March 15, 2006

Audio Edition - March 15th 2006

Today on the 2006 Podcast of the Year "The Audio Edition" Doug and I discuss the stupidity of the Brokeback Moutain Author, the new HILARIOUS trailer for The Moglus, Peter Jacksons pre-recorded acceptance speech for The Empire Awards, some Ghost Rider trailer news, Welcome Back Kotter being re-made into a movie, Uncle Ben coming back in Spider-Man 3, an alternate idea for the origins of Venom in Spider-Man 3, the Alpha Dog trailer and a few things more.

You can download this installment of The Audio Edition here.

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Posted by John Campea at March 15, 2006 02:31 PM


Ghost Rider will probably be a teaser trailer with one shot at the end of Ghost Rider peeling out.
Hear me now I called it.

Posted by: thesecetsafe at March 15, 2006 04:12 PM

John John John... ( shakes head ) I am 99% sure I've already mentioned this to you. I really believe I'm right on this but I understand your hesitation to believe me... but check it again...

RE: Venom Origins in Spidey 3: J. Jonah Jameson JR is already established as an astronaut, true to form from both the spidey tv series and the comics... in an early issue of "the amazing spidey" , spiderman saved his re-entry pod from burning up and thusly saves him from certain death...

Rami likes to change things about the movies but is like, halfway obedient to the source material at the same follow me on this, and realize that in media other than comics (I believe the animated series) , this origin has been used already for venom...


I am so sure this origin is the case that I am willing to put money on it. I am only wondering if Sandman will turn good ( as he does in nearly every confrontation they've ever had in comics ) to assist him or if he'll stay evil.

Posted by: mogulus at March 15, 2006 09:02 PM

Hey, what happened to the site earlier? It disappeared and was replaced by a 'Powweb SITE COMING SOON' page for a while. I thought the Brokeback bitch might have sued you guys or something ;X

Posted by: prence at March 15, 2006 09:29 PM

I saw the Pow-wow thing too.

1) Commenter=me

2) Ghost Rider: I don't think the film will be trash. But I thought the film would be better in October 2006. I'm still having the petition in order...but it's real purpose is to hype up Spider-Man.

3) Ben as a ghost? Hmmm...why do I think a villian named Mysterio is being set up for part 4? It probaly isn't so, but I wonder if Sandman isn't forming a bersion of The Sinister Six.

The Four would be:
Black Cat
Mysterio or Chamelon

and "recruited": Green Goblin II and then "Venom"- but Venom is harder to handle.

No, it's probably just a memory/vision not unlike the second film. Or maybe a flashback, showing that he knew Capt. Stacy or something.

As for Venom...with all due respect to Mogulus, the second film already mentioned that John Jameson had been to the moon. The symbiont might already be on earth in a lab somewhere.

Posted by: darren seeley at March 15, 2006 10:38 PM


Posted by: lizardfeak12 at March 15, 2006 11:11 PM

Hey, Campea...

I just found this new Spider-Man 3 poster. I lost the page that I found it on (the site was 411mania). I looks like Venom or [maybe] the Lizard. My problem: I have no idea if it is offical or not (chances are "no"). If you're interested, I'll need an email address. It should be a good topic to discuss.

Posted by: DarKing at March 15, 2006 11:30 PM

I looked at the 411 Media, and it looks like it is simply the debate over who may or may not be in Spidey's eye. If there is a "new" poster, it would have been on the Sony/Spider-Man site before anywhere else. Also, it would not be any other villian than Sandman.
(they are still working on Venom's look; they are keeping Harry's 'will he or won't he be Gobby' part under wraps.

Now, back to the second thoughts on he audio edition:


There is a big, huge difference in movies based on TV shows and recast/redone that you DIDN'T LIKE and ones that were total duds at the box office. When you dismissed Addams Family because 'you thought it sucked', that's a bunch of hooey. I personally did not care about 'Charlie's Angels'. But I cannot deny it was a box office hit. Same goes for Addams Family. You thought it stunk- but you cannot deny it was a box office hit at the time of release. Unlike most films, it had the right casting down the line. Same thing goes fror 'Brady Bunch'- horrible, but a box office cash cow.

