pathetic pouty little bitch. Here's a snippet of the cry fest... ummm... I mean "interview":

'We should have known conservative heffalump academy voters would have rather different ideas of what was stirring contemporary culture,' Proulx wrote.

'And rumor has it that (Lionsgate) inundated the academy voters with DVD copies of `Trash` -- excuse me -- `Crash` a few weeks before the ballot deadline. Next year we can look to the awards for controversial themes on the punishment of adulterers with a branding iron in the shape of the letter A, runaway slaves and the debate over free silver.'

Oh that's right you moron. You're right on the money! Hollywood is being run by nothing but conservative heffalumps.

I guess that's why they nominated Brokeback for Best Picture (A nomination I still say they didn't deserve).

I guess that's why they gave the Best Director award to it's director.

I guess that's why they nominated 3 of it's actors.

I guess that's why an actor portraying a gay character won Best Actor

I guess that's why an actress portraying a trans-gender character was nominated for Best Actress.

Yup, that's right Proulx... you really nailed it... Hollywood is sooo damn conservative. That must be why Brokeback Mountain lost to a better film. This "lady" redefines the term "poor sport". Somebody shove an apple in the mouth of this pig and shut her up. And will someone tell this lady that it's ok to disagree with the academy (I do all the time) but to bring it in the mud and to be so disrespectful of not only the industry you were just trying to win an award from, but also to your colleagues (the makers of Crash) is just unacceptable.

Isn't it ironic that a woman who writes a story that she says was partially intended to promote tolerance, then comes out with statements like this? What a hypocrite.

Posted by John Campea at March 15, 2006 11:01 AM


I myself loved Brokeback Mountain. I was pulling for it. But this is really pathetic. I mean come on, quit crying and being a little baby. Her that is. Calling Crash Trash, she's an idiot. If all of this is true. It really is sad.

Posted by: Joey at March 15, 2006 09:41 AM

Having seen Crash, but not (yet) Brokeback Mountain, I can't really comment on which one was the better film, but comments such as these from Ms. Proulx, as well as other "whiners", is starting to sour my desire to see the movie.

Conserviative?? The people that gave "It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp" an oscar?

I may have to remove Brokeback from my Netflix queue.

Posted by: Larry [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 15, 2006 10:04 AM

She's so far off base with her comments. I wouldn't go so far as calling her an idiot. She did win a Pulitzer after all. I quess she just wanted an Oscar to make herself feel better.

Idiot, no. Sore, bitter, sour, angry loser...yes.

Posted by: Jose at March 15, 2006 10:21 AM

If the story is really true, then it is really pathetic.
Lack of professionalism or just excessive greed?

Can someone explain me why the hell there is so much debate and fuss around the bloody "Brokeback Mountain"?

It is not like it didn't earn anything. The film got plenty of awards.
It is not like the other nominees were shitty movies, because they did have equal chances.

So, what the hell is the problem then? Proulx, why don't you shut it and enjoy your success. Greedy beast.


Posted by: Stamoz at March 15, 2006 10:53 AM

Campea hits the nail again - no more comments are needed

'Somebody shove an apple in the mouth of this pig and shut her up'

Posted by: common at March 15, 2006 10:59 AM

"conservative heffalump academy voters...?" What in the heck??!!

Hey guys, perhaps we do have alien visitors on this planet...they just so happen to be STUUUPID!

Hey Annie, I guess it's 'hard out here for a pimp' (like you).

Posted by: JAGMIR at March 15, 2006 11:27 AM

Well said John. Whiny is too tame a word. What a doorknob this woman is.

I liked Brokeback okay, but not for Best Picture. My choice was Goodnight and Good Luck.

Posted by: Mike Browne at March 15, 2006 11:44 AM

Ignorance is bliss.

For all anyone really knows, Crash and Brokeback had so many votes it may have been neck and neck and it could have went either way. And if 'Capote' had won, would such statements be made?

