February 04, 2006

Iron Man back with Cassavettes?

IronMan.jpgThere were rumours that Alex Proyas was set to film Iron Man, but now the rumour is that Nick Cassavetes (still showing on IMDB) is back on the lineup.

Comments through Comic Book Movie suggest otherwise:

Cassavettes told MTV he's in pre-production on the film and that he plans to keep the character's costume classic rather than go state-of-the-art. "[It will be] more mechanical than high-tech that's the way to go on that."

Referring to his vision of Tony Stark's costume as a "flying tin can," Cassavetes said, "Marvel [Comics] is working things out right now," according to Moviehole.

Mmm...I had an email from Vic over at Screen Rant who said that these comments made him shirk away from the whole idea, and he's a big Iron Man fan.

I'm totally with him, and I've not followed the comics, it's just that the comments show some serious disrespect for the character. What do you think? Are you a fan? Cassavettes or Proyas?

Posted by at February 4, 2006 04:19 AM


I do like the comics, but I'm not bellyaching over an interpetation of a filmmaker's vision until I see the result. Proyas was mentioned as beeing in the running a few days ago; that director, given 'I' Robot' "Dark City' and 'Crow' could pull it off. Not who I'd have, but a nice choice regardless.

Cassavettes sounds like one of those "to be or not to be" directors,who can't make up thier mind if they want to do something or not, and therefore stall the project. Prep? I think not, especially if he just came back onboard. This is most likely a rumor.

If you get the idea of my post here, you'll notice that I favor neither director. I don't favor Cassavettes because he's there, he's here, he's back, he's gone, back again, where is he now...blah blah blah... and as much as I like Proyas, his last big pic was 'I, Robot'....which didn't do much for me. But I'd lean towards Proyas.

So who would I like to see behind the camera?
David Twohy. Or Vincent Natali.

Posted by: darren seeley at February 4, 2006 02:40 PM

Every Iron Man fan has their own opinion of which version of his armor is the "true" version. No matter what Cassavettes or Proyas choose, it's guaranteed to upset a hefty number of fan boys.

To be perfectly frank, what the armor looks like really isn't all that important. Iron Man has gone through more costume changes in his run than any other superhero I've ever heard of. In my opinion it's an integral part of his character to have the armor change frequently since Tony Stark is constantly upgrading it.

Here's a link to illustrate my point:

Posted by: Jax at February 4, 2006 05:08 PM

Sure, the armor has been through many changes, but the comments by Cassavettes make it sound like the armor will be more like the original from the 1960's than anything since.

Of course, it's early but if they're going in a wired direction with the armor I say the fans need to make themselves heard.

Nothing wrong with that.

Of course fans aren't always right... look at the "organic webshooter" outcry or the animosity towards Michael Keaton cast as Batman, and those both worked. As a matter of fact they've even adapted the comic book version of spidey to be even more spider-like than he was before the film.

I still don't like the vision of a "flying tin can", however.


Posted by: Screen Rant at February 4, 2006 07:13 PM

Yeah I agree that the "flying tin can" armor is a bit dated. It'd be nice to see them use something a little more current. However if they decide to set the story in the 60's instead of a modern era origin, the tin can could work quite well.

Posted by: Jax at February 4, 2006 09:01 PM