February 04, 2006

The Air I Breathe continues amazing casting trend

I love the movies which appear now and again with some bizarre and amazing casting in them, and The Air I Breathe is no different with a varied and extremely interesting cast covering a story based on a Chinese Proverb!

Time Out showed the unusual story blurb...

Based on a Chinese proverb that claims the whole of human existence can be broken down into four core emotional elements - happiness, love, pleasure and sorrow - the unusual flick will be directed by Korean helmer Jieho Lee.

In the film, Bacon's love will be a desperate doctor and Fraser's pleasure is a gangster who can see into the future.

Completing the elements, Sarah Michelle Gellar will play sorrow in the shape of a female pop star living on the edge, while Forest Whitaker's happiness will be a successful banker.

Filling out the cast, Andy Garcia will play a crime boss who links the four characters.

Wow! Anyone else just hit by that? I thought that the title of the story was so innocuous, and then catching all that I was really interested. Guess what else though, IMDB have another name attached...Ken Watanabe. Just pause a minute, look back over all those names and think about them together.

I think that's a superb list. Bacon, Garcia and Whitaker are huge favourites of mine, then throw in Watanabe and Gellar (after I warmed to her performance in The Grudge) and you've got a real interesting dynamic. How will the story fare though, what of the Director Lee? Can anyone shed light on his work?

Posted by at February 4, 2006 04:13 AM