February 05, 2006

Mission Impossible 3 teasers

M-I-III.jpgI've just received my first M:I:III email from the The Ultimate Mission: M:i:III Scavenger Hunt. My first clue is coming...

Your first clue will be released at 5PM PST on Monday February 6, 2005. In the coming days you will be able to conspire with agent cooperatives using the "CHAT" function in your agent dashboard. You will also gain access to the detailed logistics and point structure of the hunt. Below is your agent login and password

Obviously for reasons of security I can't give you my details, but you can sign up and check it out for yourselves on the official site. They've also released a short but nicely teasing clip of some of the stunts with a very convincing piece to camera from two big names. Worth a look, the large version Quicktime is over at Mission Impossible in downloadable Quicktime at about 38.1Mb. You can also grab it in medium and small should you desire.

Posted by at February 5, 2006 06:35 AM


Fun fun.I just joined up too.Should be fun even if I suck at it.

Posted by: Harryhausen [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 6, 2006 06:11 PM