You know, some people haven't seen 'Brokeback' because they believed there is an agenda and the subject matter does not appeal to them. Now when a few weeks ago when the tide was turning, all this stuff happens, and, despite Ang Lee's speech and his intentions, perhaps even despite screenwriters Larry McMurtry and Diana Onassa (respected and hugely popular authors in thier own right) and thier intentions, what it all tricles down to is:

The film appears now to have an agenda.

Forget the fact that the floodgates have been opened and an army of projects with gay themes and characters are now coming to a theatre near you, one of them with Brad Pitt.

Forget the fact that "Brokeback" despite losing Best Picture, won other awards.

Forget the fact that many, many wonderful pictures which withstood the test of time have become more popular if not more loved than the film that wins Best Picture in those respected years.

Forget the fact that Lion's Gate did what most studios should do if they have a film which they believe could be an awards contender, they buy ad space left and right and scream out "remember us!" It is especially critical for a film that opens up in the late spring quarter and not the winter quarter/end of the year.

Forget the fact that 'Brokeback' was a box-office hit...and made some money.

Forget the fact that the filmmakers, writers, studios etc. behind the other three Best Picture nominees have not stepped up to bitch.

I also think that this nonsense better cease overall, before eventually actors and directors, although looking for challenging work, will skip over these sore losers because are behaving like unprofessionals.

- Sealer

Posted by: darren seeley at March 15, 2006 11:44 AM

I read this article and was dumbfounded. What baffles me the most is super-ignorant people who lack common sense. As JC kindly pointed out, the best actor went to a fine actor who potrayed a homosexual character (rather brilliantly may I add) and yet, this badgering snob did not even bother to accomodate the thought.

It makes me wonder what poeple tick sometimes, honestly. Someone should either get her laid or tell her to get her fat stick out of her arse. Or just happy-slap her.


Posted by: Doktorpee [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 15, 2006 12:24 PM

Once again, John speaks the truth. I've been saying for months that Brokeback is over-rated and didn't deserve to be nominated (Walk the Line and/or Cinderella Man should've been there).

I've never heard of a LOSER in the Oscar race come out and bitch and moan AND THEN trash the competition. This is unheard of. What a bitch.

The Oscars are about how good a film is, not the message. The Oscars should not be part of the culture war. Sad.

I'm gonna find this lady's email address and ask her nicely if what she said is what she really thinks.


Posted by: Drewbacca at March 15, 2006 01:18 PM

In Ireland we call that "sour grapes"

Posted by: H at March 15, 2006 01:29 PM

When people lose they should show professionalism and show some respect for themselves and for the winners. Everything you do right when losing is the complete opposite that Annie has acted and said. I hate ignorant self centered people. Annie has no right to call Crash trash. She writes, but what does she know about making movies? Brokeback has won awards and is praised by alot of people, that should be good enough for her. If she is going to bitch and cry over Crash beating brokeback I wonder what she is like with a real crisis.

Posted by: Wolf at March 15, 2006 01:51 PM

very nice....I read that book "The Shipping News" by her and let me tell ya, it was a CHORE to get through....

Definitely a sore loser...Great points you made John;

"I guess that's why they nominated Brokeback for Best Picture (A nomination I still say they didn't deserve)."

"I guess that's why they gave the Best Director award to it's director."

"I guess that's why they nominated 3 of it's actors."

"I guess that's why an actor portraying a gay character won Best Actor"

"I guess that's why an actress portraying a trans-gender character was nominated for Best Actress."

Found another article on CNN @

Posted by: CrzyDJM at March 15, 2006 02:40 PM

This blog site used to be different. Back when it would report movie news and leave it up to the readers to formulate their own opinions. It has evolved into something so different...I know this is a blog, your blog, but stick the opinions in the podcasts. That's what they're there for right? All I'm saying is that its tough to read the news when opinions are so deeply weaved into the entry that it's impossible to separate what's news and what's opinion.

