February 23, 2006

Howard Stern Film Festival

Howard Stern Film FestivalI guess it was really only a matter of time, but the "King of all Media" (a title that I am trying to wrestle away from him) Howard Stern is launching his own film festival. Now this could get interesting.

So what kind of films would be submitted at a Howard Stern film festival? The imagination certainly could run wild. But according to the Associated Press, nothing feature length at all:

Submissions of the films, which need to be five minutes or less, will be accepted until April 11. The top three films will earn cash prizes and air on Howard TV On Demand. The winner's share will be $15,000.
5 minutes in length huh? I think this is a great idea... you can cram some pretty good stuff in 5 minutes.

Hmmm... I wonder if Doug and I should produce something for that?

Posted by John Campea at February 23, 2006 04:10 PM


Hmmm, looks like a rip off of what Channel 101 does. Except instead of 5 min pilot episodes and getting to make another episode if your pilot is good enough, you get to make 5 min short films in promise if yours is good you get a cash prize. I wonder where he got the idea for 5 min films,hmmm. What a way to get people to submit their stupid shit, CASH PRIZE.

For, around 3 years Channel 101 members and it's founders have been making hilarious episodes (5 min long for simple reasons) for no pay or anything, just the will and spirit of their own creativity. And theyve had to put up with some bullcrap lately too.

Howard Stern is more like the "The King Of Selling Out"

Imagination already runs wild on Channel 101. After seeing and being a Channel 101 fan for almost 2 years, Howard Sterns film festival is just a nice way of making quick cash,and for probably making something so sick and stupid that it will win.

I'm a strong Howard Stern fan when it comes to his views on censorship and I like some of his work, this rant my make it sound like I hate him whcih I don't, but I honestly don't think he came up with that five minute crap on his own.

Posted by: lizardfeak12 at February 27, 2006 12:48 AM