February 21, 2006

Tony Leung And Andrew Lau Together Again

I just loved Infernal Affairs. It's just one of the best crime dramas I've ever seen in my life. I only regret that I haven't gotten around to watching Infernal Affairs 2 yet. I really need to do that.

Well now actor Tony Leung and director Andrew Lau are hooking up again for another crime drama. The good folks over at Canada.Com give us the following:

"I should be returning to work in April for a Hong Kong movie by Andrew Lau," Cannes-best actor-winner Leung told reporters on the sidelines of a press briefing on Hong Kong's Entertainment Expo. "It's a detective story, a bit of cop-robber," said Leung. "This time we hope it has more of the flavour of a detective novel. There's more thinking involved. It's more suspenseful. We hope to give audiences a new look for the cop-robber genre."
Sounds good! Sing me up.

No work at this point as to when such a film will be released... or if it will even screen for North America... but I'll be keeping my eyes open for this one for sure.

Posted by John Campea at February 21, 2006 02:09 PM


I loved the Infernal Affairs series. Each movie is different and very good in its own way. If they come up with as good of story as the on in IA then I'll be there. Of course I'll also be totally annoyed when they redo it in Hollywood as it most likely won't get a wide release here in Canada.

Posted by: John Allison at February 21, 2006 03:37 PM

Though an excellent series I did think 2 was unnecessary. 3 was more intriguing than the 2nd. The prequel for me personally was a bit of a letdown.

Posted by: _ram-jaane at February 21, 2006 04:29 PM