Posted by: chengautomatic at March 15, 2006 02:50 PM

Regarding the last comment, I (very) often disagree with the opinions on this site, but enjoy it nonetheless. I have no problem with those disagreeable opinions being mixed in with movie news.

Where are you going to find movie news without opinion mixed in? NY Times, LA Times, Variety, Village Voice, The Onion, Rolling Stone, Premiere, Entertainment Weekly, Entertainment Tonight? I don't think so. All of those sources have pronounced positions on the issues of the day, including movies.

I'm not even sure what movie news without opinion in it would even look like. A graph with a bunch of box office numbers?

(P.S. While I often disagree with opinions of the site authors, of course I don't in this case. The subject of the article needs to get her "adult" on, as it were.)

Posted by: arminius at March 15, 2006 03:09 PM

Found another one, another rant...

Posted by: CrzyDJM at March 15, 2006 03:45 PM

Thank you, Annie Proulx, for speaking the truth in your 'sour grapes rant' about Brokeback's Best Picture loss at the Oscars. The question remains how Brokeback can be named Best Picture by more film societies and motion picture guilds (SGA, DGA, PGA, Golden Globes, Independent Spirit) than any other nominated movie and then still lose the Oscar. Especially since Brokeback received far better reviews than Crash (86% positive for Brokeback vs. 76% for Crash, according to Rotten Or how a film can win the Oscar for best screenplay and director, then lose the Best Picture award. I'm sure there might be explanations, but simply calling "Crash" a better movie doesn't exactly square with the facts.

John Campea and his Fox-news-wannabes seem to imply that you should be grateful for what the film received - nominations and awards. And that you should respect a voting Academy where members Tony Curtis and Ernest Borgnine publicly declared that they refused to watch Brokeback and member Sarah Jessica Parker went on Conan O'Brien claiming that she relied on what her young son thought of Brokeback, since she didn't see it. (How the Academy still claims to have any credibility left is beyond me.)

Ms. Proulx, the frequent use of the word 'bitch' and 'pig' on this website tells me that your next short story might need to address lack of respect for women.

Or perhaps you could write another Guardian article and just tell these clowns to load up their DVD players with "Saw II" and "Curious George" and just shut the fuck up.

Posted by: D'Alessandro at March 15, 2006 03:50 PM






Best post of 2006, I spit my water across the room.

Posted by: doug nagy at March 15, 2006 06:37 PM

This woman is severely disturbed. Alot of authors are eccentric, but there is that fine line between eccentricity and paranoia.

I am anti homo. that means I think sleeping with someone of the same sex is immoral. I still have gay friends and accuaintances, would still buy food from a resturaunt run by gays, etc... I would also watch a movie or listen to music created by homos the same as that created by straights.... does this mean I'm wrong?


It is wrong, however, to trash someone because they DONT agree with you. The academy , like you said, gave the oscar to a guy portraying a homosexual... so her argument suddenly becomes "THEY'RE BITCHES BECAUSE I DIDNT WIN."

that's just sad.
Knib high football rules!!!

Posted by: mogulus at March 15, 2006 07:35 PM

Oh, God! i am so sick of this Brokeback crap!

I am so sick of the Oscars.

I am so sick of awards!

Movies are movies, darn it! They are for entertainment, and judging them is purely subjective. Not everyone can win what they want, and every time a movie doesn't win a certain award they complain about it.

This is all opinions. The Academy has opinions and gives out awards based on what movie they believe is the best. i think the points John made easily put to rest the argument that there was an agenda at the Oscars. I think the Academy just thought Crash wasa better movie. To brokeback supporters I say,


Posted by: Brian at March 15, 2006 08:25 PM

LOL, Oh, John, you're too much.
But, I am surprise she would rather complain and not be gracious about the whole thing. If it wasn't for the movie, No one would have known her, uh, "trashy" book existed. Yes, I did read it and in my opinion, well, what was there to say?
Show some class lady.
By the way, what is heffalump? LOL

Posted by: Poodle at March 15, 2006 08:34 PM

She can't be all bad. She's from South Dakota! Well now,the movie isn't really very good. It's a mixed bag of a different kind of love story and an exploitation movie as well. I don't think it will set a trend, however.

