February 09, 2006

Firewall Reviews

To say Harrison Ford's career has been in the crapper for the last 10 years is an insult to crappers. The once "money in the bank" actor hasn't been in a decent flick since Air Force One. I was really hoping that Firewall may be the flick to break him out of that slump... guess not.

The early Firewall reviews are coming in and they are dark. Some even start to question Ford himself and his ability to carry a picture anymore (something that was unthinkable to say just a few years ago). Personally I still think Ford has it... it's just buried down somewhere. I'm confident that he'll find it again... I just hope it's in time for Indiana Jones 4.

Here's what some of the critics are saying about Firewall:

"Having once vehemently ordered Russian hijackers to "Get off my plane!," Harrison Ford can't even get a few techie terrorists out of his living room in Firewall."
Nicholas Schager, SLANT MAGAZINE

"If you feel like you've seen it before, it's because you have -- action heroes beating the crap out of people in the pious name of protecting their loved ones."

"As for Ford, autumn is upon him."
Michael Atkinson, VILLAGE VOICE

"A flaccid insurance-company audition to get Ford covered for one more round as Indiana Jones."

Ouch. And again I say OUCH!!! Damn I really wanted this one to be good. Oh well, guess I'll still see it and decide for myself (as one always should). As of this moment Firewall reviews are carrying a sad 35% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Not good news my friends. Is it just all bad films... or has Ford lost it?

Posted by John Campea at February 9, 2006 04:34 PM


Okay, here's the game plan for all of America this weekend. Stay home, read a book and spend time with your family. Trust me.

Posted by: frankwolftown at February 9, 2006 08:09 PM

I can't believe you actually thought this film had potential. No one's going to debate Harrison Ford's impressive resume but from even from the trailers it was painfully obvious this would be a flop.

I really don't think it should be up to the actors to "carry" the film. It's the producers' responsibility to make sure the script can stand on its own and clearly in this case that wasn't a consideration. The reason we haven't seen anything good from Ford in the past decade is because his agent is putting him in crappy films.

Posted by: Shawn at February 9, 2006 08:18 PM

I don't know what's up with him (Harrison Ford).

He's been doing the talkshows to promote Firewall, but looked like he is very unconfortable with chatting or is just downright bored with the whole thing.

I watched him on the Regis and Kelly show the other morning and the hosts are doing all the talking, with Ford just uttering one-sylable answers occasionally. R & K are gassing about nothing, throwing out some one liners to fill airtime until the next break.
The only time that he actually became lucid was when they asked the magic question: "So you are in this new movie Firewall ?"

Only then does he open up, but judging by the promotion clip shown, he delivers these lines the same as he does in the movie. Monotone and unemotional.

As soon as Ford has verbally copy and pasted film summary (which he may have got from IMDB) and the clip is shown that is it.

"Thank you for being here/film opens this Friday and after the break.." Phew. The pain is over.

I don't know what is wrong with Harrison Ford. He is bored.
Or preoccupied by something.
Or to steal a well used phrase: he's phoning it in, but doesn't seem to care if he's at all lucid when calling.

I fear that if he stays in the semi-comatose state the next Indy film will be a stinker. Harrison Ford has already left the building.

Posted by: Webbie at February 9, 2006 11:17 PM

I saw Harrison on Jon Stewart (speaking of him doing the talk show circuit). It was a good interview, but he almost shrugged off this film when asked about it.

Posted by: Jax at February 10, 2006 01:12 AM

Harrison Ford always does bad interviews because he's very introverted and hates to do them. He just shifts in his chair and mumbles and looks at the exits. I think he prefers to fly around in his planes and not be bugged by anyone.

That said, his appearance on Conan was pretty funny, especially when Conan brought out a clip of the Star Wars Christmas Special.

Newspaper critics all line up and go on the offensive against stars once in a while as a way to demonstrate... well, I don't know what it demonstrates. But every so often they get irrationally negative about someone. Have you noticed? "Bennifer", "TomKat", et. al. Attacks far out of proportion to any news value. It's probably some tawdry assertion of power.

Anyway, I'm gonna check out Firewall, 'cuz I like clever thrillers even when they aren't any good.

Posted by: Brian at February 10, 2006 04:28 AM

Just saw "Firewall." Ludicrous.
I hate to bash Ford, as he is my main man, but....

...it was pretty God-awful.


Posted by: Drewbacca at February 11, 2006 12:38 AM

Harrison Ford is one of my favorite actors, but I doubt I'll bother seeing Firewall. Boring. Recycled.

Posted by: Ginny at February 13, 2006 03:37 AM