March 13, 2006

Audio Edition - March 13th 2006

Welcome to the "Podast of the Year" installment of The Audio Edition. Today, Doug, Darren and I talk about our excitment of winning the award... and then get on to some actual movie stuff. Stuff like Sin City 2 and Angelina Jolie's reported involvement in it, Tom Cruise apparently learning to keep his big mouth shut and let people talk about his movies, some Hellboy 2 news, Final Fantasy reflections, Halo stuff and a few things more.

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Posted by John Campea at March 13, 2006 07:17 PM


Chech this out Geogre Lucus the man who can save Hollywood this is really interesting and u should really check it out

Posted by: Scott at March 13, 2006 08:23 PM're my freaking hero. I've never heard of anyone else in the world having a leprechaun fest, let alone anyone as ultimate-badass as THE Doug Nagy.

i will now go sacrifice a thousand goats in your honor

ps, John & guys are still cool too

Posted by: dudenamedsteve at March 13, 2006 09:00 PM

John, Doug, Im just curious since you guys almost comment on every cgi animated movie..well not comment but alert us with every cgi movie and its trailer...if you guys have caught notice of of the Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children?...Also if your interested or hyped to see that?...

Posted by: Crayve at March 13, 2006 10:03 PM

I'm a big view askew fan, Kevin Smith's production company, and i was reading one of the news bites on the website and Kevin said there that he has already seen Mission Impossible III, and that Philip Seymour Hoffman is one of the greatest villins in movie history ....

Posted by: Koko at March 13, 2006 10:14 PM

1) Congrats.

2) Sin City 2. As I said below on John's post, I don't give two figs about Angelina Jolie. She's overrated. I hated her and her phony British accents in the Tomb Raider films, I had the misfortune of sitting through last summer's Mr. & Mrs. Smith, and then there was Taking Lives. Beyond Borders, Campea? Original Sin? The only film I even remotely liked her in was Bone Collector. That's it. I know. I know. I'm a party pooper. To each his own.

3) M:I movies. Yes, John Woo has gone lite; I sort of liked Paycheck, mixed on Windtalkers, loved Face/Off and Hard Target. But to me, nothing he has done has topped Hard Boiled. As for DePalma's film- the first one- I was very unforgiving. Yes, Jon Voight was a bigger name...but it took me fivee or six viewings just to accept that his character WAS John Phelps. Yes, I'm looking foward to MI:3, but hopefully this time, there will be a shift in what is wrong with the M:I films in general.

The M:I concept was to focus on a 'team' to bring down the bad guy(s). Not an individual.
As for M:I 4, I hope they can have better luck securing a director. But guess what---and I do want some thoughts on this gentelmen--do you think Cruise wants a fourth film set in Japan to re-unite with some/any of the actors from Last Samurai?

4) Hellboy 2. I think you guys are overpraising the production design a bit. I didn't quite like the first film a lot; but I loved Del Toro's work on Mimic, Devil's Backbone and especially Blade 2, so it's all opinion...oh, the first Leprechan movie was a theatrical release. It also was Jennifer Aniston's first acting role. Talk about breaking the mold!

And no, I have not seen all the Leprechan films. I think I gave up on all the Children Of The Corns and Hellraisers too...

As for Final Fantasy Spirits Within, I liked some of the attempt and the tech merits; long shots looked great. But the characters were as stiff as cardboard and the plot was cliched and story weak. Could Halo be done on that level? Well, if you want faceless interchangable characters, (someone has to take the helmet off- and screw the die hard fans on that point!) cliched plot and weak story, so be it. Now animated -like Tekken, say?
That would be a different story.

Guys: keep an eye on the upcoming 'Silent Hill'. I think helmer Christophe Gans will do fine, but if that film tanks big time Halo will say Goodbye.

-The Sealer Hath Spoken

Posted by: darren seeley at March 13, 2006 11:36 PM

I agree with Damen on Silent Hill - it looks poised to break the video game movie curse.

As for Sin City, I found the revenge theme pretty limiting and by the end of the movie was starting to lose interest, visuals aside. SC2 will suffer if they don't expand the story scope.

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at March 14, 2006 07:03 AM

About the Sin City stuff; I'm not sure how much money Sin City made in Box Office, but I would guess it made its budget and then some. Then again it wasn't a HUGE box office success? Anywho, the things that drew some people to the theatre was the fuzz about the visual style, an interesting and well known cast and the over hyped "Quentin Tarantino Special guest director"-stuff.

A lot of people didn't like Sin City, because of the violence etc, and those people will probably stay away when Sin City 2 is released. Personally I really liked the first Sin City, and as a fan of the comic books I enjoyed the stories quite a bit. So, my point would be, Sin City 2 will probably get more of a cult following, and will probably make less money than its predecessor at the Box Office. That being said, it will probably still make its budget back.

Those are my 2 cents from the polar bear ridden streets of Trondheim, Norway… feel free to set me straight.

Posted by: Morten at March 14, 2006 09:39 AM

For once, I have to agree with Connelly. I didn't think that Final Fantasy was that bad. I mean, I don't think very highly of it. But I have seen a lot worse and it kept my attention the majority of the movie.

Posted by: Aaron Myers [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 14, 2006 09:56 AM

The hooker line at the end had me rollin.... great stuff as usual, guys

Posted by: Afan at March 14, 2006 10:18 AM


Posted by: Kristina at March 14, 2006 11:00 AM

I know four people who love FF the movie. I saw 5mins and just turned it off.

I didn't like Hellboy. I thought the Kroenen looked pretty cool, but god I almost fell sleep watching Hellboy and I rarely fall alseep during a movie, last movie I fell asleep to was Pride & Prejudice.

Halo movie should use the game and books for its material. The film could begin with Master Chief(John)being taken and trained. Fans will complain if the helmet is taken off but lets face it(no pun intended) the helmet will have to be taken off at some point during the movie. It be great if they did the first person point of view shots like they did for Doom.

Posted by: Wolf at March 14, 2006 12:25 PM

Hey, guys. Congratulations!

1) I've been vomiting all day and your Leprechaun fests and wooly mammoth sex totally cheered me up. Cheers!

2) M:I 1 was awesome! I never saw the TV show (too young) but I liked the whole team aspect. M:I 2 was sub-James Bond rubbish though.

3) I liked the Final Fantasy movie! Looked great and good fun despite all the weird religious bullshit. Shouldn't have used Hollywood actors for voices though.

Posted by: marty93 at March 14, 2006 03:28 PM

I'm shocked and disappointed that coupled with this award-winning achievement there isn't a montage.


Posted by: Jeff at March 14, 2006 03:53 PM

Hallo from Czech Republic.

I must admit your show is better and beeter every time! This one rocks! Pissing leprechauns, hooker sing, cancer cured and other stuff just made me laugh so hard I can´t stop! Congrats and keep up!

So just a few notes in my first ever comment here.

I love FF7 - Advent Children! Story (if you know a liitle bit about FF universe) is good enough and plus the graphic... Just awesome and my favourite 2005 movie.

I love Hellboy too and I hope that Rasputin will be back. Karel Roden (czech origin actor) was just great and it will be a big miss if he´s absent in the sequel.

MI4 in Japan? There is no bad movie shot in Japan so I take it! :)

Posted by: Petr Exner at March 16, 2006 05:57 AM

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