February 14, 2006

Thandie Newton Not A Bond Girl

Good news (at least for me)!!! The earlier reports of Thandie Newton being the next bond girl have turned out to be totally false. Why is this good news? Because as I've said before I totally despise Thandie Newton as an actress (I'm sure she's a wonderful person).

The good folks at M&C; give us this:

She added: 'It was a big rumour I enjoyed very much because it gave me an opportunity to fantasise about something that wasn't ever going to happen.'
Yay! However, this still does mean that despite the fact that filming on the next Bond film is already well underway... there is still no leading lady. Nothing like leaving things till the last second I guess.

Posted by John Campea at February 14, 2006 10:40 AM



Posted by: miao at February 14, 2006 10:49 AM

They might as well find some unknown hottie. It's a Bond movie, so it's guaranteed a big opening weekend regardless of who is in the lead roles, even though Brosnan revived the franchise. Just go find some below the radar girl who doesn't come with baggage, a pre-conceived image, and a diva attitude. Plus, you wouldn't have to pay her as much as a Thandie Newton or a Rachel McAdams. That's more money for the budget. However, I am rooting for Monica Belluci, but no way in hell would I believe that Daniel Craig could bag her.

Posted by: Kristina at February 14, 2006 11:07 AM

This is my problem with Daniel Craig as Bond! I could see Brosnan scoring those chicks but Craig looks kinda fugly. Maybe some of the Movie Blog comments ladies would like to comment on that? Is Craig good looking or no?

Posted by: adam at February 14, 2006 05:26 PM

forgive me, but, what the hell john? why so long to verify what darren and i said weeks ago? :)

re Kristina: maybe craig couldn't, but what about bond....

Posted by: psych at February 14, 2006 06:54 PM

The hot rumor now is that the Bond girl will be played by Eva Green (Kingdom of Heaven, Dreamers). I haven't seen either of these movies but I have seen her picture and I think she has at least has the right look for the part. She's not incredibly sexy like some of the Bond girls of the past, but she's hot enough. And she's done nudity in The Dreamers so that gives her an edginess that shoould get people interested.

Posted by: Jonesy at February 14, 2006 08:51 PM

Re:Psych- Daniel Craig is playing Bond. That's the problem. All of my female friends mostly don't give a crap about Bond movies, but they all agree that they'd drop their panties for Pierce Brosnan. I don't buy short, blond, FUGLY Craig as a guy who can pull off playing a sex machine like Bond. I just don't see it. Maybe I'm wrong. MAybe when the trailer hits, I'll eat my words, but for now, I remain unconvinced.

Posted by: Kristina at February 15, 2006 12:38 PM

Hot news, this "awful" actress just picked up a Best Supporting Actress BAFTA for "Crash"!

Well done Thandie! :-)

Posted by: Morbius at February 19, 2006 06:44 PM