Posted by: Hal Evans at March 15, 2006 08:48 PM

It is most unfortunate that Trash received Best Picture. However, the good news is that it is destined to be remembered as one of THOSE undeserving winners that people scorn like: Going My Way (1944) and Oliver (1968). Come on Kids: can any movie featuring the Whorrible Sandra Bullock ever be best picture? I hope Trash's post awards release gets the big yawn it deserves. Just think of all the amazing non-winning Best Pictures over the years and Proudly add Brokeback to the list. Trash is just that and always will be. So eat shit in hell all you tastless vulgarian Trash supporters.

Posted by: Candy Loving at March 15, 2006 09:02 PM

I would like to thank annie for being real and human.She is a sore loser so what. A lot of people are even if they don't admit it. Suddenly somebody is a bitch for not being a faker. The story is her baby. Of course she going to whine about it losing to crash. Anyone who has a moma probably knows about this. My mother wasn't even at my games, the other team just automaticly cheated when we lost. And I will never call my mom a bitch or pig.

Posted by: enlighten78 at March 15, 2006 09:43 PM

THAT... IS... IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have had enough of this CRAP!!!

'Brokeback' lost, Crash won. DEAL WITH IT.

Geez, imagine if the 'Teen Choice Awards' were like the Oscars. Would they still say they deserve to win. I believe in freedom of speech (whether it is stupid, offensive, or not), but she made herself look bad.

I'm sorry, but she should've have known from day one that LIFE SUCKS!!! I learn that, but instead I deal with the fact that I should still live with it the best I can.

She should look forward for other projects instead of talkin' about how "Trash, oh I mean 'Crash' " shouldn't have won. Just live with the fact that you were given awards and people LOVED your movie. Speaking the truth is okay, but show some respect. Lacking that just makes problems worse.

Posted by: DarKing at March 15, 2006 11:21 PM

I pity the people who want to see Brokeback less because of this. People shouldn't be put off a movie by the idiots who take it on as some personal placard for whatever agenda they are pushing.

It's exactly what everyone was afraid of; The militant agenda-filled gay-rights fundamentalists generating negative publicity for their own cause by failing to realise that you can say more by saying nothing.

Of course, their defence to the critisism of their spouting is that if Brokeback had one the shoe would be on the other foot and we'd all be spouting evil vitriol about the Oscars being pro-gay.

You can bet if there was any of that kind of charge levelled (and lets face it, if your best defence against having your immature ramblings assassinated is to start speculating "what ifs" your painting a target over you own intentions.) it would be done with a damn sight more dignity than this immature shambles.

I've seen more mature behaviour from 12 year olds in a school yard. Grow up and learn about graciousness in the face of defeat.

As Ebert said, the makers and supporters of the other three films which lost Best Picture aren't saying a word about their loss. And many people believe at least one of those three deserved to win a damn sight more than either Crash or Brokeback.

That speaks a lot louder about the truth behind this vitriolic backlash than anything they have to say themselves.

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinemablend at March 16, 2006 05:29 AM

Brokeback was a movie about a gay-relationship. As far as I can remember, Capote wasn't. I just wanted to pointed out the difference. More to the point, the academy had no other choice than to nominate Brokeback and Capote, cause they were the best films from 2005, according to most respectable filmfestivals. Crash is a good film, but Best Picture ??

But what do I care. It's a typical oscar night: "pointless".

Posted by: Darko at March 16, 2006 06:12 AM

That's like saying Star Wars wasn't a movie about Jedi it was a movie about The Force.

Gimmie a break.

