February 14, 2006

MySpace Film Launched: Indi Filmmakers have another Outlet

Do you use MySpace? A few years back MySpace was created and it is now the largest online social mess found on the InterWeb. It was originally created for music. Bands that normally could not get large exposure would set up pages to build positive fan bases, and others would use it to support their already existing fan fairs.

A bit of primer on my interest. I received a Masters Degree in Multimedia and I wrote my thesis on social computing, so MySpace was interesting to me as a social computing enterprise (which it had grown into). Currently MySpace has become bombarded with underage girls publishing pics of themselves in scandalous outfits and declaring their interest in underage drinking and sexual activity. Following this evolution, the creeps who are into this sort of thing have followed, seriously affecting the positive aspects of this service.

But there may be light at the end of the tunnel though for MySpace. Recently MySpace has launched their compliment to MySpace Music with MySpace Film. MySpace Film is a portal for film makers to publish their work for all to see, and assist in gaining exposure to their projects. If you are a film maker, there is also a Classifieds section which lists jobs, auditions, people looking for jobs and a ton of other goodies.

MySpace Film also has a number of interesting services for the Indi Film fan.

  • Filmmaker Search :: Search for particular filmmaker by name, location or film.

  • Top Film Makers :: A list of the most popular filmmakers on the service -with comments-.

  • Screenings :: Search for screenings in your area.

  • Filmmakers Forum -I think we all know what that is-.

If you are MySpace user, check out MySpace Film, I've already found a number of great film, DVD and movie resources. And if you're a filmmaker, get your work seen and set up your own filmmaker account.

Posted by Brad Shipston at February 14, 2006 11:30 AM