February 04, 2006

More Rocky Balboa Stills

Rocky6-Still.jpgYet another photo has turned up on the Rocky Balboa Blog. That's four now and one short video, yet we've had nothing telling us about what's actually going on, isn't that just a photo gallery?

I really don't like this practice of setting up a Marketing Website and calling it a Blog, it's not. Behind the scenes there are marketing people throwing up content that other sites will link to, and look, I've done just that. Yes, it does work, but it's not a Blog.

If you are going to start a Blog of a movie then at least get someone, or a group of people, from the crew on the site to make posts. Sure, censor them and ensure they don't give away everything, and yes, give them marketing material, but also let them talk about what they are doing - that's a Blog. Otherwise you're just a Marketing tool with a gallery.

Posted by at February 4, 2006 04:01 AM