February 17, 2006

Eva Green Is The New Bond GIrl

Eva Green New Bond GirlYes, this is actually OFFICIAL and announced. The new Bond Girl for the upcoming Casino Royale is French actress Eva Green. I can't comment too much on her as an actress, because the only film I've seen her in was the horrifically terrible "Kingdom of Heaven", but what I can say is that this woman is drop dead beautiful.

I love the comment made about her by one of her old directors who said this found via MSNBC:

Green’s film debut was a couple of years ago in the ultra-steamy movie “The Dreamers.” The director of that NC-17 film had once said Eva Green is “so beautiful it’s indecent.”
I won't disagree with the man. So now we have our cast, the filming is underway, and now all that is left is too see if Daniel Craig can pull off James Bond. I think he will.

Posted by John Campea at February 17, 2006 12:11 PM


This really reminds me of casting Sophie Marceau in The World Is Not Enough. The main women in any 007 movie need to be beautiful but also smart and dangerous. This is something Denise Richards lacked. Eva Green is both beautiful but also has a mysterious look to her.

This is such good news and I'm now looking forward to Casino Royale much more than before.

Posted by: John Allison at February 17, 2006 12:42 PM

Also, John forgot to namedrop the bad guy: Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen landed the role of the villain Le Chiffre. His best known role to date was playing 'Tristan' in 2004's 'King Arthur', a film which I really loved a lot. Also in the cast is Jefferey Wright ('Shaft' 'Boycott') who plays CIA Bond pal Felix Lieter.

The casting of someone like Eva Green does not surprise me: I figured they might go for a relative unknown; while like John, I thought 'Kingdom' was a piece of crap, most of it hd to do with talentless heartthrob Orlando Doom er, Bloom.

A true 'international' cast for 'Royale'. That'll work for me.

Posted by: darren seeley at February 17, 2006 01:19 PM

About Kngdom of Heaven - wait for the DC version, the one which studio told scott to shorten it to what we've got, but this. Great :)

Eva Green in a Bond movie. Me happy :)

Posted by: igl at February 17, 2006 02:20 PM

Mikkelsen is a freaking god. If your only exposure to him is the Arthur movie you're missing out in a BIG way. Check out Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself, the Pusher films, Bleeder, The Green Butchers ... he's a huge star in Europe and deservedly so. The man can do absolutely anything.

Posted by: Todd at February 17, 2006 03:50 PM

I guess it's okay. It could be worse, right Campea? THANDIE!!!

Posted by: Kristina at February 17, 2006 07:41 PM

But don't be surprised if this is the LOWEST-grossing Bond movie ever. Most people have never even HEARD of this woman. KOH wasn't a box-office hit, so her face is unknown. The other guy who got hired I only know from his over the top acting in the Sam Jackson "Shaft" movie. Die Another Day was huge because it had Brosnan, one of, if not the best Bond ever, and Halle Berry, who was on a hot streak after Monster's Ball. That movie had the draw of a hot male lead, a hot female, and shit blowing up. This one has fugly Bond, an okay female, and some dude. I don't know. They couldn't find anyone else?

Posted by: Kristina at February 17, 2006 08:01 PM

When Goldeneye came out, Pierce Brosnan was pretty much an unknown, along with the rest of the cast. It made more than 100 million.

Posted by: Edmund at February 17, 2006 11:25 PM

Having seen her only in "The Dreamers" -- I can say that she would make a wonderful Bond girl.

Posted by: Eric at February 18, 2006 12:58 PM

Pierce wasn't "that" much of an unknown at the time of GoldenEye, Edmund. He was familiar to some audiences in part due to some films he done pre-Bond, but especially the TV series Remington Steele. Also, the actor -unlike several of his rumored replacements- actually wanted the job. He was passed over for Timothy Dalton (who I didn't mind as Bond) and when Brosnan wanted GoldenEye, he pretty much got it--but the media didn't like it.

Especially the media here in the States. I cannot recall one time where the magazine 'Entertainment Weekly' -whenever a Bond film was headed for development with Pirece as Bond- ran a big, big write up that focused on ousting Brosnan. Once they even asked a panel of directors on what they would change about Bond. (John Woo said "Not a thing..just give him two guns instead of one") and just before "World Is Not Enough" EW ran who Should Be The Next Bond, and baited the readers...even though Brosnan was still returning. It seemed Mel Gibson was the frontrunner in thier polls.

Brosnan was by far the best Bond since Connery.

As for Craig and the cast: the Bond films have always shot for international casts. Some of these actors are well known outside of the US. If the film contains the Bond staples (babes, locations, over the top action) it will do just fine. But keep an eye on the US media: they will all but crucify this film when it comes out. Craig will be fine in the eyes of many, but, if you have the patience, watch what happens if the US media thinks the film falls below "Hollywood media" expectations.

I love this cast: as pointed out, Mads Mikkelsen will be exposed to a bigger wider audience; I may have loved 'Ling Arthur', but that film did tank. 'Kingdom Of Heaven" I hated and that tanked (*and a longer, DC version will not help the film-Orlando's bad acting is still in it-hopefully, it will have more Jeremy Irons) but yeah, Eva Green deserved better.

But make no mistake: US entertainment media will be ready to raise hell because the Bond prod's chose the cast that they did.

Posted by: darren seeley at February 19, 2006 09:56 AM

Did you just say when "Goldeneye" came out Brosnan was an unknown? Dude, have you even ever seen a movie? Unknown my cornhole.

Posted by: Fredo Teabaggins at February 19, 2006 10:02 PM

And I really can't remember too many people bitching about Pierce when he was initially cast. Go on Craig's IMDB message board and feel the hate.

Posted by: Kristina at February 20, 2006 10:21 AM

I haven't seen any of Eva's work, and therefore not thrilled to hear her being chosen as the next bond girl. There was an article on themovieblog about "Charlize Theron" as the next potential bond girl, and that would've really nailed the character down, if things worked out. What happened with her? I'm not too thrilled with the pick of the actor to play bond, so "Oh..well...".

Posted by: TM at February 21, 2006 10:43 AM