February 09, 2006

Freddy vs. Jason vs. Michael

Although most of us in the film fan world have been hoping for a Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash film... it looks like we might get the next best thing. According to Bloody Disgusting, Robert Englund has confirmed that New Line has commissioned a Freddy prequel (bad idea) as well as Freddy vs. Jason vs. Michael (from the Holloween movies).

I wan't thrilled with Freddy vs. Jason. To me it was quite weak and should have been much better... but I'd be willing to give the concept another shot. I just really wish it was Ash instead of Michael. Oh well.

Posted by John Campea at February 9, 2006 11:39 AM


I wasn't thrilled with 'Freddy vs Jason' either. I didn't think it was horrible, but it didn't seem to be the right showdown (consider Freddy vs The Tall Man, for example) - I do recall the 'Freddy vs Jason vs Ash' thing, but that was a fanboy wish which got New Line in a small bit of trouble. A script *was commisioned* and a drafft was written. The problem? New Line didn't clear the rights to the Evil Dead/Ash character. It offended Sam Raimi that in order to put a screeching halt to it, he allowed the rights to fall into other hands (briefly) so the 'Evil Dead' could be a remake (remember that?) , and then when the 'Freddy vs Ash' thing died down..guess where that 'Evil Dead' update went?

Now, New Line recently just announced that a new 'Friday' is on tap. Jason is one exception to an age rule because, by defininition, he is a gigantic zombie-ghoul with a hockey mask and machete. Before the Freddy deal, shit, he was the bastard stepchild of the Terminator.

Yes, I think a Elm Street prequel is a horrible idea. One, you know what happens to Freddy, two, some of it was already covered in the dismal 'Freddy's Dead', and three...let's think for a moment:

*The film would be set in...1979? Elm Street One happened in '84. According to the orgins of Freddy as told by Nancy's mother, the parents formed a lynch mob to protect thier young kids...

*...from a child molester and serial killer! Since this is before Freddy had his dream/nightmare power, what we have here is a removal of horror fantasy, and take away the film' series smokescreen of Freddy's orgins. When Freddy came back for the Elm Street kids in 84, he was finishing his job, in a manner of speaking, and "getting even" with the leaders of that town mob. For sequels, Freddy simply (and finally) kncked off the Elm Street kids then the need for more sequels had him knock off the new batch of teens.

That said, a PREQUEL would deal with Freddy NOT killing teens and/or adults. He would be molesting and murdering little children. How does that sound? Great? Strip away the Freddy mythos, and all you got left is the child of 1,000 maniacs and a raped nun.

Oh yea.
It's as exiting as me dumping green pea soup from my throat into the nearest commode.

Let the Shape rest too. Yes, it should have stopped at H20.

Resurrect 'Pumpkinhead'!
Give me another 'Candyman'!
I'll pay money to go see another 'Jeeper Creepers'!

But Hollywood--let sleeping dogs lie!

Posted by: darren seeley at February 9, 2006 06:01 PM

Although Freddy Vs. Jason sucked because of the poor script, it was at least fun to see both of them fight - a wet dream most of us who grew up with those movies always wanted and never thought would happen.

Unfortunately, they hired cheap actors, and when you pay cheap, you get crap performances - which is what happened.

But to say that a Freddy prequel is a bad is silly. Who wouldn't want to see why the bad guy turned bad? I'm all up for it.

And as for Mike Myers being added to the mix, hey, that's fun in my book too!

Posted by: SpideyFan at February 9, 2006 09:00 PM

Michael better come out victorious, lol.

Posted by: Joey at February 9, 2006 09:23 PM

I agree with the idea of a Nightmare prequel is bad; we already know what happens. Don't trash one of my favorite franchises with this.

As for Freddy/Jason/Michael, YAY (yeah, I was actually looking forward to this instead of Ash)! Freddy vs. Jason was my first movie to get before I got hooked on the pervious films. I had always tried to avoid these films when I was young, so I figured to get more involved when they had Freddy vs. Jason. I liked it, but understood some flaws, but the fights was the real treat!
As for Michael Myers, loved Halloween and the less popular Halloween II. I didn't watch the other sequels, whew!

Now, what I would like to see (if they're commited) is from the comment from the Making of AVP special on TV in 2004,

Lance Henriksen: "With two biggest icons battling each other, who needs actors?"

Okay, it is not exactly his words. But come on, break horror tradition and MAKE THE VILLAINS THE MAIN STARS! The way I see it, if your doing a [Freddy] vs. [Jason] film, it SHOULD MEAN WHAT THE TITLE SAYS!
Besides, we want equal screen time for our favorite boogeymen. If we have "heroes" in this again they'll be chopped up bitches (I don't believe anyone could bet all three, even during a 90 min. film).

Michael makes a great opponent against Freddy and Jason. He doesn't get chopped up easily, and I don't think he has ANYTHING to fear in his dreams (hell, I don't think he does dream)!

I hope they do a good job and treat it with respect, just keep Anderson and Boll away. Please?

Oh, and above all else, pace yourselves and DON'T RUSH THE RELEASE DATE!!

Posted by: DarKing at February 11, 2006 02:32 AM

just let Kane Hodder play Jason and Everything will be fine.

Posted by: josh at March 7, 2006 07:37 PM