February 02, 2006

Some Movie Blog In-House Stuff

Hey there everyone, John here.

There have been a bunch of things going on around here that I thought I'd update you all on... you know... in case 3 of you may possibly find this interesting.

- The 3 Minute Video Reviews will be starting back up again. As some of you may remember, last year I tried doing some video reviews of films. It was just a test, but the feedback was really positive... sadly it took me too long to produce them. Now with the acquisition of some new equipment and upgrades to the old PC, I'm ready to make them a regular feature here on The Movie Blog. Look for the first couple to appear on the site this weekend.

- Richard, Doug and I finally all got together last week in Toronto as Rich and his lovely girlfriend Zoe visited from Scotland. Many laughs, some spilt beer and a book on Scotish slang. Good times.

- Richard and his European lackys (I wish I had lackys) have recorded another installment of "The Scotish Audio Edition" in which they will announce the results of the 2005 Movie Blog Awards. Apparently it's quite long and with be presented in 2 parts.

- Sorry for no Audio Edition yesterday, but the computer was in getting a much needed tune up and upgrade. There will be an Audio Edition tonight and the regular Friday installment tomorrow.

- The voting for the 2006 Bloggies has now closed. Many many many heart felt thanks to those of you who voted for us... and to those of you who didn't... burn in hell. :) The winners are announced on March 13th. Stay tuned.

- I've been given a regular weekly radio spot talking about movies at CHML. The show is called "Pop Culture Connection" and will air on Saturdays. For those of you interested and not living in Southern Ontario, you can hear it online at the stations website. The funny thing is that The Audio Edition gets far more listeners... but I'm excited about it because I know my parents and grandparents can hear it.

So there you have it. Feel free to send me any questions or comments you may have about The Movie Blog. Later.

Posted by John Campea at February 2, 2006 09:53 AM


Excellent news all round. :)

Posted by: Sam at February 2, 2006 11:06 AM

Ehr, no photos of the "reunion" John? ;-)

Looking forward to the Reader's Awards via The Scottish Audio Edition.

Posted by: Simone at February 2, 2006 11:13 AM

John, that is great news. I am glad that good things are happening for you and for the site. The level of professionalism, while still being approachable is far beyond any other sites I read, or podcasts I listen to. You are doing a fantastic job, and I hope that things just keep getting better.

Posted by: Aaron Myers [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 2, 2006 11:29 AM

Congrats on the radio gig. Look forward to hearing your installments.

See if you can get Doug on there with you.

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at February 2, 2006 11:57 AM

Crap!! Are they only going to put the movieblog awards on the audio edition? My computer is a peice of crap and I'm never able to download them. Now I shall never hear the results...

Posted by: Brian at February 2, 2006 06:59 PM

Congratulations to you for getting on Radio!!!! And i look forward, now that i'm finally on DSL, to enjoying the 3 minute videos. i've still never seen one.

my only concern with you doing a radio show would be if you start getting famous on the airwaves you may quit doing an audio edition.

if you do such an evil thing, please at least streamlink both the radio show AND some random insults from Doug so i can get my fix of you guys. You're too good a team to quit though, and i hope you dont.

Posted by: mogulus at February 2, 2006 09:19 PM

Curiosity compells me........... how many listeners does the Audio Edition have.... roundabout?

Posted by: borloff at February 3, 2006 03:53 AM

Brian, I am sure they will also give the full list on text.

Posted by: Simone at February 3, 2006 05:44 AM