March 01, 2006

Attack of the Killer Shark/Croc/Gorilla/Chinchilla

Giant animal/monster movies are some of my favorite Saturday afternoon "home in front of the TV" programs. Movies are no different. Don't get me wrong... I'm not saying they're GOOD movies... I'm just saying I have a twisted sense of fun watching them, no matter how bad they are.

The good folks over at CinemaBlend have a new article up talking about 2 new "Giant Killer Whatevers" coming our way. "Meg" is another killer shark movie. But this is no ordinary shark my friends... it's a GIANT Shark. OOooooooo. And another called "Primeval" about a killer Crocodile. But this is no ordinarily Crocodile... it's a GIANT Crocodile! Ooooooo.

Yes, these "Giant Killer Whatever" films haven't actually produced quality filmmaking in a long time... but who cares? Sometimes its ok for a movie just to be good escapism fun. And what else is better for doing that than Giant Killer Crocodile movies? (Other than porn).

Yes they're bad... but I say "Bring em on!" I mean, who doesn't want to see a giant 50 foot Hamster slaughtering a bus full of Mexican seniors on their way to the casino? I sure do!

Posted by John Campea at March 1, 2006 01:38 PM


Like you I always have fun watching this kind of movies, but I am really looking forward to the movie MEG because I read the book and it was a very entertaining novel by Steve Alten, so I think this could be an opportunity for a movie like this to shine among others with a better story and effects.

Posted by: Xavier Donoso at March 1, 2006 03:10 PM

Nick Nunziata of CHUD is involved in this.

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at March 1, 2006 04:44 PM

if the bus is full of gay britons...bring em on

hello from Mexico John...

Posted by: malbicho at March 1, 2006 04:49 PM

I know I can't get enough BIG MONSTER movies. YAY! I am reallylooking forward to Meg. Seeing as how i still have an irrational fear of the water (thank you Mr. Spielberg)... Meg should solidify that.

Posted by: borloff at March 1, 2006 06:24 PM

Meg is finnaly coming..wonderful.

As for the other film...well, I think Orlando Jones is a good actor, and...he could be doing other things.

A good creature feature is only as good as the filmmakers want to make it. I have watched 'Deep Blue Sea" a zillion times and I never get bored; I watched "Mimic" a million times and I still like it; or every now and then you'll get a picture like "Anaconda" which was fun and didn't take itself seriously, but appealed to an urban audience. Then there's the guilty B film pleasure like 'Komodo' which also injected Lord Of The Flies and was made by FX pros with a network of friends. I also laughed all the way through 'Eight Legged Freaks' as well- even if that film tanked. And then there's true gems like "Of Unknown Orgin"

Yes, creature features (or the "Good Animals Go Bad" films as I call them) can be successful- but only if executed with TLC, have a decent script that plays up a hint of mythology. Most low budget creature features are done by folks who cut corners and don't give a rat's ass about characters or creatures. Of all the films that showed up on Sci Fi Channell, only one -"Bugs"- had any merit because it had pace and decent creature FX.
But generally, no one tries anymore. Everyone just makes puke.

I'm better off just putting in "Them!" which I'm sure some Hollywood goof off will want to remake within two years...

Posted by: darren seeley at March 1, 2006 06:56 PM

Food of the Gods! Now there's a good movie! Nothing better than Giant.. Chickens!

I just cannot stand watching the new giant whatever movies. The old ones suck but at least they have nostalgic value whereas the new ones just suck. Eight Legged Freaks and King Kong are exceptions though :)

Posted by: Cybermike at March 1, 2006 08:00 PM

YES! Oh how I love giant creature movies! i just sit and watch sci-fi all day on saturdays. i could sit here and name like a hundred crappy creature movies that i love for no apparent reason. I think the most recent GOOD giant whatever movie was tremors(WAY back in 1990). It's been 16 years since someone made a really good creature movie.

Posted by: Brian at March 1, 2006 09:02 PM

"I mean, who doesn't want to see a giant 50 foot Hamster slaughtering a bus full of Mexican seniors on their way to the casino? I sure do!"

Thanks for the idea for my next movie!

Posted by: Malcolm at March 2, 2006 02:56 AM

Tremors........ awesome.

Posted by: borloff at March 3, 2006 04:00 AM

I always loved giant creature features. ATTACK OF THE GIANT GILS of my favourites of the past. What about THE 30 FOOT BRIDE OF CANDY ROCK with Lou Costello without Abbott? GORGO was fun as well. The 50's and 60's were so full of giant movies that kept up all night.
Who remembers the old channel 7 ABC show out of Buffalo with the the Commander Tom actor that introduced old sc-fi movies? The show started every Friday night at 11:30pm and went until 7am in the morning. It was sci-fi marathon. All the old greats were there. All the giant monsters lit up the screen. I spent every Friday night watching these films. Used to annoy the hell out of my parents.

Posted by: Vince at March 5, 2006 02:43 PM

Correcting my earlier comment....THE GIANT GILA MONSTER.
I also forgot to mention the best of the best giant monsters that no one mentioned....GODZILLA especially the very first one.
So how come no one mentioned him?

Posted by: Vince at March 5, 2006 02:46 PM

I guess because he's an icon, and the whole thing about this post was that monster movies suck but we love them anyway. No one would say Godzilla sucks.

Posted by: Brian at March 6, 2006 10:53 AM