March 20, 2006

Audio Edition - March 20th 2006

Today on The Audio Edition, Darren, Doug and I review the new film V for Vendetta (we all liked it), the latest Tom Cruise alleged stunt, Ben Stein saying dumb things (which hardly ever happens, The Fanst and the Furious 3 trailer, the upcoming film "Snakes on a Plane", the state of indiana Jones 4 and the chances of Brett Ranter coming back to direct Wolverine with Vinnie Jones returning as well. All this and a few things more.

You can download this installment of The Audio Edition here.

To subscribe to the podcast of The Audio Edition on iTunes copy this link and then paste it into iTunes-Advanced-Subscribe to Podcast.

Posted by John Campea at March 20, 2006 07:30 PM


Hey, hey, hey the people speak and you listen. Thanks for the review of V for Vendetta! See that didn't hurt, did it? BTW great to hear that this will be a regular Monday feature. The 50 minute length was great as well.

Thanks again and keep up the great work.

The X3 news is good but I will always be convinced that whatever Ratner does, another director like Singer would have taken the same script and brought it in at a higher level.

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at March 20, 2006 09:28 PM

Hey, hey, hey, the people speak and you still don't freaking listen. All of the topics discussed in the Audio Edition but one (Vendetta) are covered in posts for the last few days.

As for V For Vendetta. I had mixed reactions to the film; I cannot believe you all gave this such an easy pass. Stephen Rea, having done such "a wonderful job" is a name you can't remember. Tsk. Tsk. I never once felt any suspense, exitement, tension or anything. I also think that Campea is wayyyyy off base mentioning "Million Dollar Baby" in the same breath. If you really need to namedrop Eastwood, go Dirty Harry. Better yet, the late Charles Bronson in 'Death Wish'.

It is true that the villians, Nazi-like in thier ways, are one dimensional. I would have liked a little more villany-or should I say CONFRONTATION. I never got that in this picture. Even if the confrontation was the Detective closing in on V, that would have been fine. There was one irony I did like, and that was he's ordered to bring down V, but Big Brother intereferes (and covers up part of) his investigation.

The way I understood the film is that the masses already had enough of the dictatorship, and V just provided them with an excuse to help him, at least indirectly, overthrow the regime. The audience cannot identify with V too much, by default we gravitate towards the officer and his frustration. The "Death Wish" angle comes into play when, as in that film when the authories caught up to Paul Kersey, they simply let him go and lose the paperwork. There are also welcome nods to Orwell, a bit of Shakespeare and a touch of Alexander Dumas (an early film of 'Count Of Monte Christo' is sometimes refrenced; it is also trippy for a character to watch the film alongside one's captor who wears a big mask)

But I've seen this sort of thing before in several other films, from 'Brazil' to 'Equalibrium'. I thought some things were too on the nose and heavy handed, some things plain out stupid ("I read the poetry out of the Qu'raan" a character says. But there is the book- locked up in a glass case!) I also felt that the changes to Alan Moore's novel in terms of V's politics (an anarchist) and the governments (facsism) were altered too much to make it look like "left" vs. "right".

Some scenes were not entirely Hugo Weaving. A few early scenes were played by the actor he replaced. These scenes were seamless, however, and I give kudos on that.

The Warchoskis wrote and co-produced. They did not direct.

You all left the theatre overjoyed, eh? I left feeling empty and with no emotional connection whatsoever. Again, I was mixed on this film, but it had zero to do whether or not I thought V was "a terrorist" or not. (I didn't; I considered him another aspect of facsim, as in the 'Death Wish' films; for the better part of a year, he conducted revenge against his former captors/engineers of the virus-it's really disguised as a revenge picture)

I liked what little action there was; perhaps that's why the knife fight at the end had some flair. (or should I say 'flare'?) and I understood the Torch passing torture sequence.

Did I understand why old buildings had to blown up? Not really.
It's an interesting film, a slightly bit ballsy, but overall.... I could not disagree with you more....but cheer up, drink, be merry. It's not a waste of time. But I still felt empty and disappointed.

My other comments:

Now...on to some other stuff.

Ben Stein. See comments below under your post.

Tom and South Park. Maybe he had somehing to do with it, maybe not.
Why spend half your podcast on it?

Oh...and folks.. go here :

You'll be glad you did. Bake some clams.

* Fast And The Soon Forgotten 3: Stomp Tokyo.
Hopefully, my puter won't freeze up in this response so this comment won't repeat three times, but sadly, bullshit sequels will. Open letter to prodoco Neal Moritz: after last summer's XXX2 and Stealth, do you think anyone is going to shell out a dollar for this?
With no Vin? No Tyrese? No Paul? Not even a cameo by Devon Aoki? Ja Rule? Anyone?
No! Why? Because they all got smart and stayed the hell away!

