February 24, 2006

Spider-Man Back In Black

Spider-Man-Black outfitNo, that's not a black and white picture you're looking at. It's Spider-Man in a black costume, and man I think it looks sweet. Also, don't think that this is some fan made picture. This is right from the official Spider-Man 3 website my friends.

That Spider-Man is in a black costume is clear. What is NOT so clear is what's behind the black costume. Is it just a black version of his costume? Or is the black outfit some how related to the Venom symbiote? Your guess is as good as mine.

Either way, Sony certainly isn't wasting anytime in getting the marketing machine reved up for Spider-Man 3. I mean come one! We're still over a year away from Spider-Man 3's release date (which is May 4th by the way.

So what do you think? DO you like the outfit? Do you think it's just an outfit or do you think it has something to do with Venom? Leave your thoughts in the comments section.

Click here to see a much larger version of the picture.

Posted by John Campea at February 24, 2006 12:06 AM


In the comic book the alien (venom) is first attached to spidey thats true...but from this photo I can't tell if his spider emblem is white like in the comics.

Posted by: antonio at February 24, 2006 12:48 AM

Hmmm... Would it be possible for a Venom (or Black Spidey) take on Sandman? If that's the case, it would rock! We're just ONE YEAR away for the movie, and they are still promoting the third part. I think they want to torture us by givig out very small details.

You know, April is coming. Jackson did a joke claiming that there is two more sequels coming (I got suckered; bless the internet), but its highly unlikely. It is still February. Its just too early to do a joke or give out small details, in my view.

Here's hopeing for Raimi's Spider-Man 3 to REALLY be successful. You'd never know.

Posted by: DarKing at February 24, 2006 01:00 AM

Other than Spidey having a symbiote suit, the suit itself appears to signify the movie will be darker then the previous two, and could aslo mean Topher Grace will make an appearance as Venom!

This is looking classic Sam Raimi dark so far, I know it's like the second production photo, but you can't argue that it looks and feels darker. With all of this Gwen Stacy, Sandman and his wife, conflict with Harry, symbiote suit, and whatever else they haven't even revealed yet, this film is looking looong, like 3hrs long. Or they could be shooting 3 and 4 together like discussed a while back.

Posted by: lizardfeak12 at February 24, 2006 01:05 AM

They say it is black; but it doesn't look like the symbiont to me. I think it is simply a darker suit and nothing more.

Posted by: darren seeley at February 24, 2006 01:28 AM

It looks to me like it's his regular costume, just covered in black. The comics didn't have the webbing detail on the symbiote costume, just plain black with the white logo.

My guess.....
The symbiote just goes over his Spidey costume, giving it an all black look. Then by the end of the movie, Parker ditches the symbiote and it joins itself with Eddie Brock. Last shot of Spidey 3 will be of Venom in all his glory. Guaranteed!

Posted by: H at February 24, 2006 05:30 AM

I'm surprised that no one else has said anything about his leg. Look at it. It is clear that there is something more to the suit than some people thinking it is just a black suit.

Posted by: Aaron Myers [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 24, 2006 07:04 AM

And what is it that you have noticed about his leg?

Posted by: H at February 24, 2006 08:25 AM

It DEFINATELY has to do with Venom.

Posted by: Rufus Masters at February 24, 2006 08:32 AM

OK, come on now people. Yes this is obviously the symbiote. All because it has webbing doesn't mean a thing. It's not going to match the comic, none of the movies have yet. This will be a prelude to Venom. More than likely we will se the strain Spidy has with the suit and at the end he discards it ... bla bla bla ... and then Venom finds the suit. The main bad guy will be Sandman, with a brief intro to Venom.

That's the way I see it.

Posted by: Brad Shipston at February 24, 2006 09:23 AM

there does seem to look like there is a problem with his leg, but it's an odd shot and spidey is on some sort of "gargoyle head pedestal" on a building.

good chance venom will be in the movie, but i don't think there will be any sort of symbiote involved, and yes i know all about secret wars (or at least what i remember when i was a teenager)... but i'm not gonna speculate to much... as much fun as it is.

