February 02, 2006

Val Kilmer & Denzel Washington in Deja Vu

I've been a Val Kilmer fan ever since I first saw Top Secret! when I was a little kid (still the very best spoof movie ever made in my humble opinion... with Airplane a close second). And well... are there enough positive words to say about Denzel Washington? The man is an acting god (note the small "g")... but he still didn't deserve an Oscar for Training Day... but I digress.

Kilmer vanished from the Hollywood scene for a while amidst rumours that he was moody and hard to work with on sets... but Kiss Kiss Bang Bang seems to have given his career a big boost, and now he's running with the big dogs again... which is nice to see.

The two talents will be appearing in "Deja Vu" together playing FBI agents. Here's a quick synopsis from the good folks over at Digital Spy:

The pair, who have not previously worked together, will team up for thriller which centres around the duo, who step back in time to stop a terrorist from blowing up a ferry. Directed by Tony Scott, the film is due to start shooting next month in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Ok, so there's obviously a sci-fi twist here. And kudos to them for shooting in New Orleans... sure the area could still use the boost.

Posted by John Campea at February 2, 2006 10:41 AM


I was somewhat ticked that "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" -a movie I was eagerly waiting to see, never opened in my area. Warners, I found out, did not open the film wide, but gave it a limited release. It looks like I may have to catch up with the film when it hits DVD-- the same problem when I finally caught another great performance by Kilmer in David Mamet's "Spartan"

Val Kilmer is my favorite actor. One can always tell who thier favorite actors or directors are by who/what is in thier DVD and/or video library stash.

I also await someone from Sony to get some gonads and offer up the masses a SE of 'Real Genius'. But until that time I can watch Val in 'Top Gun', 'Spartan', 'Ghost And The Darkness', 'Willow', 'Thunderheart' ...

Also by the same ruler I note that Ron Howard, Michael Mann, David Cronenberg and John Woo are my favorite directors; my favorite actresses appear to be Jennifer Connelly and Uma Thuman.

Posted by: darren seeley at February 2, 2006 06:20 PM

top secret! - with deja vu. small world heh?

Posted by: bond, james bond at February 2, 2006 11:49 PM

FYI: KISS KISS BANG BANG was a dud no one saw.

Posted by: Edward Lee at February 3, 2006 07:01 AM