Go make antoher DTV Skulls flick, do us proud :(

*Snakes On A Plane.
Well, after Sam Jackson's arm got ripped off by a Raptor and eaten in half by Mako sharks, you darn well know this time he has to kick some creature's ass.

*Indy Jones 4.
I'm with you guys here. When they shoot, no one will really know.
The film will just, like, you know, show up out of a puff of smoke. Abracadabra!

*Wolverine. See comments below.

That's enough out of me this evening.
Drink and be merry!
God Bless The Thetans!

-Sealer Is One Big Meanie!

Posted by: darren seeley at March 21, 2006 12:40 AM

Hey Darren,

Right at the top of the Audio Edition page it says:

"The Audio Edition is a 20-45 minute talk show format where we discuss the stories posted about on The Movie Blog"

From time to time an issue will be discussed that is not posted about... but for the most part the format will continue to be discussion on the stories posted.


Posted by: John Campea at March 21, 2006 12:56 AM

It's great to see that you guys try out a longer AE. Just downloaded it, can't wait to hear it. :)

Posted by: Joel Gustafsson at March 21, 2006 02:41 AM

I got the impression that you were giving the Wachowski's all the credit for V for Vendetta, yet it was directed by James McTeigue... What gives?

Posted by: Michael Heilemann at March 21, 2006 04:15 AM;=trapped%20in%20the%20closet - for the southpark episode :)

I LOVED for V for Vendetta, I went in expecting 2 solid hours of shit blowingup, but was still very pleased with the way it played out, bringin` back the reviews is awesome!!

Posted by: Ray` at March 21, 2006 08:58 AM

Great Audio Edition, I never laughed so hard when you were talking about Snakes On A Plane. Liked how Audio Edition was 50mins.

If X3 is great, then I'll be all up for Rather directing the Wolverine spin-off. Hope Wolverine goes shit crazy and slashes people like sissors on paper.

I saw V For Vendetta and I thought it was an amazing movie. The only flaw was for me, was that there could have been more action. The fight scene near the end blew my fucking mind away, like when the soilder lands right now on his neck, God I was enjoying every second of it. The X3 trailer was played before the movie and my God I got goosebumps all over my body.

Posted by: Wolf at March 21, 2006 12:44 PM

Posted by: Wolf at March 21, 2006 12:53 PM

Great show guys, very very funny, and nice to see you run the course rather than stopping dead around 30mins.

I enjoyed V but i thought it was very preachy, there is nothing subtitle in that film everything is very in your face, which isn’t really a huge surprise from such a mainstream Hollywood film.

The tom Cruise is a huge joke, who does the guy think he is, and WHY didn’t he ask for the ep to be cancelled when it was first aired last year iirc.

For those who haven't seen it its available through torrents and stuff and on you tube here:

It's really funny :)

Good show, looking forward to Wednesdays.


Posted by: Sam at March 21, 2006 02:04 PM

I look forward to listening to this on the way home from work today, but iTunes couldn't download it. I had to come here and do it the old fashioned way.

I'm sure I will enjoy a longer episode from you guys, but in general I can't stand podcasts that last longer than 20-30 minutes.

Just my two cents.

Posted by: Used Hack at March 21, 2006 03:42 PM

I look forward to listening to this on the way home from work today, but iTunes couldn't download it. I had to come here and do it the old fashioned way.

I'm sure I will enjoy a longer episode from you guys, but in general I can't stand podcasts that last longer than 20-30 minutes.

Just my two cents.

Posted by: Used Hack at March 21, 2006 03:43 PM

I look forward to listening to this on the way home from work today, but iTunes couldn't download it. I had to come here and do it the old fashioned way.

I'm sure I will enjoy a longer episode from you guys, but in general I can't stand podcasts that last longer than 20-30 minutes.

Just my two cents.

Posted by: Used Hack at March 21, 2006 03:43 PM

ITunes worked fine for me.

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at March 21, 2006 04:52 PM

keep up the movie reviews - loved the "show" tonight

Posted by: sueheather at March 21, 2006 06:21 PM

I LOVED V for Vendetta. The introduction speech, as you guys said, was unreal.

Posted by: Kristina at March 21, 2006 08:22 PM

How come you only have the latest edition of the podcast available to download on iTunes? Why don't you keep a few back episodes for me to get. I know I can get them directly from the site, but iTunes is so easy. Just add more to your RSS feed instead of copying over the last one. Just a thought. Comments?


Posted by: Drewbacca at March 22, 2006 11:52 AM

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