March 03, 2006

Arnold Schwarzenegger Looking Horrible

Arnold-out-of-shapeI had to do a double take when I first saw this picture a few days ago. I just couldn't believe my eyes. This picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger was taken just a few months ago, and according to news sources he's only let himslef go even more since then.

Now don't get me wrong... that's still a pretty big man, and he could kick the living crap out of me without skipping ice cream at the end of the beating... and hell... I'd hate to see what I'm going to look like at 60!

But still, it's hard to look at a picture like this, of a guy who is one of my big screen heroes, who's image is firmly planted in my head of a monsterous well conditioned man/machine... then then to see him looking like this. It's like my mind can't handle it and it keeps saying "DOES NOT COMPUTE".

There are other pictures of him on the beach floating around on the web... but man they all just looked worse, and I didn't have the heart to post it here. Anyway... anyone re-thinking Conan or that Arnold/Sylvester movie now?

Posted by John Campea at March 3, 2006 02:18 PM


It looks like someone let the air out of his muscles theyre all deflated and sad looking. Actually I saw these pictures months ago and whenever you guys were talking about him in King Conan I was wondering if you had seen these or not.

Incidentally I was watching this chinese movie called Running On Karma yesterday and they were able to turn Andy Lau into a musclebound freak using some very good makeup and I think if they wanted to they could turn Conan into his glory days, he still has his general form just no definition.

Posted by: Frank at March 3, 2006 02:41 PM

If that's real it's pretty crazy but I don't know man... that totally looks photoshopped. In order to get that flabby I think he'd have to completely stop working out and start eating McDick's twice a day.

Posted by: Sean at March 3, 2006 02:42 PM

Whoa, I thought he had a fatsuit on the second I saw that image...where are they??

But no, thats not photoshopped..unfortunately, this is what happens when people who dedicate to muscle building lets can see he still has muscle definition, but clearly fat deposits all round...

Either that, or some amazing whizzkid who knows the anatomy of muscle displacement has played with this :P

Posted by: Doktorpee [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 3, 2006 02:51 PM

Hey man...

Nope... that's totall 100% real. I wish it wasn't

Posted by: John Campea at March 3, 2006 02:53 PM

The pictures are real but they are way more than a few months old. I just spent a few minutes googling for the link that talked about the details but wasn't sucessful. From memory I think they were taken in 2004.

Posted by: Rob Merritt at March 3, 2006 02:54 PM

Obviously, the man doesn't belong behind the desk. Maybe he should get out and start flexing his muscles (or what's left of it), and start doing the things he is good at, like shooting, and throwing bad guys around or even good guys.

Posted by: poodle at March 3, 2006 02:54 PM

There's another pic here from 2002:

It looks a little more believable but I guess it stands to reason that he's gone downhill even further since then.

Posted by: Sean at March 3, 2006 04:06 PM

As soon as I got on and saw that pic of him, my immediate reaction was to shout out loud "HOLY SHIT!".

Posted by: lizardfeak12 at March 3, 2006 04:10 PM

if he's serious about being king conan, he'd better start working out right now, for 6-8 hrs a day for the next 6 months. he should be able to rebound pretty quick with muscle memory but then again, he is getting pretty old. maybe he should just play a cameo role in the movie??? or they can make him a rubber muscle suit and throw some fur cape over him.

Posted by: at March 3, 2006 05:01 PM

Even though Arnie is getting up there age wise, i'm sure he can bounce back when the time comes. Look at Bale, DeNiro, Tom Hanks and all of the other 'method' actors that put on or lost major amounts of weight for a role. I know Arnold is older then most, but he was a professional body builder and i'm sure his body and mind is still more capable at getting the job done then most.

That being said, i could care less what happens with this.

Posted by: Jay C. at March 3, 2006 05:11 PM

I too, recall the photo from a few years back. I'm not sure why you thought the picture was from a few months ago.

It is possible Arnold S. could have lost the gut since, or, once he's out of office, he could start losing the pounds to restart the film career. Frankly, I'm honestly shocked that it is become an issue: Stallone gained wieght for Copland. DeNiro gains and sheds for roles constantly. Character actor Brian Cox was heavy set for years...then he dropped 10-15 pounds in RedEye!

Here's a case in point: I just got out of the theatre that showed "16 Blocks". In the film, Willis plays a down o his luck beat cop who takes a lot of asprin and drinks a lot of gin & tonic. He looks like something the cat brought home. His character has a gut. Willis is freaking great in this film; yes, David Morse and Mos Def too- but Willis is stellar in the role.

My point is, Arnie can always work out prior to a film (even on T3 he had to 'get back into shape") but if he doesn't, a role can be written where he plays someone around his age. I see no problem wit him as an "older" Conan, or doing a pic with Stallone.

Yes, that picture is unflattering. But it is also an older photo.


