February 01, 2006

Coen Brothers New Film No Country For Old Men

Coen BrothersI've been a big fan of the Coen Brothers for a while now. Their films are fun, artful, character driven and usually funny too. It's an all too rare mix in film makers today. So I was happy to hear about their new project (that sounds like follows their usual style) "No Country For Old Men".

The good folks over at Empire give us this little synopsis of the project:

The story is set in Texas, where Llewellyn Moss, a young farmhand hunting antelope near the Rio Grande, stumbles across some dead bodies, a stash of heroin and a suitcase full of money. He takes the money and runs. But after two more men are murdered, the local sheriff gets involved and an ex-Special Forces hitman is called in to retrieve the money, things get dangerous for young Moss.
The only thing that sounds a little off to me is that at first glance it looks kind of similar to "A Perfect Plan". But don't read too much into a one paragraph synopsis. According to the story the film should start shooting in May.

Posted by John Campea at February 1, 2006 09:25 AM


this is cormac mccarthy's recent novel: obviously they are adapting. sounds like blood simple on the rio grande...

halfway through the novel and it's everything you would expect from mccarthy: blood, brutality to animals and a main character that doesn't speak much!

Posted by: david at February 1, 2006 10:04 AM

Sorry to be "that guy", but I believe you mean "A Simple Plan". (Or The Pefect Man with Hilary Duff?)

Posted by: Gerrit at February 1, 2006 10:21 AM

hey gerrit,

Oppsss... you're right. My bad. Thanks for the correction.

Posted by: John Campea at February 1, 2006 10:25 AM

for me, the coehn brothers' movies are always a can't miss...

.... i hope they dont let me down but have faith in them more than any other "brother" director/producer teams out there...

i wonder what the soundtrack will be like. they always pick such eclectic tunes...

Posted by: mogulus at February 1, 2006 08:35 PM

I am a tried and true Coen Brothers fan. One of my favorite comedies ever is Raising Arizona. Everything they did for most of thier run has been pure cinema gold....... but The Ladykillers was just shit.

It seemed to me that the quality of their storytelling was starting to falter with O' Brother, like they were starting to try too hard to give ya that 'Coen Brother's Feeling'. The Man Who Wasn't There was brilliant though. I am ashamed to say that i haven't seen Intolerable Cruelty yet, I have always been afraid that it would really, really, really suck.... it just seemed so commercial (gonna add it to my netflix list right now, too old to worry 'bout that kinda shit anymore... )All that being said, if you have not seen Raising Arizona, Fargo, The Big Lebowski, The Hudsucker Proxy, Blood Simple, Barton Fink, Miller's Crossing.. (or all the previously mentioned films, excepting The LadyKillers) .... DO IT!

Let's hope this is a return to form. If it's another lump of doo, like Ladykillers, then maybe the Coens have shot their collective wad.

Posted by: borloff at February 2, 2006 01:25 AM