February 04, 2006

Omen 666 teaser online

Omen666-Still.jpgSay goodbye to subtlety and psychological horror with the teaser for Omen 666.

Instead of some nice creepy images and tension building scenes, let's look full face on at the gormless "I haven't had any sleep for weeks" kid as he swings on an unimaginably loud squeeking swing and then stares right at you to the sudden crash of the biggest base you can find...the whack on all the 6's with more big base and there's your movie.

Lord help us. Mind you, the doggie looks cute. Trailer at Apple with the three standard options and some High Def...perhaps on there you can see the curve of those eye bags.

Posted by at February 4, 2006 03:57 AM


I think the trailer does a very good job at teasing. And I'm hoping this will be a very good movie. I can only hope.

Posted by: Joey at February 4, 2006 10:14 AM