February 23, 2006

The Real Dirt On Farmer John

Staying on the documentary vein, The Real Dirt On Farmer John looks just hilarious! It appears to be a documentary about this farmer whose family has been working this particular farm for generations... the thing is the guy is also wildly flamboyant, a hippie, and has all the other farmers whispering of Devil Worship and orgies on his farm.

The synopsis looks like this:

Tracks the Peterson family farm for 100 years, from the early 20th Century to today. Through John Peterson’s personal story, including touching home movies from his childhood in the 50s, we follow the adventures of this family farmer ñ who is also a gifted writer and artist ñ through the hippie-70s, the farm crisis of the 80s, and 90s.
I loved this trailer and can't wait to see the film for myself. If you'd like to see The Real Dirt On Farmer John trailer you can go here.

Posted by John Campea at February 23, 2006 12:58 PM