February 06, 2006

Grandpa Al Lewis Passes Away

AlLewis.jpgOver the weekend Grandpa Al Lewis passed away. He was 82 and it is said that he died of heart failure. We all know Al Lewis as Grandpa Munster, but he had done many other roles throughout his very long telivision career. Shows like Car 54, Where Are You and Grandpa often showed up in films as a cameo.

Grandpa Lewis, you will be missed.

Posted by Brad Shipston at February 6, 2006 08:14 AM


He was 95, not 82.

Posted by: Bub at February 6, 2006 03:26 PM

Lewis' age is being disputed now.

His son has stated he was 82 but it had been though he was born in 1910. It has been said that he altered his birth date to appear older than his screen daughter Yvonne DeCarlo in The Munsters. But his IMDB biography refers to him being a circus performer in the 1920's?

However old he was though I loved Al Lewis as Granpa in the Munsters.

Posted by: Morbius at February 7, 2006 06:17 AM