February 06, 2006

Wong Kar-Wai To Direct Hurricane Katrina Movie

Wong Kar-WaiChinese director Wong Kar-Wai is apparently getting ready to come to the United States to shoot a film about Hurricane Katrina. Wong Kar-Wai already has a cult like following here in North America. The folks over at CHUD give us the following:

Wong wanted to shoot the film in New Orleans, and went so far as to scout locations, but decided that the damage is still too severe, so he’ll be filming in New York City. He wants Adrian Brody to star, but the emaciated thespian won’t sign on until he sees a completed script - something he had no qualms about before King Kong, which didn’t have a finished script until well into shooting.

I imagine that the film will focus on at least one bittersweet love story, in typical Wong fashion. It will probably be competing with a Spike Lee project about the hurricane - if Spike can get the investors together. Of course I imagine that Wong had an easier time rustling up his 50 million dollar budget than Spike will, since I doubt Wong is going to be spending any time showing how the US government blew up the levees.

Here's the thing. I'm all for telling stories like Carla, or about 9/11 or even about Katrina... but I'm also uneasy about how fast studios and filmmakers rush to tell them (yes... I still think it's a little too early to be doing 9/11 motion pictures). It smacks of trying to monetarily capitalize on the tragedies... rather than just artistically trying to tell the stories (or maybe I'm just being naive in thinking it's ever not about just trying to monetarily capitalize on the tragedies).

Posted by John Campea at February 6, 2006 08:57 AM


Too early to talk about...?

Have you heard about the novel, "After 9/11: A Korean Girl's Sexual Journey?" I strongly believe that you will have something to say about it, and especially about Chapter 43, "9-11s are forgiveness," which makes "9/11" a general noun for the worst disaster that could happen in one's life. I have never seen any writer put it this way.

It is very interestion book to me. If you want a closer look at this book, visit the author at http://www.youngheecha.com

Best Wishes!!

Posted by: Paul at February 6, 2006 02:17 PM

I'm actually a huge fan of Wong Kar-Wai's work, particularly "In the Mood for Love" and "Chungking Express" but I'm not too sure if he'd be the best director for a Katrina disaster movie. His films are mostly ethereal, quirky and very idiosyncratic pieces so I'm not sure how he'd handle something like Katrina.

I'd think a serious-minded documentary filmmaker can pull it off better, though, or judging from his track record, Fernando Meirelles, who did both City of God and last year's The Constant Gardener, who's proved that he can tackle politically charged films with verve and pulsating energy. The mood and style he adopted in City of God is just so powerful that new films, even nonfiction ones, have referenced it. Just recently, I saw this new docu, Favula Rising, that's also set in the Brazilian slums, like city of God. Hollywood can't do any better with Meirelles.

Posted by: motorcyclediarist [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 8, 2006 05:12 PM