February 10, 2006

They Call Me Bruce - Best news I've heard all day

Bruce Campbell is getting ready to go into production on what could possibly be the single greatest motion picture in the history of mankind. Screw gay cowboys and hobbits and Shawshanks... to hell with them all. "They Call Me Bruce" is the name that will echo through history!

So what is "They Call Me Bruce" going to be all about?

B Movie Legend Bruce Campbell is mistaken for his character Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy and forced to fight real monsters in a small town in Orgeon.
Now I know what you must be saying right now: "John, this news is just too good to be true, it must just be rumour". No no no my disbelieving friends. The following is from Bruce Campbell's official site:
They Call Me Bruce is the tale of a small town set upon by demons after a group of teen-agers unwittingly unleash an ancient curse. Campbell, playing himself, is kidnapped off the set of a B horror movie and, despite his protestations that he's just an actor, is forced to play the role of his heroic movie character in order to save the town. Mark Verheiden (The Mask, TimeCop) is writing the screenplay. Production is scheduled for early 2006 in southern Oregon.
All the other studios might as well stop production on any films they have in the works right now.

Ok, but seriously folks, I'm as giddy as a school girl over this. It's got classic written all over it. Seriously... is anyone here NOT interested in seeing this? I submit there is NOT. Thanks to Miles for pointing this one out to me.

Posted by John Campea at February 10, 2006 09:38 AM


Check out Campbell's last opus, 'The Man With the Screaming Brain', and you may not be so excited for this one anymore. Although this sounds like a fanboys wet dream, it doesn't seem to have any of the key players that were involved in the Evil Dead films. (outside of campbell) Sounds a little 'fan film'-ish for me.

Posted by: Jay C. at February 10, 2006 10:08 AM

Wasn't "They Call Me Bruce" a cheesy 80's comedy about an asian guy that everyone mistakes for Bruce Lee?

Posted by: Sean at February 10, 2006 10:10 AM

Yes... with a sequel called "They STILL call me Bruce" I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers that one.

Posted by: John Campea at February 10, 2006 10:12 AM

Man, that movie was AWESOME. Just when i thought i had finally forgotten about it, you guys have to bring it back into my life.

According to imdb, Bruce Campbell is directing this, as he did The Man With The Screaming Brain. This is not good for business. John, if you ever want fuel for future arguements about actors turned directors gone bad, check out man with the screaming brain.

Posted by: Jay C. at February 10, 2006 10:16 AM

hahaha, i loved man with the screaming brain!

i went out and picked up the graphic novel the day after i saw it.

it is funny, i watched it with a friend of mine who had no idea who bruce campbell was, afterwards he just had a look of shock on his face and said "what the hell was that?"

Posted by: miles at February 10, 2006 10:32 AM

Sign me up! Sounds like gold to me. Hopefully, The Man With the Screaming Brain was just a learning experience for Mr. Campbell. I think this movie will work pretty good on premise alone..... i think Bruce Campbell is at his best when he is Bruce Campbell (or Elvis). And this really does sound like a retread of the Evil Dead movies. So it's Bruce Campbell, basically, returning to what he does best.... the reluctant hero. Works for me.

Much like The Devil's Rejects was a FAR better movie than House of 1000 corpses..... I hope this flick will show that Campbell is learning as a filmmaker.... and if not, i still get to see Bruce Campell kill monsters.

Posted by: borloff at February 10, 2006 12:00 PM

A fond memory i have of "they call me bruce" was my fifth-grade teacher covering up the boobies on the TV as we watched it for some end of the year party.

Posted by: borloff at February 10, 2006 12:02 PM

I too recall "They call me Bruce" and "They still..."

Funny movies in all, but as with everything in the early 80s comedy pile, it was super cheeze.

It wasnt that they thought he was Bruce Lee, but rather he unwittingly gets labelled a hero after thwarting a bank robery with num-chucks (while depserately trying to learn karate and failing) and gets a job as a bodyguard. His new employer presumes that all asians know karate, and chooses to call him Bruce instead of his native name, which then never manage to get out.

Posted by: Rodney at February 10, 2006 12:06 PM

This is going to be awesome.

Sure, Man With The Screaming Brain wasn't great, but it was a made for tv B-movie. He wasn't trying to do something amazing (I know, I went to a screening and he said that himself). He was just having fun. It's not like the guy is a unexperienced director. He has directed many television episodes, for example. I think it's clear he's still learning, but I also think that if he takes this project seriously (but in an unserious tone), it'll turn out great.

Posted by: arjcandyman [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 10, 2006 12:39 PM

I'm definitely looking forward to this. I only hope it is better than the last Bruce Campbell movie I saw; Man with the Screaming Brain. That movie was pretty bad.

Posted by: John Allison at February 10, 2006 02:03 PM

Sort of sounds like "Fright Night".

Posted by: Jonesy at February 10, 2006 04:41 PM

I'm a big Campbell fan and I thought "The Man With the Screaming Brain" was terrible. Win some, lose some. The comic of the same name was much better. Strange.

Pick up Bruce Campbell's books "If Chins Could Kill" and "Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way". Both were quite funny. Perhaps writing is where his skills lie, not directing.

According to his website "The Adventures of Brisco County Jr." is due to be released soon on DVD. This show really gave Bruce a chance to shine. Too bad it died too soon.

Posted by: Jerry at February 10, 2006 04:59 PM

Great news but old news. Loved the 80's They Call Me Bruce and They Still Call Me Bruce movies. Don't know if anyone in here watches Lost but Sawyer called Jin "Bruce" once and I almost shit myself.

Posted by: adam at February 10, 2006 05:00 PM

Sounds like "Galaxy Quest" (aliens mistake Star Trek-y like actors for the real deal) and dab of the recent 'Brothers Grimm'.

I don't think this will work, because :

1) How would Bruce Campbell explain his hand is no longer missing/ no chainsaw?

2) I would rather have an actual Evil Dead 4, or even Bubba Ho Tep 2.

It would make more sense to me if Bruce layed a B movie actor named Bruce, but a different character.

I know...I'm a big ol' meanie who brings the ants to the picnic... havving no fanboy glee over what to some sounds way cool.

It stinks.

Posted by: darren seeley at February 10, 2006 08:01 PM

I loved this movie the first time I saw it, when it was called "The Three Amigos". Galaxy Quest is another good example of this being done before.

Having said that, I like Bruce Campbell, loved Bubba Ho-Tep, and wouldn't mind seeing this, but don't count me in as someone who is dying and can't wait until it comes out.

Posted by: Richard (no not THAT Richard) at February 11, 2006 02:09 PM


Posted by: Kristina at February 11, 2006 03:29 PM

Jebus Christ

*whine* Its sounds like Fright Night no no it sounds like Galaxy Quest, shut your traps you babies, this premise sounds nothing short of Genius.

Fright Night...kinda....Qalaxy Quest...more so I suppose, but this movie is about Bruce Campbell, those movies compare in the plots somewhat, but this is about an Actor becoming larger than a movie, so large in fact that instead of the movie creating the actor you have the actor creating the movie, its just genius.

Its funny, awhile back I read the leaked script of what was to be Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash, and I have a funny feeling this will be very similar, with Freddy and Jason being replaced by Evil Dead Demons, because when I read the script I was so stunned it wasn't going to be made it was that good, but that script included a group of teenagers in a small town accidentally unleashing the Book of the Dead, Freddy (in Jasons head) wants the Book of the Dead to get his body back and Ash shows up to kick some ass. So it sounds like they leave out the Freddy/Jason part and replace it with Bruce Campbell the actor....




Posted by: SmotPoker at February 13, 2006 10:12 AM