February 17, 2006

Paul Rudd Joins Reno 911: Miami

I've said for a long time now that I think Paul Rudd is one of the most gifted comedic actors working today. He was one of the huge reasons 40 Year Old Virgin did so well, and was just hilarious in Anchorman to boot. I seriously believe that within the next 3 years he'll be one of the major A-List comedy actors working.

For now, he's just signed up for the comedy Reno 911: Miami. The following is given to us through our good friends at Dark Horizons:

He'll apparently play a big-time coke dealer. Currently shooting in the Los Angeles area, the film focuses on the not-so-brave men and women of the Washoe County Sheriff's Department as they attend a law-enforcement convention in Miami and end up becoming unlikely defenders against a bioterrorist attack.
I love this guy. Can't wait to see what he does with it.

Posted by John Campea at February 17, 2006 12:31 PM


Not to be a drag or anything, but....


ps... go easy on us in the hockey... Beating USA was a fluke, I don't see us having a shot in hell against you guys. The men's hockey is another story, though. With Forsberg returning we're going to dominate like nothing before. The gold is ours!

Posted by: AAAAH at February 18, 2006 07:10 AM

Man I'm a huge Paul Rudd fan. Loved 40 year old Virgin. It's one of my favorite movies of 2005. I never watch Friends but when I saw him in a few episodes I had to watch it just to see him.

Posted by: Wolf at February 18, 2006 11:25 AM

Definitely agree with this. He was brilliant in both 40 year old virgin and Anchorman. I wonder if hollywood will give him a chance to be a main character?

Posted by: Chris at February 18, 2006 02:28 PM

Yeah he was great in 40 year old virgin. I am also a fan of reno-911.

Posted by: steve carell at March 8, 2006 10:39 PM