February 03, 2006

Scary Movie 4 Trailer

The Scary Movie 4 trailer has hit the web... and true to it's name... it's scary. I haven't liked a single Scary Movie film yet. To me they've all been filled with desperation attempts at laughs with almost zero results. Just about every time I've seen one the theater has been populated with 15 year olds who still think "Oh look she farted" is still the most hilarious thing in the world. And that's exactly who these films try to appeal to.

Now, to be fair, I'll admit right up front that there are a couple of shots in the Scary Movie 4 trailer that actually made me giggle a few times (which is more than I can say for any of it's predecessors). The president sitting in a classroom as the world is being attacked by aliens and the one liner about taking balls to the face (you'll understand when you see the trailer) were pretty sharp.

However, the track record is just too awful for me to have any enthusiasm for this flick. I'll see it... I just have very low expectations

You can see the Scary Movie 4 trailer here.

Posted by John Campea at February 3, 2006 09:08 AM


I myself liked the first one. The second one was ok, not as good as the first. The third one was a bit better than the second, but still not great, lol. Well the first wasnt great either, but you get what I'm saying. This one looks quite funny. The Tom Cruise Oprah thing... niiiiiice. I'm a fan of Tom Cruise but I do think that looks funny. But that is just me.

Posted by: Joey at February 3, 2006 10:05 AM

You know, I think there is a slight chance that i love terrible movies.

I am so much more excited for this then say, brokeback mountain or cinderella man, it is ridiculous.

i have laughed my ass off at every scary movie movie ever made, and i am sure this one won;t bebe any different.

and I love the girl in it, cindy, she is has the hot hilariousness down to a science.

Posted by: miles at February 3, 2006 12:05 PM

I hope this installment is not cliche and is more in tradtion of Airplane! and Hot Shots! Like the Third film was. Mafia and Date Movie and Top Secret! sucked.

Posted by: mikelboy at February 3, 2006 01:27 PM

The first one had the most cohesion and story to it, but they all had laughs. Were any of them "great" movies? In my opinion, no. (Like 40 y/o virgin, wedding crashers, etc.) But in each one of them you laughed out loud in a theater easily 10 times. Did every joke or gag make everyone laugh? Once again, no. But you had so many gags thrown in there that some were bound to make you laugh. So i think this movie will be the same. Funny yet not ground breaking. I will probably indeed see it, and plus it has Leslie Nielson! Nuff said!

Posted by: Jim at February 4, 2006 09:31 AM

I may be the only one here, but I have only seen one Scary Movie installment, which was the 3rd, and I didnt really enjoy it the way my friends did. But looking at this trailer, I am actually excited to watch it in the cinema, might just change my mind about the whole franchise.

Posted by: Simone at February 4, 2006 09:58 AM

Scary Movie One was the best of them all
due to the fact of Special Officer Doofy.

I wonder why that actor has not returned to portray
doofy again in any of the other sequels?

He was the funniest thing about scary movie!

As many scream movies as they made (the real scream movies that is)

ya think scary movie would do another scream like version
bringing back doofy again. maybe mix it in with
freddy kruger. michael myers and jason all in one.

Or they simply could of added doofy back in again
in one of the sequels,somehow.

I saw a future in doofy's character,always thought we would
see his return in one of the sequels.

he did get away at the end
and could be used again

I never see that actor in any other films or tv
it's like he did doofy and that's all she wrote.

odd,for he was the main funny guy in scary movie.

his retard antics were too good.
maybe they offered him squak for a paycheck
and he turned it down. or maybe they were
too jealous of the fact that doofy was the funniest part
of that movie.

makes no sence to me.


"Special officer today cin."

A killer is on the loose
and only one man can bring him in to justice.



Posted by: STARMAN at February 24, 2006 12:50 AM

PS: SCARY MOVIE Part 1 was the best and funniest!
The theater i saw it in had everyone drop dead bustin up!
Two best things about scary movie was doofy and cindy cambell
she is always funny and yes sexy! But doofy carried the show!

SCARY MOVIE 2? That just plainly Sucked the Whazoo!

SCARY MOVIE 3? Was a BIG Improvement over scary movie 2
but was not better then scary movie 1!!!!!
by far!

Favorite part in scary movie 3 was near the end with leslie N.
thinking he had aliens in the white house and the guy with the voice
box came up to greet him,made me bust up and still does!

that was funny stuff. " I wonder what president Ford would of done"

was also a funny throw in.

I love the fact cindy cambell character has lived on
she is great at this type of stuff,she was born for it
as leslie N. was for airplane movies and naked guns movies.

shes also way sexy.

but in the end i look back to scary movie one
and think that special officer doofy always stole the show!

his character was funny as hell!!!!!!!!!!!

writing was better.
I never watch scary movie 2
i know how bad it is.
but scary movie 1-3 are worth watching again.
good replay value.

not oscar worthy of course and they know this.
it's a spoof type of thing.

but bring back DOOFY!!!!!!

Posted by: STARMAN at February 24, 2006 01:01 AM