March 08, 2006

Around The Web March 8th 2006

Here are some of the other things in movie news flying around the web this morning

- Another Resident Evil Flick Set to Start Shooting Man I just hate these movies

- Bruce Willis and Columbian President have massive war of words Bruce is equating the Columbian drug trade with terrorism and calling for the US to go in there and do something about it. Obviously this pisses of the president of Columbia. This one ain't over.

- Madonna says no more movies And celebrations are planned all over the globe

- George Clooney's love life Oh man the women this guy has on the go

- Paris Hilton Hit With Restraining Order The guy who told her ex to stop dating her gets a restraining order against Paris. Now that's different

- Dana Reeve Dies of Lung Cancer And the tragedy continues

- Pixar Reports Most Profitable Year Ever This company is the modle by which all studios should mold themselves after

- Teenage Mutant Nija Turtles get ditributors and a Release date Looks like the CG turtles will hit the screen March of 2007

- Spielberg taking a year off I gues this puts Indiana Jones 4 on hold. I'm starting to beleive this is never going to get made

Posted by John Campea at March 8, 2006 09:19 AM


Well as a fan of the resident evil games it is sad the movies are not as good as the games. But then again the games are interactive while the movies are just eye candy. Playing the games I get emotionally involved cause my actions decide if I survive or not. So maybe the movies are just obsolete.

Posted by: antonio at March 08, 2006 17:32

If Spielberg is not available how about getting his non-union Mexican equivalent..?

Posted by: Webbie at March 09, 2006 10:49

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