February 23, 2006

Damon Wayans Trademarking "Nigga" for Clothing Company Venture

DamonWayans.jpgVia Wired News, actor Damon Wayns has been fighting with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's for 14-months in attempts to trademark the word "Nigga" for a clothing company.

Wayans wants to dress customers in 14 kinds of attire from tops to bottoms, and use the controversial mark on "clothing, books, music and general merchandise," as well as movies, TV and the internet, according to his applications.

But, so far, his applications have been unsuccessful. Trademark examiner Kelly Boulton rejected the registration dated Dec. 22, citing a law that prohibits marks that are "immoral or scandalous." A previous attempt by Wayans was turned down on identical grounds six months earlier.

Though a very controversial term, Wayans's trademark attorney is using past cases to support the request. Reference to the Washington "Redskins" and a California company titled "Dykes on Bikes" -which is owned by two lesbian entrepreneurs- are noted in the article.

What are your thoughts? Do you think that efforts to commercialize the term are a good idea or bad. If Wayans sells t-shirts would I be able to wear one and not get stomped? Keon Rhodan who has been selling clothing items with the logo "nigga" for years says no way.

Though attempts to commercialize "Nigga" coincide with a generational shift in how the word is perceived, the clothing is still likely to test some boundaries, as Rhodan demonstrated in a phone interview ... "You couldn't wear it," he said.
I'm all for actors perusing other ventures, but this one may be a stretch. On the other hand, you can't beat good old fasion controversial brouhaha.

Posted by Brad Shipston at February 23, 2006 09:58 AM


If there's a clothing line called Fuct, there can sure as hell be a clothing line called Nigga.

Posted by: Sean at February 23, 2006 10:14 AM

Is he serious?

Can I trademark honky?

Posted by: Charly Baltimore at February 23, 2006 10:25 AM

Whatever the word, or whatever he is trying to do, I think we should just remember, that sometimes it is best not to support any of the Wayans in any of their ventures. Unless wearing a shirt that says "nigga" will help him act any better, then I really don't care what he does.

Posted by: Ryan at February 23, 2006 10:47 AM

I think the more people use this term (and the word it's pretending to be), the further away we're going to get from Dr. King's dream. The word needs to go away forever. Some words are just words. But this one is so much more than that.

Posted by: Clarke at February 23, 2006 11:47 AM

What a tool.


Posted by: Drewbacca at February 23, 2006 01:07 PM

Well, if black people call each other that name, then what difference does it make if people can wear it in their clothes? Also, on a positive thought, it seems like the more the word is out there, the more it would stay away from the racist meaning of it.

Posted by: Pablo at February 23, 2006 05:19 PM

So are only black people allowed to wear this line of clothing?

I wonder how people would feel if I went around marketing the clothing slogan "white" for white people to wear? Nothing racist or negative about that is there?

Meanwhile back in the real world as long as people feel the need to go out of the way to make a big deal over the colour of their skin or their race (not to mention exploiting it as in this case) nothing will get better.

Posted by: Morbius at February 23, 2006 05:38 PM

I think we should all go back and read Adam's post again, for it speaks the truth.

Screw the word, the important fact is that a Wayan's brother is trying to capture a new form of income. We didn't stop Hitler from taking Poland, we MUST stop the Wayans from taking our clothes.

If only for our children.

Posted by: mrjuju at February 23, 2006 05:38 PM

Of course I ment Ryan's post not Adams...sigh, I need a drink...

Posted by: mrjuju at February 23, 2006 05:40 PM

... SOME black people Pablo, I don't imagine many middle age, middle class black people wander round saying "What’s up Nigga" to each other. Can't see Condoleezza Rice and Toni Morrison bumping into each other and breaking into cry’s of "wassup nigga", can you???

I don't really care what other people wear, but out of respect I would not deliberately wear something that’s obviously controversial or offensive because it just seems childish, Wayans should grow up.

On another note he is brilliant in Requiem for a dream ...

Posted by: Bullet in the head at February 23, 2006 09:59 PM

i am now moving forward with MY own clothing line:

the "bigger nigger" line.

this has got to be the worst idea for a clothing line i've ever heard, man. Wayans should stick to what he's good at: mildly entertaining family comedy.

Posted by: mogulus at February 23, 2006 11:06 PM

... it was Marlon Wayans in Requiem for a Dream oops, Damon Wayans was OK in some stuff, but yeah this is a dum ass idea, seems like he is just trying to raise his profile.

Posted by: Bullet in the head at February 24, 2006 12:39 AM

What a stupid mother fucker.

SO when are the Jews coming out with KIKE instead of NIKE?


When are Chinese people coming out with CHINK?


When are Hispanics coming out with SPIC?


Stupid fool. And I'm not even black. Idiot!

Posted by: SpideyFan at February 24, 2006 07:31 PM

THe WaYANs DO nOT nEEd ANymORE mONEy THEY acT jUST FIne n THe hiLAriOUS......What is the problem i couldve swore this was free country and kids use this word in everyday life every type of kid chinese spanish white arabic all people are making a big deal out of nothing really even if it said damon on it or anything the style of the clothing would probably not be worn by any of you anyway is it hurting anyof you that he wants to this really are you not going to be able to sleep at night because oh my god i cant sleep this clothing line is really worrying me he must stopped get a life stop being so judgemental stop trying to read into everything just let it be let it be

Posted by: Jason at March 11, 2006 04:21 AM