February 22, 2006

Flixster: An Online Movie Community

flixster.gifAhhh the wonderful world of the Internet. I love it so. I have stated before that I did my Masters thesis in Social Computing, which is pretty much Web 2.0 stuff. What is Web 2.0? To describe it simply, The Movie Blog falls into the Web 2.0 category because it's a Blog and caters towards an online community. Community is the key phrase.

I recently have been fooling around with yet another movie community outlet Flixster. Flixster is pretty neat and if your into collaborating on movies you'll have a blast.

Here's how Flixster works. First you set up your free account, set up your profile and invite some friends. Then you take a quick movie quiz. Basically they toss a number of titles at you and you rate them and provide a review if you wish. This information helps you connect with others who share similar movie tastes. You can join groups and chat it up on your favorite movie topics.

Flixster also has an In Theaters section where it lists all of the current pictures being shown on the big screen. You can read other users reviews, add your own reviews and tag them as "I want to see it" or "No interest". The same goes for DVD's an your personal movies list.

If your into movies and online communities, Flixster is much fun and entertaining. Check it out and look me up while your there, I'm listed as Berf.

Posted by Brad Shipston at February 22, 2006 12:39 PM


Got any links to the films you have commented on Brad, seems there is no way to search for users. Though I am slightly dubious about the people that use it, seeing that the highest rated movie on DvD atm is American Pie Presents - Band Camp :p

Also known on flixster as: qwertyqwerty18

Posted by: Sam at February 22, 2006 01:28 PM

Sam, I'll get back to you on that. I haven't completed a bunch of them yet. Simply stuff I do during lunch.

Posted by: Brad Shipston at February 22, 2006 01:34 PM

There's always something new on the net. Looks like a good site.

Posted by: Bruce [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 22, 2006 02:47 PM

Sounds pretty cool. I think I'll be checking it out.

Posted by: borloff at February 22, 2006 11:35 PM

Thanks. I've been having fun with this all day.

and John, I'll be sending you a buddy invite!
aka on Flixter: Drewbacca


Posted by: Drewbacca at February 23, 2006 01:43 PM

Hi John/Brad,

I am one of the founders of Flixster - thanks for the kind review!

We've only been live for about 8 weeks and we know we still have a lot of things to add and improve but its great to hear people see potential in the site.

Love to hear any additional suggestions or feedback you may have - feel free to drop a line anytime.


p.s. Oh yeah, and btw, love your site as well!

Posted by: Joe (From Flixster) at March 1, 2006 09:40 PM