Posted by: Stuart @ Cinemablend at March 16, 2006 06:29 AM

As Halle Berry said when she attended the Razzies last year to accept the Worst Actress award for Catwoman: "My mother always told me if you can't be a good loser, you don't deserve to be a winner." Ang Lee didn't bitch about losing. Proux is just embarrassing herself and the people who made the film.

Posted by: Chris at March 16, 2006 08:32 AM

Dollars to donuts that D'Alessandro is actually Annie Proulx!!

This bitch is on a rampage, I would not put it past her to post here, lol.

Really, I've been saying this for weeks, Brokeback Mountain people are whinning bitches. Every reason under the sun has been given why they didn't win, including that it was a "rural setting"

sweet lord, I will say it again, just be happy for what you have been given, why is that so hard a concept to get your head around. There are far better movies with far less awards and recognition than Brokeback.

This whole thing just makes me ill for the state of human kind, it really does, I just don't understand how some people see the world, where do they find the nerve? where does this culture of entitlement for miniorities come from?

You are different than I am, not better than I am, and vice versa. Just because these cowboys like to suck dick it somehow entitles them to everything they desire?

sigh....ramblings, Im just so baffled by all this.


Posted by: Norddeth at March 16, 2006 09:39 AM

I honestly found this woman's article embarrassing and immature. (,,1727312,00.html)
She has every right to feel "robbed" however to publish her rant in a newspaper and not only insult the winning film, but the whole of attendants at the Oscars, is shameful.
The article paints this woman as arrogant and selfish, not to mention whiny. Not every picture can win Best Picture and honestly, it's not the end of the world!
I liked Crash, but I though Capote was a better film; however I'm not ranting about how that didn't win. This woman needs to step off her high horse and feel happy that her short story was made into a successful film with much critical aclaim and was honored with many awards. I'm sure it was a let down not to win, but bad mouthing the winners of the evening is in poor taste.

Posted by: Meli at March 16, 2006 12:40 PM

All things said, I think Good Night and Good Luck really should have won over Crash.

Posted by: CW1985 at March 16, 2006 12:43 PM

Uh-oh. Certain websites are getting this news... and they're not happy about it.

This goes to show that you should never complain without some respect. It just made their film from 'special' to 'trying to be the best on purpose'. Just focus on making a good film (book, etc.) instead of trying to top everyone from everything.

Hopefully Brad Pitt is more focused on doing a good job trying something new instead of just plain win the Oscar, though I would understand why to aim the Oscar gold.

Posted by: The 1mperfex Collector at March 17, 2006 06:13 PM

Uh-oh. Certain websites are getting this news... and they're not happy about it.

This goes to show that you should never complain without some respect. It just made their film from 'special' to 'trying to be the best on purpose'. Just focus on making a good film (book, etc.) instead of trying to top everyone from everything.

Hopefully Brad Pitt is more focused on doing a good job trying something new instead of just plain win the Oscar, though I would understand why to aim the Oscar gold.

On a related note: Jackson made a 'BURN!' to Brokeback Mountain for the Empire award, HAHA.
Oops, got a little egotistic there.

Posted by: The 1mperfex Collector at March 17, 2006 06:18 PM

Uh-oh. Certain websites are getting this news... and they're not happy about it.

This goes to show that you should never complain without some respect. It just made their film from 'special' to 'trying to be the best on purpose'. Just focus on making a good film (book, etc.) instead of trying to top everyone from everything.

Hopefully Brad Pitt is more focused on doing a good job trying something new instead of just plain win the Oscar, though I would understand why to aim the Oscar gold.

On a related note: Jackson made a 'BURN!' to Brokeback Mountain for the Empire award, HAHA.
Oops, got a little egotistic there.

Posted by: The 1mperfex Collector at March 17, 2006 06:18 PM



And guess what: It didn't draw many viewers!


This gay cowboy crap could have been replaced by a man and a woman and guess what - THE MOVIE WOULD SUCK MAJOR ASS.

Thus, Ms. BrokeFag author should keep her mouth shut: She got GIFTS for even being NOMINATED!

