February 03, 2006

Superman Returns: An Interview with Stephan Bender

We are all looking forward to the new Superman Returns movie and frankly we can't get enough juice about this project. IESB has posted a new video interview with the kid who is playing a young Clark Kent during flashbacks Stephan Bender.

How cool is that to have Clark Kent as your first feature role? Pretty freakin' cool! ... Stephan tells us what it was like working on Superman Returns and how he interacted with director Bryan Singer. He says he is basically a flashback when Clark is thinking back to when he learned about his powers back in Kansas. He said he does a lot of jumping around and is just learining his powers.
Wow; what a break landing your first role as a young Superman. An acting career couldn't start off better in my opinion. Of course I'm a geek and I would eat that up.

Posted by Brad Shipston at February 3, 2006 11:25 AM


Hey Movie Blog

I don't really have a comment to make on this story, but I got stuck here because of a really annoying pop-up you have on this site. It's for WinFixer or something. It keeps telling me that I might have problems on my PC, and won't let me navigate away...

At one point it insisted that I must have problems, and actually took me AWAY from your site so that I could download its software.

Nothing against advertising, or pop-ups, but IMHO that's one you should take off Movie Blog.

Posted by: John at February 3, 2006 02:19 PM

Superman Returns will be great. And I mean really, first role as Clark Kent... amazing.

Posted by: Joey at February 3, 2006 02:36 PM

blah the movie looks lame, and the cast is just awfull. I'll wait for DVD.

Posted by: Silent_BoB_Strikes_First at February 7, 2006 01:24 AM