March 03, 2006

Around The Web - March 3rd 2006

Here are some of the other things going on around the web today

- Crash Producers Going to Court It seems they can't agree on who is a producer and who is not

- Jessica Alba wants Playboy pulled Seems she's on the cover, and doesn't want to be

- More on The Davinci Code Legal problems It's actually looking like this film MIGHT get delayed

- John Travolta and Queen Latifah Sign Up for Hairspray Ummm... yeah. Oh please let me buy my tickets now.

- Joss Whedon on Wonder Woman and Spike Movie Holy crap.. .he's not even done writing the script yet and there's no timetable for a production schedule. Is this thing even going to get made??

- George Clooney played Batman as Gay Kind of a funny story, but it makes sense

- Sparrow to be given to Brad Pitt Sci-Fi novel looks like it has potential

Posted by John Campea at March 3, 2006 01:15 PM