February 04, 2006

Fantastic Four 2 villians revealed?

fantastic4poster.jpgThis is a big surprise, but only if it's true...and frankly the way it's set out on the page it looks like just another big marketing ploy. However, over at a casting site there's a message asking for actors for Fantastic Four 2, and the roles are big.

Here's the call from Elite Casting Network through Comic Book Movie:

Fantastic Four 2 Producer: Avi Arad, Stan Lee

Start Date June 2006
Year of Release: 2007


Casting is now in process we are looking for many different "TYPES" if you are interested in Auditioning please contact productionfor more instructions on how to submit your headshot and resume

The Fantastic Four will battle Silver Surfer and his planet-eating master Galactus.

Did you get that last bit? Go back and read it again. Big eh? Well, I'm not so sure. Sitting out there like a big sore thumb with a huge message saying DO NOT REPOST IN FORUMS is a bit like, please post it in the forums...

Still, this might be right, consider the fact that they are talking about a Silver Surfer movie...this could show the scenes where they let the Surfer go solo...Is he in this movie, or is it hello to Mr Doom again?

Posted by at February 4, 2006 04:22 AM


Dude...that's 18 posts in the space of 2 hours. Have you been saving them up, or did you pick up some bargains at Clones 'R' Us?

Posted by: Martin Sutherland at February 4, 2006 06:36 AM

thats pretty cool, rich or john, whats the contact production place for the info on trying to audition?

Posted by: venommm at February 4, 2006 10:04 AM


Posted by: Joey at February 4, 2006 10:34 AM

Did the first one even make money?

Posted by: Alfredo at February 4, 2006 11:31 AM

Check the site, it should have everything on it...and it was Rich, check the bottom of the post!

Yeah Martin, wrote them last night (saved stories over the past week) and posted them all this morning so as not to drown John's Audio Edition.

Posted by: Richard Brunton at February 4, 2006 12:40 PM

Interesting. But I can see where this might be going. If the report of Galactus and/or Norrin Radd (Surfer) has merit in connection to FanFour2, then would the third film concern the Skrulls? Hmmm...

Visually, the Silver Surfer *would* look great onscreen when you use him in setting and proportion. Zipping around (or in) buildings, a race against Human Torch...etc. (and it would be the Torch who 'names' him...Galactus would name himself, BTW)

Yeah, for a 'please don't repost anywhere else' it seems that it is virtually ignored. But...WHY? Don't you even queston it? You know darn well that last bit...doesn't add up.
Not when no less than two weeks ago Fox Tom Rothman (demon to some, angel to others) said that 'Silver Surfer' is a seperate film AND not in the FF sequel? In addition...the FF2 script is still being written? That Doom is back?

I think the "Do not post" bit is due to the story hasn't beein finalized yet and it isn't etched in stone. Either that, or the report is bogus.

In addition, Silver Surfer and/or Galactus would be major parts; I don't know if thy can afford Vin Diesel who lobbied for Surfer in the past, but for Galactus, I'd like to see them get an actor who has a funny accent, like Christopher Lambert or Armand Assante. Or someone like Dolph Lundgren, who could pass for a Karloff like look. Or Jason Statham, who would also make a good Surfer. Anything to make Galactus to sound otherworldly, the better. Or perhaps he doesn't speak "English", but Silver translates as well as scouts.

Personally, I'd love to see both Surfer and FF projects combined, as would most other people, I would think. It would shift attention off the bland Jessica Alba, who needs to work better on her character and needs the opporutunity to do so.

Posted by: darren seeley at February 4, 2006 01:56 PM

outside of chiklis' work with being ben, i was very disappointed with the ff film. i dont have a problem with any of the actors they have chosen or the play between the ff personalities, (i wanted that explored more), but the overall dumbing down and triteness of the story was lame. doom was awful the way he was written and they really needed to make him special. i shutter to think what they will do with galacticus. i'd like to get xcited about this news but the first flick does not make me hopeful about the second. :(

Posted by: bond, james bond at February 4, 2006 07:25 PM

i think i predicted this a while back.... if it's true, good choice.
If the fight is like it was in the comics , it will be AWESOME!!!

Posted by: mogulus at February 4, 2006 11:50 PM

If they do this right, it could a perfect step towards the Skrull introduction.

Silver Surfer with his own movie? I would love it, but I don't know if it would sell. Unfortunately, these days it is not about artistic appreciation but box office success.

I want to see Galactus consume a world, and I want to see Silver Surfer destroy a world, too.

Thanos anyone? Infinity Gauntlet movie? Oh happy day when that happens!

Posted by: Josh at February 5, 2006 03:06 PM

I just rented the first movie. It was okay (for me). Notice the big problem with the film was that it was a big introduction to the heroes, therefore the action and the villain appears in the end of the film. That would make it a big letdown for some (or many) fans who liked the formula of action and getting to know the villain in the middle (well, Doom could've transformed quicker).

So, this is a huge (I mean HUGE) step in putting Silver Surfer AND Galactus with Doctor Doom and the Fantastic Four. Sure, the sequel has a shot to redeem itself (like X-Men did in X2; yeah, some people had problems with the first one). However, it would be new to actually do a crossover between them right now. Many people would've expexted a stand alone Siver Surfer movie because of a possible budget to challenge "The Matrix" in special effects, then put them against the Fantastic Four.

I'm not sure if that is a sure plan so far, but it has chances to being good. Either way ,hopefully we don't end up seeing crap.

Posted by: DarKing at February 7, 2006 01:03 AM

I Liked the first movie although I am young ands easily amused I can say I would like to see some mixture of movies maybe a race between Spiderman and The Human Torch

Posted by: Ronnoc at February 27, 2006 03:34 PM