February 27, 2006

Sopranos' Movie

The hit TV show "The Soproans" is coming to an end... but the creator of the show isn't ruling out a big screen 1 shot movie at some point in the near future either. The good folks over at MSNBC give us this:

“It may be that in two or three or four years I could be sitting around and get an idea for a really great ’Sopranos’ movie,” David Chase told The New York Times in a joint interview with James Gandolfini, star of the HBO series. “I don’t think that will happen. But if one morning somebody woke up and said this would make a really good, concise, contained ’Sopranos’ story, I wouldn’t rule that out.”
You can also add to that list "If it'll make me money", because we all know THAT is the criteria on which a possible Sopranos movie hinges. If it'll make someone lots of money... you can bet your sweet ass that it'll get made. And honestly, a Sopranos movie that is totally free of it television shackles with bring in a TON of cash at the Box Office.

I'll go on record right now and say that by 2008 a Sopranos movie will have been announced. Mark my words... or take great glee in telling me how wrong I am... it's all good. :)

Posted by John Campea at February 27, 2006 10:11 AM


Yawn -another gangster movie. Just what the world needs.

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at February 27, 2006 10:03 PM

Hmm. Remind me again of how movie versions of hit series turn out to be damp squibs for some reasons. Unless it's a spoofish one like The Brady Bunch Movie, which can be enjoyed coz it's a different take on the original. Otherwise, like Lou above sez - Yawn..

Posted by: Indie Journo [TypeKey Profile Page] at March 13, 2006 08:52 AM