Also, how did S.W.A.T. do? I can't recall. Help me out there. I'm not talking about if you think the movie stinks or not, I'm talking about how well it did a few years ago. And yes, I thought that it S.W.A.T. at flies on dung , but that's beside the point.

I am not saying you are entirely wrong on the subject overall. It seems the only exception is The Fugitive. The Fugitive (also a Best Pic nominee) was different than the rest because it took the premise, which is the proven Hitchcockian device of the Person Falsely Accused, and had great casting, great actors/great acting, a tight name it. I'd like to see director Andrew Davis return to form however, because this was the last of decent action films/thrillers directed by him. Davis gave us the best Chuck Norris film ever, the only two Steven Seagal films that matter, and then The Fugitive.

I think 'Miami Vice' will be another exception this summer, because it does appear that, while I still think the casting of Farrell stinks, it would appear that it will be a balls out action-drama, while halfway through Vice, there were episodes where it was so over the top- baddies so high on thier own supply that they were cartoons with uzis, right?

Bad news is, if it is successful, H'wood execs will want to make more, or feel justified in pursuing more re-imagined, updated TV shows...I think Greatest American Hero is next on the list, maybe...Northern Exposure...or...Baretta. Yes. Baretta. Night Court. Night Heat. Too Close For Comfort....Airwolf...

The Courtship Of Eddie's Father! There ya go! Only a matter of time. Why don't H'wood look at shows that were great but never got the audience? Sports Night--!

Casting! Casting! Casting! 'Welcome Back' is already miscast. It is akin to 'Dukes Of Hazzard'- a bad film waiting to happen. I recently watched 'Duzes Of Hazzard reunion' a few weeks ago while channel surfing. Far more enertaining, funny and heartfelt than the Jessica Simpson film last year.

I think H'wood should look at the films that are a continuation of the show to some extent-the first The Naked Gun! comes quickly to mind. X-Files, Star Trek..but all they look at is how the 'Twin Peaks' prequel movie did (Note: it should have moved the story forward, not backward; I'd also rather see a return to Peaks before a return to Dallas, that's just me) and that's that.

Stop the madness.

Posted by: darren seeley at March 16, 2006 07:18 AM

I think Mission Impossible qualifies as a TV->Film, don't you? ;)

Posted by: Joel Gustafsson at March 16, 2006 08:08 AM

As far as TV to movies go, let's not forget about the live action Masters of the Universe movie from the 80s, starring, among others, Courtney Cox. Personally, I thought it was a winner. Especially that character Gwildor - very George Lucasy (i.e. introducing random midget-based characters).

I'd like to see more cartoon TV becoming live action films. Transformers will be a good start. Now we need GI Joe, Voltron, Thundercats, and, in my wet dreams, G-Force.

Posted by: Darren Conley at March 16, 2006 08:40 AM

It's 411mania, and the poster I'm talking about is a green poster (looks like it is in the sewers). In the picture, there is this freaky creature in there (Venom of Lizard, I don't know). The poster may be fan-made due to the fact that I haven't seen it on other websites. Any questions?

Posted by: DarKing at March 16, 2006 12:43 PM

1) Mission: Impossible totally counts as a TV adaptation and I LOVE that movie. Brian De Palma is a perverted little genius.

2) Venom! The video game story, which has the suit be a scientific thing that Brock and Parker's dads worked on together to cure cancer, IS a comic book story. It's how the story was told in Ultimate Spider-man by Brian Michael Bendis. Ultimate Spider-man basically started the Spidey story all over again, updating it. It's a cool series. The video game is called Ultimate Spider-man, which has gotta be a clue.

3) I don't much like Nicolas Cage any more (he's boring) but the director was the dude who did Daredevil and that was cheesy fun so I'm looking forward to it.

Posted by: marty93 at March 17, 2006 09:53 AM

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