February 21, 2006

Transformers Movie Rumors

For some time now we have been chatting and digging up what we can find about the anticipated Transformers live action film. Though this is listed as rumor and a weak one at that, the folks over at IESB have drudged up a few scary comments from director Michael Bay.

Michael Bay and company has been very busy working on the Transformers and their back story. From I was told they are trying to put something together that would sound somewhat scientifically plausible ... The Transformers are going to be Bio-Mechanical?!
Allow me to repeat myself, this is all rumor -thus far-. The article goes on to note the extreme disappointment in the fans this would bring if it ever did transform from fiction to fact. I personally couldn't agree more, this is a major franchise opportunity and primer such as this would simple turn this geek away all together. On the other hand there is good news.
On a positive note, early concept design of our beloved robots are nothing less then spectacular. According to our insider “They look fucking awesome!”
With any luck we will be able to dig up some of these concept drafts. Thank the maker for Internet leaks!

Posted by Brad Shipston at February 21, 2006 07:12 PM


I don't remember ever thinking when I was watching Transformers, "gee if only they were bio-mechanical, then this would all be scientifically possible." Let's not kid ourselves here, you need to suspend your disbelief just a bit to buy into the whole thing. Also, the series has a backstory already, a long one. I think they have plenty to go off of without making anything up. Better yet, let's just scrap the whole thing now.

Posted by: KellTrenzer at February 21, 2006 07:23 PM

I personally think that if the Transformers were as bulky and mechanical as they appeared in the old cartoon and the comic the whole film would look like it was camp. The bio-mechanical side of whatever story or sub plot they can cook up, may actually answer some unexplained details as to how some 30 - 40 foot robots could stalk the earth in the first place. We don't want war of the worlds here. It may be a bit of a left turn at the traffic lights slightly but we have to fill in the banks somehow.

Posted by: Andy Warren at February 21, 2006 08:07 PM

why dont you guys read the boards at michael bays forum and donmurphy.net ? there's plenty of answers there

Posted by: black at February 21, 2006 08:28 PM

From what I remember the Transformers are from Cybertron, a distant planet, and they crash-landed here millions of years ago. They were awakened in 1984 so that a toy line and subsequent cartoon could be made. It's ripped off from anime already so there's no real need for them to try to explain too much.

Posted by: KellTrenzer at February 21, 2006 11:18 PM

ummm, according to beast wars/ beast machinees there is actual truth to this as i recall, well not the scienifically possible hokum, but the whole organic/mechanic relation.

Posted by: Psych at February 26, 2006 06:40 PM