February 21, 2006

Possible Silver Surfer Casting for Fantastic Four 2

keanu_reeves.jpgIf what we have read about the follow up Fantastic Four movie is true, then we will be seeing the shredder of the cosmos Silver Surfer. This would be great on many levels. For one this character is great and would allow for some "fantastic" effects and of course set the primer for the Silver Surfer feature film.

Yesterday Freeze Dried Movies posted a quickie with a few movie news tid bits. Among these items of interest was the possible casting of Keanu Reeves as the Silver Surfer.

Keanu Reeves is being mentioned as a possible candidate to play the Silver Surfer. He would most likely play the role in the second Fantastic Four film. Considering we have all seen Reeves in Point Break its not a stretch to see him doing the Silver Surfer.
I failed to validate this else where on the net, but of course I only made it to page four on Google.

I don't mind Reeves, Point Break is a cool flick -Lori Petty was super hot in it-, I enjoyed Constantine and the Matrix trilogy -most of it any way-. So if the prophet who foresaw this casting is correct, I'm on bored. What do you think?

Posted by Brad Shipston at February 21, 2006 07:44 PM


I can't discredit the idea of Reeves being in consideration for a Silver Surfer full length, but I would bet my life and everything worth it that Keanu Reeves will not play Silver Surfer in Fantastic Four 2.

He'd automatically be the biggest name in the film, with a significantlly smaller role than anyone else. And let's face it, FF2 will probably make some money, but it's a shit franchise from the word go because of the first one and I don't think anyone already firmly established is going to jump at a chance to be in the sequel. I just really really doubt that Reeves would attach himself to this.

And everything aside, a studio can consider whoever they want but that doesn't mean a star is going to jump aboard.

Posted by: Jeff at February 21, 2006 10:08 PM

I disagree Jeff.... while i'm not in the "he's gonna do it/ should do it" category, i'll say this:

the first FF film wasnt a bad film. not a great one, but it DID do well at the box office, did it not? i'm sure it made money. and the second will most likely succeed as well.

And dont forget, Reeves made more money than he'll ever need off of the matrix. hes' also never going to be one of the "tom hanks" greats... so why wouldnt he just have some fun and be surfer boy?

he might even get to go "woah" on film again. you know how he loves working that in.

Rick Moranis as GALACTUS!!!

Posted by: mogulus at February 21, 2006 11:06 PM

I know a lot of peeps hate Keanu Reeves and his acting, but I don’t mind him he chooses roles that are not too challenging, it’s not as though he’s trying to take on De Niro type roles. I actually think he would be good as the Surfer, although I would rather see a movie with the Surfer rather than him being a character in Fantastic Four.

Posted by: Bullet in the head at February 22, 2006 09:25 AM

I'd rather see ...well...anyone other than Keanu Reeves as Silver Surfer. Vin Diesel--this is one f his 'dream' parts, is it not? (*but, I think if he were Galactus...) Wait a damn minute.
Wasn't it confirmed by the studio that FF2 and Silver Surfer are TWO seperate movies?

By the way, I loved Point Break. Speed, great film, Loved Walk In The Clouds. Loved the first two Matrixes...soft spot for Johnny Moronic..er..Mneonic...but I'm not seeing Keanu as the Silver Surfer.

Posted by: darren seeley at February 22, 2006 01:01 PM

Reeves automatically gets this movie made. I hope they get a top notch director first.

Posted by: Bruce [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 22, 2006 02:54 PM

i am a big keanu reeves fan, i wouldn't mind seeing him in FF2, not that i wouldn't see the film anyways. i think if he really digs the character of the surfer he will do the film. he has done a film (can't recall the name of the movie, where he played a man-dog) where he didn't even take any credit, not even in the credits. My point being is that i don't think he will think he's to big for the movie, again, as long as he digs the character.

Posted by: YouknowhowIknowyourgay.net at February 22, 2006 04:22 PM

I recently saw Rick Moranis on Conan O' Brian. At least I think it was him, he hasn't aged very gracefully.

It just blows my mind that Galactus is going to be in this. His costume is so ornate, I hope they can convey that Jack Kirby look but I just don't see how they can.

Posted by: Frank at February 22, 2006 08:46 PM

Keanu Reeves may suck in some films, but he is the PERFECT CAST for the Silver Surfer. I think they would even make more money if they just focused on him and turn the Fantastic Four into a tv-show or something.

Posted by: Darko at February 23, 2006 06:04 AM

The only interesting point in having the Silver Surfer story added
to the movie is that it comes along with the Galactus character.
So cast whoever you want as the surfing one but bring Galactus along
to movie viewers.

Posted by: Paul at February 24, 2006 08:05 AM