Posted by: YouknowhowIknowyourgay.net at February 24, 2006 09:29 AM

At first, I thought I was looking at the Underworld (extended cut) DVD cover, but looks good. Is this the Spidey formal wear?

Posted by: Terry Letourneau at February 24, 2006 09:58 AM

To sound more like a geek, I didn't believe it, as the black costume for spiderman doesn't have any web designs. It's a more plain and smooth surface. I guess they kept the original Spiderman costume, but changed the color to black? That's kinda cheezy. C'mon, I'm sure they can append the new bill for the new costume to the budget. :o)

My prediction is Venom will be introduced at the end of the film, which will make way for Spiderman 4. He will be the villian for Spiderman 4. The symbiote will be discovered by Peter Parker and he'll use it in Spiderman 3 to kick butt. Then he will discover it's evil and in the process of getting rid of it, Brock will discover the alien symbiote and *Poooooff* we have Venom.

Damn...I'm good... :o)).

Posted by: TM at February 24, 2006 10:26 AM

its not a very good photo to make any opinons on because its hard to even tell its black. they used an unnatural matching sky, the raindrops are white, the colors are all off. The eyes arent even white so it looks more like a greyscale of a regular photo than an actual black costume. I wish theyd put black spidey in a normal environment so you can tell whats going on but whatever.

Anyway, this does nothing for me to hype the movie.

Posted by: Cole at February 24, 2006 10:28 AM

I think it's just a cool looking, artsy photo. I don't think his costume is actually black.


Posted by: Drewbacca at February 24, 2006 11:57 AM

Go to the Sony Spidey site Drew - its definitely black.

I think its a clever melding of the two mediums - something Rami has been a master at from the get go - except for the Green Goblin costume!

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at February 24, 2006 12:40 PM

is sad and mourn Gwen Stacy´s death, that´s the reason of the black costume

Posted by: malbicho at February 24, 2006 12:48 PM

they say look closely... at what ?

ya they are right its not a B&W; picture


so we cant tell if its black or red or hot pink !

Posted by: Alex at February 24, 2006 03:16 PM


(Note: It was obvious, most of Spidey's posters has his villains in his eyes, ala 1&2.)

Posted by: DarKing at February 24, 2006 03:34 PM


That's my initial reaction to this epic spoiler picture which says so much, and yet, simultaneiously tells us NOTHING about the movie itself.

For a Spiderman Fan - myself being one, hence the name "SPIDEY-FAN" - this is more than what I hoped for: Gwen Stacey, Sandman, Venom, Hobgoblin.

Yes, they're all in this movie.

Yes, they're all going to make a siginificant impact on Peter Parker.

Yes, VENOM is in the movie.

IF there are any doubters out there, they're just in denial, and that's plain fact. SONY Finally chose to make it official. Not only did they release this promo pic on the web, but they sent advances to newspapers so they could print it the next day. This is publicity / hype at it's best, and marketing genius.

So - the costume is definitely going to be black - at least for a portion of the movie.

What does it mean to NON spidey fans who like art?

Black = DEATH.

Gwen Stacey? Possibly.

Aunt May? Possibly

Peter Parker - Definitely NOT.

And who do I think will die in this one?

Harry Osbourne.

Will he die because he went insane? Will he die because he tries to fight spidey and dies inadvertently like his dad? Nah, too corny.

Will he die because he ... HELPS SPIDERMAN in some way?

Most likely.

If Aunt May dies, for me it means nothing.

If Gwen dies it means nothing unless she's a clone (Which would suck).

If SANDMAN dies then he would have met the fate of everyone else in spiderman, but why would Spidey wear a black costume to signify the death of his enemies?

No, the death is much closer to home.

It's going to be two deaths, I believe: One of a friend and one of a loved one.

And by the way,





Posted by: SpideyFan at February 24, 2006 07:29 PM

There is DEFINITELY something in the reflection of his eye!!

Somebody find it out!!

Sandman...another Goblin?? WHAT?!?!

Posted by: Jason at February 24, 2006 09:44 PM

Wow, I forgot about that eye part of the poster. Now I am even more interested for part 3.

BTW, I figure that Sony MAY plan to do a Sinister Six as the last movie, cause THAT'S a good way to end in a BANG!