Jesus H Chrst almighty!


Posted by: SpideyFan at March 17, 2006 07:57 PM



And guess what: It didn't draw many viewers!


This gay cowboy crap could have been replaced by a man and a woman and guess what - THE MOVIE WOULD SUCK MAJOR ASS.

Thus, Ms. BrokeFag author should keep her mouth shut: She got GIFTS for even being NOMINATED!

Jesus H Chrst almighty!


Posted by: SpideyFan at March 17, 2006 07:58 PM

FACT: CRASH was No. 1 on Roger Ebert's Best Movie of 2005 list (BROKEBACK: No.5). And No. 3 on Roeper's (BROKEBACK: No.7).
I mean these 2 are ONLY one of the most respectable crictics who put CRASH way AHEAD of BROKEBACK.



Posted by: SLY23 at March 18, 2006 02:27 AM

FACT: CRASH was No. 1 on Roger Ebert's Best Movie of 2005 list (BROKEBACK: No.5). And No. 3 on Roeper's (BROKEBACK: No.7).
I mean these 2 are ONLY one of the most respectable crictics who put CRASH way AHEAD of BROKEBACK.



Posted by: SLY23 at March 18, 2006 02:27 AM

FACT: CRASH was No. 1 on Roger Ebert's Best Movie of 2005 list (BROKEBACK: No.5). And No. 3 on Roeper's (BROKEBACK: No.7).
I mean these 2 are ONLY one of the most respectable crictics who put CRASH way AHEAD of BROKEBACK.



Posted by: SLY23 at March 18, 2006 02:28 AM

Gee Folks, former tub Roger Ebert has had it wrong in the past: read his reviews for Lord of the Rings masterworks. Did you see what that Trash producer whore to the awards? Let's all write to the Trash camp and encourage them to do the right thing and return the undeserved award. I felt so embarrassed for Mr Jack Nicholson who in the past has appeared in deserving best picture winners: he looked so uncomfortable up there with that Trash.

Posted by: Amber Loving at March 18, 2006 01:00 PM

Roger Ebert is a familiar movie critic, not necessarily a respected one - do you know the difference shitheads. The sting of shame and embarrassment should have set in for the Trash crowd by now - so I'm waiting - give the damn thing back! This is going to backfire anyway - instead of Trash being a decent little picture show, it is well on its way to being the most undeserving best picture of all time - and that is all it is destined to be remembered as at this point. The other three best picture nominees are not saying anything because they are smart enough to realize they didn't deserve to win! Only a twit would "root" for Trash to win to upset the favored modern classic. Only a twit needs a literal story or interpretation to understand art. Now all you Trash pinheads, go change your Depends, you've soiled yourselves.

Posted by: Candy Loving at March 18, 2006 01:17 PM

Seriously, some of you need to grow up. "Trash". Frankly, I would expect such comments from 14 year old kids. Oh wait. Annie's acted like a child. And so are some of you 'BBM Fans'. Get over yourself.

I personally like Brokeback Mountain, Crash, and Munich. I guess Munich didn't like it because Hollywood hates Jews. That's almost as believable as calling Hollywood homophobic.

Posted by: [email protected] at March 18, 2006 02:17 PM

Sorry Matt. Munich wouldn't win because commercially motivated Stephen Spielberg has had his moments in the past. Gee Matt, is there a place in the world outside Isreal and New York City that is more epresented by Jews than Hollywood, both past and present? No matter how long you wait, there is never going to be an Ishtar II. I hope the Trash oscar turns green and dissolves - I'm MMMMEEEELLLLTINGGGGGGG! We're coming up to the summer when YOUR types of movie are released.

Posted by: Amber Loving at March 18, 2006 05:38 PM

Wow, a lot of insults are being thrown.

Call me naive, but can we just let this thing drop?If hollywood had an agenda-so what? get off your asses and get on with your life. I don't think it did. What if all these assuptions being made are false? What if the Academy just thought Crash was better? Your digging to deep into it.

