February 10, 2006

X-Men 3: Good News and Bad News

Ok, let's start with what I think is good news (although it's only fair that I should point out there are people out there who disagree with me... fair enough). There are more still pics from X-Men 3 being released, and personally I think they all look really good. The good folks over at Dark Horizons have a whole load of them you can see.

I'm also really warming up more and more to the look of both Juggernaut (Vinne Jones) and Beast (Kelsey Grammer). I think they both look great.

Now on the bad side of the news, the word is roaring around that Brett Ratner is being harshly rushed and under financed with this project. The studio made the decision that come hell or high water X-Men 3 MUST MUST MUST be released BEFORE Superman Returns (I can understand why). The result is that Ratner doesn't have the time to fix some things he wanted to fix, not dose he have the money to do so.

Yikes! Well... here's hoping he can pull it off. I'm nervous about the X-Men again.

Posted by John Campea at February 10, 2006 08:52 AM


once you're starting to hope that the choice of a director isnt a bad one at all, the studio walks in and makes sure the movie will suck. What a shocker. Seriously, who makes the decisions at the studios. Monkeys with a pointing banana.

Posted by: igl at February 10, 2006 11:14 AM

Peronally, i DON'T understand why they feel the need to beat Superman in terms of opening first. Who cares? X-Men is already a proven franchise that will have people running to go see it. But now by rushing and cutting to get it out, all they can do is make an inferior product. THAT is what will hurt their box office take, not the fact that it comes out before or after some other superhero film.

But hey, they're the experts right? =P

Posted by: Richard (no not THAT Richard) at February 10, 2006 11:34 AM

Hey igl

Don't forget... it was this same studio that green lit, financed and produced the first two X-Men films as well. So they're not total idiots.

Posted by: John Campea at February 10, 2006 11:49 AM

Just don't know what to think about this one. I have hope, but it's starting to fade a bit.

That Juggenaught gitup just isn't working for me..... it really looks like a Mr. Jones in a rubber bodysuit. Like Conan the Librarian, it looks like it would bend in all the wrong places.

As it has been said before, they shouldnt try to rush this out just to get it out before Superman. What self-respecting comic book fan isn't gonna go see both. And if you are not a comic book fan, you are either gonna see it or you are not. Instead of freaking out about Superman, just release the damn thing at least 2 weeks away from Superman. Like every movie these days, Superman is gonna make most of its theatrical bank in the first week or two anyway.

Or hell, take the time and money to put out a product everybody can be proud of, or at least more confident in. Then release it in the Holiday season, i think the world can wait 4 more months to see X-Men 3. I think it would be very unfortunate if this movie just stinks. Dark Phoenix is too cool for that.

Posted by: borloff at February 10, 2006 02:36 PM

I made a rant before, trashing Rothman and the idea for X4 (I didn't mean it though). There was many responses that still had faith in X-Men 3 & 4 being sucessful. I figured that the comments I made were not that justified and grew more interested in X3. Now, I'm worried.

I don't hate Rothman, but I don't like his lack of respect for these films. AVP could've been good, but they weren't careful. Rushing X3 so they can attempt to gain an advantage from Superman (like they need to). If that wasn't worse, now the director (Ratner) sees flaws that may be impossible to fix in time. It looks like they are lacking any assurance in their own film.

Wait a minute? OMG! Please tell me we are not seeing a future nominee for a Razzie award?! I don't want to see another Batman & Robin crapfest!

Maybe I'm just paranoid, but my hopes are slowly going down again. I hope someone pulls a miracle to save the film. Ah, maybe they are just minor flaws.

Posted by: DarKing at February 11, 2006 03:05 AM

I do agree that comics fans will see both films regardless, and folks who want the show of FX (and in Super's case all 200 million of it) but while it's no secret that Fox feels 'burned' by Singer for going over to helm Superman, Singer also felt betrayed by Fox when he tried, along with Tom DeSanto, to touch base with Glen Larson and actor Richard Hatch for a new, updated BattleStar Galactica series. Fox pushed up X2, which Singer and co-producer DeSanto was under contract to do as a priority. Singer and DeSanto dropped out of Galactica talks, it died...only for the mantle to be picked up by former ST:TNG fellas who are doing fairly well (an understatement) with the show.

We seem to have forgotten this. Also in memory lapse:

According to X-Men 1.5's commentary from Singer, Fox liked some dailies so much that they told him it is now a 'summer picture', Singer thought they meant 'summer 2001' as the first X-Men was originally planned for Christmas. ("X-Mas") and it would give him more time to work on some things...but they rushed him, as they clarified the move as 'this summer (2000)'.

But the biggest amnesia trick of them all?

What is this post doing here, John Campea? With the exception of pickups, only a few extra scenes are being reshot. There is nothing unusual about this. There is no cause for alarm.
Brett Ratner has got all these characters, all this stuff. What more can he possibly want? I think a scene or character got left on the cutting room floor and saved for a DVD extra next Turkey Day, and the pickups are to bridge some gaps.

Fox has announced the release date well in advance. Of course there is pressure, and yes, there is a ticking clock. But the whole thing about getting the rug out from under the former X Men helmer and his crew is an old story. It isn't anything new. In fact, it hasn't even been a full year yet since Ratner replaced Matthew Vaughn on X3. This was also why Ratner was a god choice. Like him or not, he's a seasoned director and he knew full well what he was getting into. Even I don't care for all his films, but I like some of them. I don't think he's a bad director...unless he works with Chris Tucker..anyway...in less than a full calandar year, the film is made. It didn't really matter who directed- the main focus was to stick it to Singer's Superman right from the start.

Heck, I wonder when the solo 'Magneto' or 'Wolverine' spinoff films get going, will Singer's remake of 'Logan's Run' be the main competition once again? I'd keep my eyes open and watch what happens when Singer starts doing 'Logan's Run'. Mark my words here: if I am wrong, put it in my face and I'll eat crow.

The only thing, John? In general, this 'Fox rushing X-Men" thing is just something for you to moan and groan about. That's all. Give it another week, you'll probably be singing the X-Men hymnals again. After that, a few more pix are shown and then you're back on the skeptic meter. Are there two John Campeas playing a never ending game of table tennis?

Posted by: darren seeley at February 11, 2006 10:21 AM

"Good choice". Not the god choice.
Unless Rothman thinks he's God.

Posted by: darren seeley at February 11, 2006 10:26 AM

Well, I got worried, but that wasn't gonna stop me from seeing X3 (though I am planning to see both films). I think it is rash to beat Superman, or at least quote that X3 must be first. Darren does make a good point. I do hope we neither get negative rumors or bad news before May.

BTW, I am still keeping hope for a Burton/Whedon-Apocalypse/Four Horseman sequel (may be impossible, but its still a dream).

Posted by: The 1mperfex Collector at February 12, 2006 02:29 AM