Oh, of course, Alfred Molina already said that Doc Ock wasn't going to be in the third (no surprise there). HOWEVER, I wan't to say somethong about the villain.
Many people, including Stan Lee (and IGN), have been saying that they wish there was a way to have kept Ock alive after Spider-Man 2. I think that he'll be back later. Sure, he may have drowned. But hasn't anyone considered that the A.I. in his mechanical arms could possibly bring him back to life? I'd perfer him in the Sinister Six than Kraven.

Posted by: The 1mperfex Collector at February 25, 2006 01:07 AM

It's official! The villain in Spider-Man's eye reflection is absolutely SANDMAN! It is him with his right fist trasformed into the "infamous" heavy brick-like hammer that he uses to smash his enemies with.

Only two questions; Will we see Venom/Sandman encounter, and will Harry become the Goblin (Note: Please change the Goblin's costume!).

Posted by: DarKing at February 25, 2006 01:22 AM

I am more intrigued by Spidey's pose. Is he hurt? Is he tired from trying to fight the suit - if it is Venom or another villian? Is the pose the result of something tragic that happened?

So many possibilities. Excellent bit of marketing!

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at February 25, 2006 08:04 AM

The reflection in Spideys eyes is the building.

Posted by: lizardfeak12 at February 25, 2006 03:23 PM

Yup, after taking a closer look, that figure in the eye is DEFINITELY Sandman. I can't WAIT to see Raimi pull the sand effects in this baby.

FYI, YOU'RE TORTURING ME, SAM RAIMI! I really want to see Spider-Man 3, now!

Posted by: The 1mperfex Collector at February 25, 2006 04:12 PM

I take back the building thing because he's on a tombstone. I thought I saw a goblin at first, but then if you really look at it, it's just the pattern of his suit.

Posted by: lizardfeak12 at February 25, 2006 04:48 PM

people have forgotten that the sandman turns good in the comic, and has been good for some time.

Posted by: mogulus at February 26, 2006 07:00 AM

Personally i see the movie going like this...

Sandman in the villain already at the start of the movie... they will show no origin for him (not in the traditional spider-man sense anyway).

While John Jameson goes up into space and brings the symbiote back... attaches to spidy and he has it for the midddle of the movie where it starts to change him and in doing so he may do something bad like accidently let aunt may/gwen/harry(as goblin) die... hence the mourning pose! At the end he will get rid of the suit and it will find brock (topher Grace) who will until then just have been an annoying rival to peter and venom will be born!

This is only my personal opinion but i think it will make sense because Raimi said he never liked venom but the studio want six movies... so Raimi completes his trilogy and will somehow close the harry situation but leaves it open for someone to follow and do a venom story!

I realise this has many details missing, its just a barebones plan for the movie.

Posted by: tombo at February 26, 2006 11:26 AM

Very similar to my "barebones" plan that i suggested back in October of '05.

Posted by: Brian at February 26, 2006 02:41 PM

I don't understand why Raimi doesn't like Venom, and even if he does you gotta put him in their, as far as I can tell 90% of spider man fans want venom in their.. But I really can't see Topher Grace bein` venom(even if he's all CGI),its just to big of a difference.. andI know the whole "talent more then look", but I would say this if it were Tom Hanks

Posted by: Ray` at February 26, 2006 04:37 PM

I see two things to do with Venom's origin;

1) Go for the Ultimate comic version and make him a mistake in his chemical structure to give it a mind of its own.


2)If they go for the moon origin, make him more of a rare living chemical instead of an "alien" kind. I don't buy the whole "E.T." thing. It should be kept within the comics area. The movies should focus more on Earth. However, it would be interesting for John Jameson to transform into the Man-Wolf from the comics. But I'd save him for a team-up in the other movies. Anything to see Raimi give a little "Evil Dead" into Spider-Man.

Posted by: DarKing at February 26, 2006 06:55 PM

Look into the eye!


This isn't photoshopped by me - zoom in yourself, I added the green. It's a freaking guy falling from the building! I can only presume that it's a criminal that spidey captured - and he's making him pay for it - Venom-style! Just my opinion, but in a year - you'll see I'm right.

