February 06, 2006

Nacho Libre Trailer

Nacho LibreOh my sweet goodness. The new Nacho Libre trailer is here... and man it's brilliant. When I first heard that Jack Black was going to be doing a comedy about a Mexican priest who takes up professional wrestling to fight for a good cause, I instantly knew we were in for comedic gold... even though I'm not the biggest Jack Black fan in the world.

Here's the synopsis for Nacho Libre:

Nacho (Jack Black) is a young man who was raised in a Mexican monastery in Oaxaca and now works there as the cook, and takes it upon himself to rescue the holy place from financial ruin by joining a local Lucha Libre tournament and becoming one of the 'Luchadores'. Naturally, Nacho isn't acting out of purely altruistic measures, as he wishes to help Sister Encarnacion (Ana de la Reguera), a beautiful Mexican nun who has recently arrived at the monastery, as well as the gaggle of young orphans who live there.
You can check out the Nacho Libre Trailer by going here. Enjoy!

Posted by John Campea at February 6, 2006 09:29 AM


I hope the www.homestarrunner.com creators are getting paid for this.

Posted by: thesecretsafe at February 6, 2006 10:34 AM

Well... to be fair, the Luchadores have been around a long long long time before Strong Bad.

Posted by: John Campea at February 6, 2006 10:43 AM

I can fall for Jack Black, I just love him!

Posted by: Simone at February 6, 2006 04:03 PM

Jack Black is funny...but the plot looks like a hit or miss scenario. Either crazy funny or a dud...

Posted by: Daniel Q Blog at February 6, 2006 05:59 PM

my mind says "Que?!" but my heart says "woo hoo"

Posted by: mogulus at February 6, 2006 11:52 PM

I realize that the Luchodores have been around a long time.And its not as though Strong Bad holds the exclusive rights to do anything with Luchodores and comedy.It does however seem like a kind of rip off.
It doesnt help that his costume is similar to Strong Bad his accent is exaggerated and that his personality is one of absurd hubris.

Does anyone else think the filmakers may have gotten any ideas from Strong Bad the only popular comedic Luchodores entity out there?

Posted by: thesecretsafe at February 7, 2006 09:53 AM

Thats one hot nun lemme tell you. I'd eat toast with her anytime.

Posted by: Frank at February 7, 2006 05:40 PM

To thesecretsafe: You are loco, gringo. And it really seems that all your knowledge of Lucha Libre is from the StrongBad(emphasizing 'seems'). I just checked it and got nothing to do with Nacho. By the way, the Luchadores Mejicanos have, all of them, similar outfits. The main difference is in the mask.

Seriously speaking, I would not go so far as to say that "Nacho Libre" is not 'homaging' anything (after all, it is a hollywood movie), but from the trailer it seems quite original.

Posted by: Paulo at February 8, 2006 12:41 PM

the strong bad comparison is ridiculous. the only thing the two have in common is they are luchadores. the character nacho is loosely based on a real person. not only that but the writers are the ones the brought us one of the most original comedies of all time. i doubt that they would be stealing ideas from something as lame as homestarrunner.com

Posted by: btrayn at February 8, 2006 09:06 PM

Jarred Hess is my brother, and I can promise all of you that he is one crazy man, with one of the most original minds out there. So please trust me that he dose not need to copy a cartoon to come up with a great movie such as the current Nacho Libre.

Posted by: Paul m Adams at February 9, 2006 01:40 PM