February 21, 2006

Jurassic Park 4 Release Date: 2008

Producer Frank Marshal has already said that Jurassic Park 4 is not high on the Steven Spielberg priority list right now... which had me slightly wondering if the big Dino movie would ever really get made at all (Heaven's knows we don't really need it). But Marshal has put those doubts to rest.

The good folks over at CinemaBlend give us the following:

Marshall spoke to the London Free Press and assures that they have "a good script now." Hopefully this version is free of the commando dinos rumored to be hanging around in some earlier versions. Whatever is in this one, they're in no rush to producer it. He says, "we should have that one up and running next year for release in 2008."
This timelime seems to fit in with Spielberg's announcment that he's ready to go into production on Indiana Jone 4 THIS YEAR! (See above story)

Posted by John Campea at February 21, 2006 02:15 PM


I would pay to see Jurassic Park 4 under one or more of the following conditions:

1) That if Spielberg does not helm, then it should go to Joe Johnston, who I thought did alright on the previous film, or the film's producer, Frank Marshall- who is on a high summit this week: "Eight Below" opened at number #1. He does well with spiders (Arachnophobia) and now dogs.

2) That the story involve a few (at least) answers raised in the first movie (such as what was the Tricaratops dying of? It wasn't Lysine defincincy) and the science (the DNA cloning would still have needed an original host) Will IGN's rivals catch up on the technology- and create dinosaurs that won't eat people but still create property damage? :)

3) That they have a character (who does not get eaten) who, beliving in a creationist theory, will debate Alan Grant and/or Ian Malcom on the flaws Darwinian evolution and/or carbon dating. That's right- you heard me right. Before you scoff; consider: a contrast between both possibilities would create just that- a contrast between views and thus characters. And CHARACTER CONFLICT is NEEDED.

4) A return of either Pete Posteltwate or Vince Vaughn. Or a one armed Sam Jackson, who, along with other employees accidently stranded, plays an impromptu version of 'Survivor: Isla Sona'

5) A plesiosaur/other aquatic dinos.

But again, I want to stress on character and overall storytelling: sure, we all want the rollercoaster, the thrills and the spills. But it can't be like the previous film, where you had characters who you knew the second they were onscreen that they were a lizard's lunch. It can't be like the two before, which wowed us with effects and dinos but left actors as screaming and running start to finish.

It also has to raise a bar a tad, due to Jackson's King Kong.

-D sealer out.

Posted by: darren seeley at February 21, 2006 07:35 PM

Damnit! I liked the commando-dinos idea! What ground breaking plot will it have then. Let me guess, a handful of scientists/researchers/relatives of the old rich guy get stuck on the island full of dinos? Just like all the other ones?

Posted by: adam at February 21, 2006 08:17 PM

i know i already said this on an earlier post, but i can't resist repeating it...


Posted by: nick botulism at February 23, 2006 01:54 AM

I can't wait til this smashing film Jurassic Park 4 Comes out. But jurassic park 1 the graphics of that T REX Was Amazing Juts think of the Graphics on this ONE GUYS ITS GOING TO BE AWESOME.!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Carl Paciy at March 15, 2006 03:56 PM


Posted by: Carl Paciy at March 15, 2006 04:01 PM