February 10, 2006

Snow Cake

Snow Cake is a movie that I'm just dying to see for 4 very important reasons. First of all it all takes place in Canada (yeah I'm a homer). Secondly it stars Sigourney Weaver who in my opinion is an over looked gem of an actress. Thirdly is also stars Alan Rickman who is in my personal "top 10 favorite actors" list... this guy is un-frigging-believable. And lastly because the story just sounds really rich.

What is Snow Cake about? Here's a quick synopsis provided by the good folks over at Bloomberg:

Englishman Alex Hughes, played with sad, still reserve by Rickman, reluctantly agrees to take an insistent young woman to Winnipeg after she accosts him at a roadside cafe. A truck crashes into the car, killing her. Alex escapes almost without a mark. Overwhelmed by guilt, he goes to find her mother, the autistic Linda (Weaver).

The drama unfolds in the snowy, Northern Ontario backwater of Wawa, through the bond that develops between Alex and Linda. We gradually learn about the crucial role her daughter played in Linda's life. Alex starts a love affair with Maggie (Carrie-Anne Moss), a neighbor, and the ice inside him begins to thaw.

Snow Cake is now playing at the Berlin Film Festival. At this moment I don't know if it's getting wide release or not. To the best of my knowledge it doesn't have a distribution deal yet.

Posted by John Campea at February 10, 2006 08:32 AM


Sounds like it will make me cry.

Posted by: borloff at February 10, 2006 12:11 PM