March 20, 2006

Ben Stein Says Troops Were Snubbed at Oscars

Ben SteinI love Ben Stein. I think the man is just hilarious, and if you've ever seen his show "Win Ben Stein's Money" you'll also know just how smart this man is. Funny and brilliant. A rare combination. However, even the smartest of men say the dumbest things sometime.

The good folks over at Yahoo Movie News give us the following:

The conservative humorist, writer and political pundit said movie stars and film industry professionals failed to highlight the sacrifices of soldiers during the awards ceremony on March 5. "Not one prayer or moment of silence for those who have given their lives," Stein said, speaking Thursday at a Republican Party fundraising dinner.

"Stop spitting in the face of Americans and maybe we will go to the movies,"

Wait a minute... hold the phone for a second Benny boy. So are you saying that by not "saying a prayer" or having a moment of silence at the Oscars, Hollywood was "spitting in the face of Americans"???? Umm... that's just dumb.

I guess the NBA hates the men and women in armed service since they don't have a prayer or moment of silence before every game. Same goes for the NFL, NHL and Baseball too. I guess schools everywhere "spit in the face of America" because they don't have that moment of remembrance at the beginning of each school day.

Come to think of it Ben... I don't recall ever seeing you start your show with a moment of silence to think about the men and women in service overseas either. I guess that was just an oversight though.

The Oscars did not spit in the face of Aids victims around the world, or families of the 9/11 tragedy, or the struggles of the poor and starving around the world for not mentioning their causes. Nor was it a "Spit in the face" of the brave troops who serve for not mentioning them either. It was a BLOODY MOVIE AWARDS NIGHT! Nothing else.

I love ya Ben... to me you're one of the best. But that was really a stupid thing to say.

Posted by John Campea at March 20, 2006 09:36 AM


Is he joking? You said it best when you said that it's a damn award show, not a USO show.

Posted by: Kristina at March 20, 2006 09:40 AM

"Spitting in the face of America" is almost as stupid as "BBrokeback Mountain was ripped off at the Oscars". Weve been at the movies, so how the hell in praying are we increasing more viewers in theaters?

I guess we can say the same to video games, comics, and sports. NOT!!!

What a strange world we live in.

Posted by: DarKing at March 20, 2006 09:48 AM

The guy is book smart and he probably has a photographic memory but these comments show he doesn't have a lick of common sense.

Posted by: Frank at March 20, 2006 05:32 PM

I have a better question: Why is John Campea even giving his two sense about this, since he blasted the Academy prez for his five minute report on the state of Louisania and filming resuming in that state?

Should the Oscars have acknowleged the troops over in Iraq? They really didn't need to, but I see Stein's point, where apparently, others like the commenters (and Campea, obviously) do not. This year, they did not mention the troops. In the past three years, they have, at least in some form. It wasn't a moment of silence, it wasn't left vs. right, it was just a nod to those serving. Of course, those Oscar nights were also broadcast to the troops overseas as well. I do not know if this past ceremony was.

This wasn't a stupid comment. But at the same time it really isn't needed.

Posted by: darren seeley at March 20, 2006 06:21 PM

john, when you're right , you're right. but right now, you're wrong.

Stein isnt implying that ( at least I dont think ) every oscar awards show has an obligation to go all teary eyed and emo for American troops...

...but think about it... Syriana, The Constant Gardener, Jarhead, etc... All of these movies dealt with the state of affairs in the middle east. Munich and that other movie that dealt with the palestinian bombers ( forgot the name ) did as well.

What I think he's saying is, if you're going to devote so much energy to revering the ideologies ( liberal i might add ) from these movies, the least they could do is have a 10 second moment of reflection for the boys and gals who are putting their lives on the line for peoples' right to make said movies.

THAT is the way that I myself take his statements.

Posted by: mogulus at March 20, 2006 07:17 PM

Hollywood (as it exists today) giving any kind of salute or acknowledgement to our troops would be superficial and disingenuous at best. I understand Stein's sentiments, but he's really misjudged the target of his statement. Hollywood would collectively rather chew on dog turds than acknowledge the sacrifices and accomplishments of our military fighting tyrannical despotism in Iraq and Afghanistan. Dear God, that could potentially reflect well on the Bush administration. We surely can't have that. George Clooney's hair might get mussed. Whatever.

Posted by: Joboo at March 20, 2006 08:03 PM

Now it's been years since I've been to an NFL game and I've never attended and NBA game, but I've been to plenty of MLB and NHL games. At every one of them, they've played the National Anthem before the game started. The players are on the field or ice, hat's off.

They still say the Pledge of Allegiance at my children's school, even though the "moment of silent meditation" that I used to enjoy when I was still in high school is now gone.

Both show respect for the country that Hollywood did not on Oscar night.

As for not opening his show with a moment of silence: I believe his show was off the air before we committed our troops. I'm a little fuzzy on how you can compare a little cable show to one of the biggest broadcasts of the year. Stein does go on U.S.O. tours and had just returned from one when he gave the commencement address at my little brother's college graduation in May 2005.

Stein's point is simple, the Hollywood phonies are in a unique position to show respect for their country and its defenders, as well as the freedoms they enjoy, to a worldwide audience, and they chose not to.

Posted by: Mr Stay Puft at March 21, 2006 09:35 AM

I believe you missed the point, john. An d I also think Mr. stein overstated it. I agree that Hollywood does not spit in the face of the troops intentionally, but they will do soto disrespect the current administration because that is the manisfestation that it takes. When a comment is prelogued with an "I support the troops, but...", it is immediately followed up with a tyrade about the President and administration. Lets not delude ourselves and admit if Mr (or Mrs) Clinton sent the troops to(insert region here) there would be a stronger sense of support among the Hollywood community. Thank You

P.S Ben Stein ROCKS!!!!

Posted by: john at March 27, 2006 08:59 PM

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