March 13, 2006

2006 Weblog Awards Announced Today

Well, today is the day that the winners of the 2006 Weblog Awards are being announced. The awards "ceremony" is being held as we speak down in Texas at the SXSW conference. I was going to go myself... but I have a new film project getting started and just couldn't afford the time or money to go. So just like everyone else I sit and wait for the announcement.

For those of you who may not know, our show "The Audio Edition" was nominated in the "Best Podcast" category which was a HUGE thrill for us (I know it's silly that we got this excited... but we REALLY did). The winners should be announced a little later today.

There are 2 things that made the nomination really special for us.

#1) The Audio Edition is by far the most fun thing we do around here and we're particularly passionate about it.

#2) We were the only Canadian based site (yes we're in Canada) and the only movie related show to be nominated in the category.

Do we have a chance in hell of winning? Probably not... but I'm sitting here with my fingers crossed anyway. Special thanks to all of you amazing folks who listen to The Audio Edition and especially those who took the time to go and vote for our little show. It meant the world to us and you have no idea how much we appreciate you all. You make this job fun.

As soon as I know the results... I'll let you know.

Posted by John Campea at March 13, 2006 01:02 PM


Audio Edition is one of the best features on any film site. You guys do an amazing job and its always entertaing and intresting to hear what you guys have to say about movies. Hope you win. Good luck!!!!

Posted by: Wolf at March 13, 2006 01:24 PM

Hope u guys win, my monkey army worked tirelessly for 2months pressing the same button around the clock. :p

Posted by: Sam at March 13, 2006 01:25 PM

I was listening to the Movie Blog Audio Edition March 1st 2006 when you were talking about Superman Lives with Kevin Smith. I have link here where Kevin is giving a talk about what happened. It's very funny.;=Random&page;=1&t;=t&f;=b

Posted by: Wolf at March 13, 2006 03:09 PM

The Movie Blog Won!

Posted by: Brad Shipston at March 13, 2006 03:26 PM

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