Of course, I could be totally wrong and naive, but I'd rather not get into something so-i don't know?- UNIMPORTANT!

Really, what did Brokeback do for homosexuals? get them publicity? Why don't you go out in the middle of times square, strip naked, and start humping someone of the same sex while shouting "Oh yeah, I'm gay!" That would also get you publicity. You want an award for that?

Posted by: Brian at March 18, 2006 07:53 PM

Wow, a lot of insults are being thrown.

Call me naive, but can we just let this thing drop?If hollywood had an agenda-so what? get off your asses and get on with your life. I don't think it did. What if all these assuptions being made are false? What if the Academy just thought Crash was better? Your digging to deep into it.

Of course, I could be totally wrong and naive, but I'd rather not get into something so-i don't know?- UNIMPORTANT!

Really, what did Brokeback do for homosexuals? get them publicity? Why don't you go out in the middle of times square, strip naked, and start humping someone of the same sex while shouting "Oh yeah, I'm gay!" That would also get you publicity. You want an award for that?

Posted by: Brian at March 18, 2006 07:56 PM

Brian sweetie: That was a very crude outbrust and not at all meaningful. Please, in the future, always remember, it's I before E, except after C. At my local, and upscale, I might add, movie rental location, Trash copies sat untouched on shelves, with previously viewed copies lining the bargain bin, or correction, should I say Trash Bin.

Posted by: Amber Loving at March 18, 2006 08:25 PM

Amber, don't EVER call me sweetie. Who do you think you are, my mom? As for your grammar comment, I have no idead what you are talking about. Of course, it's probably something my stupid little naive mind wouldn't understand. Oh, well.

BTW, I don't think "outbrust" is a word.

You really take the word "prick" to a whole new level.

Posted by: Brian at March 18, 2006 08:52 PM

Clearly she's heard the word "groundbreaking" a few too many times and is starting to believe her own hype. I love Brokeback (the movie - haven't read her story yet) but she is waaaay outa line.

Posted by: chosha at March 19, 2006 01:49 AM

I think I should sign off permanently, it is hard to get through something as thick as a brick. While I am having the time of my life luxuriating in my celebrated mansion, complete with projection room!!!!!!!, you'll be asking Mom if you can take the deposit bottles back to the depost so you can take in a cheap matinee. Did I mention White Chicks is out on DVD - you'd love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Candace Loving at March 19, 2006 11:31 AM

I think I should sign off permanently, it is hard to get through something as thick as a brick. While I am having the time of my life luxuriating in my celebrated mansion, complete with projection room!!!!!!!, you'll be asking Mom if you can take the deposit bottles back to the depost so you can take in a cheap matinee. Did I mention White Chicks is out on DVD - you'd love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Candace Loving at March 19, 2006 11:36 AM

I think I should sign off permanently, it is hard to get through something as thick as a brick. While I am having the time of my life luxuriating in my celebrated mansion, complete with projection room!!!!!!!, you'll be asking Mom if you can take the deposit bottles back to the depost so you can take in a cheap matinee. Did I mention White Chicks is out on DVD - you'd love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Candace Loving at March 19, 2006 01:09 PM

No, i'd rather watch it on Starz and and save 4 dollars.

No one likes a hauty person, and you are hauty. Go ahead and enjoy your multimillion dollar life, in your fantasy world it makes up for all the rejection you get.

Simple and loving it- Brian

Posted by: Brian at March 19, 2006 07:47 PM

Well thank ya darlin': I just love bein your hottie! To quote Marilyn's 1960 movie title: "Let's Make Love". How about it?

Posted by: Amber Loving at March 20, 2006 09:05 PM

Now your just being stupid.

Posted by: Brian at March 20, 2006 09:49 PM


Posted by: emma at March 23, 2006 03:11 PM

Gee Emma didn't I hear that in Thelma and Louise.

Posted by: Candace Loving at March 23, 2006 09:23 PM

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