February 09, 2006

RV Trailer

I've always loved Jeff Daniels. The guy is one of the most underrated talents in the movies today. He's one of those rare guys that can do comedy and drama in the same breath with equal ease. 'I'm also a HUGE Robin WIlliams fan (although the man can be horrible at picking the right movies to get involved in sometimes). So imagine my glee when I came across the new RV trailer.

Now I'll tell you all right up front that the RV trailer doesn't look all that good (but not horrible either). But it has potential. Here's the synopsis:

Bob McNeive (Williams) and his dysfunctional family rent an RV for a roadtrip to the Colorado Rockies, where they ultimately have to contend with a bizarre community of campers.
Simple enough premise right?

Anyway, the fact that Daniels and WIllaims are working together is enough to get me pumped about seeing it. To see the RV trailer you can go here.

Posted by John Campea at February 9, 2006 10:44 AM