February 16, 2006

Paris Hilton As Mother Teresa?

Paris Hilton As Mother Teresa?This isn't even funny. Apparently one of the front runners to snag the leading role in a movie about Mother Teresa is... are you ready for this? Paris Hilton! Paris Hilton!?!?!? Little miss "One Night In Paris" internet porno queen, I'm only famous because my family is rich, no talent poster child as one of the most beloved and revered human beings of all time? The very idea pisses me off to no end.

The good folks over at M&C; give us the vomitous news:

The hotel heiress is wanted to portray the saintly charity worker by award-wining Indian director T Rajeevnath in a biopic on the nun's life. Rajeevnath got the idea to cast Paris in the unlikely role after being impressed by her when she refused to strip off for Playboy magazine.
So she might be a good choice for an actress because she didn't strip for playboy!?!?! Hell... then why not give me the role. Paris Hilton as Mother Teresa. It sounds more like a failed Saturday Night live skit.

Ok, let's just forget about the irony of a perceived little talentless slut playing a great woman like Mother Teresa... hey it's just acting right? Well at LEAST give us a REAL ACTRESS to play the role! Good grief. If this actual happens I'm giving up on movies... and the human fricking race.

Posted by John Campea at February 16, 2006 12:24 PM


*grabs a screwdriver and begins rant*

This has to be the dumbest rumor ever and if it's true I am either going to drink my self to death slowly, or stab my eyes out if this happens; Paris Hilton will have fucked us all over. I, like everyone else, would ultimatley be screwed.

Posted by: lizardfreak12 at February 16, 2006 01:03 PM

"Ok, let's just forget about the irony of a perceived little talentless slut..."

That's quite a mouthful! LOL I dont blame ya.

Posted by: Simone at February 16, 2006 02:30 PM

Ha! I finally beat you to the punch on a story. ;-)

AND, for once we're in agreement!

I'd better go buy a lottery ticket...


Posted by: Screen Rant at February 16, 2006 02:50 PM

Anyone remember that Mad TV bit with Demi Moore as the good Mother? It was one of those perfect Mad moments where you laugh but deep down you sob a little, knowing that there is probably some movie executive going, "Now THERE'S an idea..."

And now we know that there was...

Posted by: mrjuju at February 16, 2006 05:19 PM

It has to be someone's idea of a sick joke.

Posted by: Meli at February 16, 2006 05:35 PM

**grabs the screwdriver, the pickaxe, the chainsaw and whatever steak knives are available**

Paris Hilton is not an actress. She also need not pose for Hef because, let's face it, she shakes her a$$ everywhere else. Now get this---

why isn't this director "impressed" by Rachael McAdams for backing out of a semi-nude Vanity Fair cover with a topless Keira Knightley and another young actress whose name escapes me at the moment? No, I'm not saying McAdams would make a good Mother Teresa, but she has class and she, unlike Paris Hilton, is an actress.

In fact, let's put our cards on the table right now: there are a LOT of good (and great) actresses who have never posed for Playboy let alone look like trailer trash from Stuff/Gear magazines. Heck, like her or hate her as much as Jhn Campea does, Thandie freakin' fig Newton is an actress. Paris Hilton is not.

Who the hell is Paris Hilton? For starters, she's less attractive than her sister Nikki. Next, she's a spoiled, overexposed party going silver spooned ditz whose only real accomplishments in life is her sex tape with Fred Durst, and joyriding in a police car.
She does look like a young Morgan Fairchild: but Morgan had the bod in the cult classic The Seduction, Paris does not have a hot body. But Paris does shake her a$$. Oh, and while Ms. Fairchild might do a TV movie The Return To Falcon Crest one of these days...
Morgan Fairchild is an actress. Paris Hilton is not.

TARA REID is an actress; Paris Hilton is not.
JENNIFER LOPEZ is an actress, Paris Hilton is not.
JESSICA ALBA (a better choice) is an actress, Paris Hilton is not.


Posted by: darren seeley at February 16, 2006 09:14 PM

Honestly, if she gets this role, I think we should blow up earth. I think this is the lowest we can go as human race, in casting paris hilton to play mother teresa. (God will be so fcking angry)

Posted by: _paolo008_ at February 17, 2006 12:13 AM

Darren, Scarlett was the other one in the VF cover.

Posted by: Simone at February 17, 2006 06:14 AM

Thanks, Simone.
Scarlett Johanssen is an actress.
Paris Hilton is not. Paris Hilton is one year older today.

I'm not a member of PETA, but I want to get my hands on some flour to throw!

Posted by: darren seeley at February 17, 2006 01:34 PM