March 13, 2006

Brad Bird To Direct Ratatouille For Pixar

Brad Bird is THE MAN when it comes to directing animated features. So far he's directed 2 of them, and has knocked them both completely out of the park! (The Iron Giant and The Incredibles). So it wasn't all that hard of a decision for Pixar to pick the guy to helm their next animated feature "Ratatouille". The good folks over at CHUD give us the following:

The movie is based on a short by Pixar regular Jan Pinkava, and follows the titular rodent (named after a nummy veggie dish) and his life at a posh Paris restaurant operated by a peculiar chef. I already like it more than Cars.
Yeah, I've got to agree, I already like it more than Cars too. This man (Bird) is going to be around for a long time. I'll be interested to see how he does when he tries his first live action film (because you KNOW some studio will give him a shot at some point).

Posted by John Campea at March 13, 2006 12:05 PM


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