February 04, 2006

Rock's now after Eastwood

TheRock.jpgAfter knocking Arnie off his perch it looks like Rock is now after the Clint Eastwood throne by remaking one of his classic movies, Every Which Way But Loose according to Cinematical.

Before I saw Walking Tall I thought Rock was just a steroid enhanced guy. With that movie my opinion changed in a massive way, he could act, and act pretty well too, plus he was a funny guy. Yet even so, I just can't allow them to remake this movie, and I can't accept anyone in that role, never mind Rock.

Actually, to be serious for a moment, would a movie work nowadays about a guy and his heavyweight Orangutang beating people up and chasing ladies? I think perhaps it might just fall under the realms of slightly uncomfortable and perhaps bring the weight of the real WWF down on the movie!

Rock and an orange ape?...What do you think? Could they really remake this?

Posted by at February 4, 2006 04:09 AM


Anyone who knows me knows that I have a MASSIVE crush on this guy. He's hot, he's funny, and he's self-deprecating, but this movie should never be made. Why is it that he insists on doing movies that are remakes, sequels, spin-offs, or based from videogames. Why can't he do something original?

Posted by: Kristina at February 4, 2006 07:24 PM

if it's going to be remade/reworked, they should use a gorilla... king kong's cousin perhaps?

Posted by: Psych at February 4, 2006 07:27 PM