Posted by: darren seeley at March 3, 2006 05:18 PM

right here stop looking I got the script for that Arnold & sylvester movie we all been waiting for. We all know Videogames to movies are being made now makes you feel that hollywood running out of original ideas well heres another Kanomi's {Contra} for the nintendo entertament system is a perfect scenerio for two old action stars.In the game it featurs two soilders one blue {Arnold}with blonde hair smoking a cigar the other red {sylvester} black hair with a head band. This game is perfect setting to have those guys play there Roles anyone eles the movie flops like so many game to movies before it.The Story Arnold & sylvester are in there last battle fighting a war together they both have specal vest full of ammo and detail but you'll see there arms that have to be jacked the vest saves you the trouble of them working out.In the movie Contra Two of the best soilders {Arny/sly} that seen plenty of action out of retiement to do there last mission that no ones eles could complete. THERE YOU HEARD IT HEAR FIRST THE CONTRA MOVIE NEEDS TO BE MADE STARING ARNOLD & SYLVESTER DERICTED BY JAMES CAMRON THATS ITCHING TO DO ANOTHER ACTION MOVIE AND A EXUSS TO PUT TWO OF THE BEST ACTION HEROS OF ALL TIME INTO ONE BIG BUGET MOVIE I SMELL GLOBEL SUCCESS.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Posted by: Omar Silvera at March 3, 2006 05:33 PM

Hey guys.

THe copy all say the pic is from summer 2005... not from "years ago". Just reporting what I've read.


Posted by: John Campea at March 3, 2006 05:51 PM


Posted by: Omar Silvera at March 3, 2006 06:05 PM

Weren't they talking awhile ago about experimenting with CG muscles for the conan movie? Seriously, I remember that talk being thrown around a few years ago.

Posted by: borloff at March 3, 2006 06:06 PM

Omar...what are you talking about?
Hey, you sort of remind me of this fella who hung around the Blade Trinity message boards which I used to frequent. That fella's alias was Omarr. Like you, he mispelled, ranted and made almost no sense.

And If you are one the same, no, I'm not going to tell you who the hell I was.
Even I don't know that somedays.


Posted by: darren seeley at March 3, 2006 10:02 PM

If he had open heart surgery to repair bad heart valves, then he should have a very prominent, ugly scar going down the middle of his chest. I've seen such scars before and they don't just go away. I'm thinking the pics are bogus ... well done, but fake. *shrug*

Posted by: Joboo at March 4, 2006 03:24 AM

I'm agree with joboo. My dad had heart surgery too and there is always a scar in the middle of the chest. Theses scares dont go away. So this pic is really old or fake.

Posted by: Magloire at March 4, 2006 04:43 AM

The pictures are real but who cares? Okay, he's a mess, but he is close to sixty years old! T3 was only a couple of years ago and, while it wasn't very good, Arnie looked as fit and scary as ever (shame he wasn't playing a scary terminator any more, just some clown).

Arnie is one of my favourite stars but I think he's had his day. He's clearly too out of shape to do the action hero stuff and, unlike Stallone, he can't act for love or money. The Digital Muscles idea is probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Conan's shoes can be filled by someone else. I've no idea who. The Rock is great but not scary enough (The Scorpion King was a good Conan impression but had none of the magic despite being a WHOLE lot of fun) and Vin Diesel is a talentless giant baby and they're about the only contenders.

Posted by: marty93 at March 4, 2006 08:19 AM

I hate to say it, but I went on Google to find a bigger version of the picture and sure enough, there's a big scar in the middle of his chest. If it's a fake, it's a damn good one. However, I'm convinced that it's real. He still looks good for his age, though.

Posted by: ChrisP at March 4, 2006 10:58 AM

I'm positive Arnold will get back into shape. I remember Tobey before Spider-Man 2, the guy looked so fat and I was worried. But did you see him in Spidey 2? He looked great, and in all honestly if Tobey can get into shape so can Arnold.

Posted by: Wolf at March 5, 2006 12:52 PM

Hey Wolf,

Two problems. First of all Tobey wasn't really that much out of shape. Secondly... Tobey wasn't 60 years old.

Posted by: John Campea at March 5, 2006 02:21 PM

read my report on the movie contra staring arnold/sylvester a game based movie its in februay/27/06 on the conan page read it??????

Posted by: Omar at March 5, 2006 03:44 PM

That photo is really old. It is actually from before he shot terminator 3 and he shaped up alright for that.

Posted by: johnson at March 5, 2006 06:34 PM

That photo was floating around before he got into office, it is really old, like th guy above said, before T3.

Haven't any of you seen him lately, you cant hide that body, just look at the face in that picture, and look at a recent face shot.

vey old


Posted by: SmotPoker at March 6, 2006 01:44 PM

I hear he's also frequently "Drunk by Noon".

Posted by: Eric Galatas at March 7, 2006 12:42 PM

why are you all so thick? he is fat because he has been eating too much. . . . . . . . . helllooooooooo!!!! who ate all the pies, who ate all the pies, arnie did arnie did.

Posted by: elgan smellgan pie maker at March 10, 2006 03:32 PM