Send me an Email if you think I'm right.

Posted by: Thefuckingeye! at February 26, 2006 08:41 PM

Okay, I looked closely and counted 12 faces + the arm of the Statue of Liberty, 3 were goblin looking faces, one looked like a man grinning and merged in with an HR PUFNSTUFF looking puppet, Harry is grinning in the far right corner of the eye, there is an old man standing, and in his face if you look in the square there is another face, there is a very small head at the bottom, and a little bit above that is a small monster looking head. And two other faces and glanced over.

Posted by: lizardfeak12 at February 26, 2006 11:24 PM

Lets be honest releasing this picture is a make or break marketing move by sony... so many people want venom in the movie and see it going a certain way that if it turns out different everyone is gonna be gutted. Thats why i think raimi has caved to the majority and decided to go with venom (or at least that what i hope) regardless of his personal opinion.

I don't think there is anything in the eye myself... i wish to god there was but i don't see it... i hope this is not a final version of the suit because even black spidy is supposed to look more slick than this does... lose the raised webbing dammit!!!!!

Posted by: tombo at February 27, 2006 07:06 AM

If this IS the black costume,then what a let down. The large white spider emblem was what made it so good, along with the fact that it was just smooth black-No webbing. Where are the white rectangles on the reverse side of the palms where the symbiote webbing came out of?
I pray the picture is just a stunt.

Posted by: php1al at February 27, 2006 07:14 AM

I see that IMDB posters have stolen my idea about BLACK = DEATH without giving credit at least to this great site - www.judymoodymovie.com ...

So please, IMDB stealers, if you're going to use information from here, please at least credit THIS SITE if not me!! :)


And the only thing I can make out in the eye is either a goblin mask or the reflection of his webbing. Why would raimi put such a vague image in the eye when he's been clear on the previous two movies??

It's just a teaser, that's it. Huge tease.

And you can use the giant white spider - at lesat not on the front - because you'd have to explain why and how it got there. It's easier to have the black gob take over his costume while leaving the small spider white on the front and the HUGE spider on his back (Something everyone has forgotten about, apparently) large.

Venom is going to be huge and have the spider outline on his front anyway, so who cares??

And yes, Venom is confirmed (has been, for months!) but his saga begins and ends with this movie, sorry to break it to everyone (myself included!!)

Posted by: SpideyFan at February 28, 2006 12:09 AM

Perhaps in this one his mind is corrupted by the suit, and he intentionally kills sandman. This added with a darker theme, perhaps Aunt May's death, will overwhelm Spidey. If i remember they even mentioned brock in #1 so he wouldn't just pop up as if from nowhere. One of Spiderman's greatest foes is born, and the main fight is between the two of them. Perhaps Harry also steps in to save Peter, and he might even die if Aunt May doesn't.

Posted by: Thanatos at March 1, 2006 07:04 PM

I think that Sony did just what it set out to do cause people to talk. Which worked. Its great marketing plain and simple.
The movie will rock regardless of who is in it.

And by the way as far as things in the eye? I cant make out shyt

Posted by: Loscalso at March 3, 2006 05:56 PM

Am i the only one who thinks that mary jane will die? Think about it, they have given MJ all of gwen Stacey's bits from the comics. And now Gwen stacey is introduced. Does anyone think this an indicator. i still think Harry will become a goblin at the end of this movie, or at least hint of it. I agree with SpideyFan- Venom will probably only have a brief part in this movie, similar to Scarecrow in Batman Begins. he'll be gone at the end of the movie.

Posted by: Brian at March 3, 2006 07:58 PM

people you are so fixated on it's spiderman it could be but i think it could be Topher Grace and no one realizes it but in the photo his arm is coving his mouth it could very well be Venom becuase Venom has a mouth, maybe he is thinking about this costume. and if you really look in that photo in his eye you will see 3 pictures of sandman. but if it is spiderman he very well be hurt from someones death or choosing a life of his own. if it is spiderman it's rainnig,thunderstorming and dark so of corse its going to be black. but i could be wrong.

Posted by: tomstone at March 14, 2006 05:04 PM