February 02, 2006

Brad Pitt Wants Gay Role

Brad Pitt is one hell of an actor. The movies he appears in aren't always so good... but he is solid 100% of the time. There will be Oscars in the future for this man, make no mistake about that... but Pitt himself seems to be getting a little anxious for one... and maybe now realizing he's getting a bit older wants to set himself up for Oscar success sooner rather than later. You see....

It's being reported that Pitt is smelling the "gay" trend in garnering Oscar's favour. It used to be handicaps that got you the Academy's attention... and now it seems to be a straight person playing a gay role. The following is from the good folks over at Dark Horizons:

Brad Pitt has told his reps to reportedly find a script which portrays the "ultimate gay love story". Whilst several of Pitt's characters in the past have displayed some very mild homo-eroticism, none have been outright gay.

Their source says "Brad has asked his people to find him a script to play a gay man. He wants it to be a story that appeals to both men and women and he wants it to be the edgiest work he's done. He's seen the critical acclaim that Brokeback Mountain has won and he wants a piece of it. Brad knows it would be seen as shocking to take on a gay role because he's seen as such a heart-throb".

Well.. the guy already has all the money in the world... so one could understand him wanting to achieve some more critical award winning success too. He's past "success" and looks like he now wants to work on his "legacy" as an actor. We'll see how that all works out for him.

Posted by John Campea at February 2, 2006 11:35 AM


Bad, bad approach. Do not narrow your choices. Evaluate material and characters on their own merits. Is it a good story? Is it an interesting character? Does it present an acting challenge? Is there a message? Is the story entertaining, provocative, will it elicit an emotional response? Is it well-written

Don't try to anticipate trends. Make your own.

Posted by: Lou_Sytsma at February 2, 2006 11:48 AM

Brad Pitt a solid actor? I think I want to puke.

Did we already forget the horror that was Troy?

Posted by: Simone at February 2, 2006 12:03 PM

I can't agree that Brad Pitt is a solid actor, personally I find him rather bland and uninteresting. There are only a handful of movies I have enjoyed him.

This report, if true, has my eyes rolling in the back of my head. He wants to play a gay man, so he possibly achives some reconigtion? That's funny, I would want it based on talent.

He should be asking his "people" to find him a good script for its story and originality. Something with substance!

Just because he may play someone gay doesn't mean he'll be up for awards noms. Sheesh - how completely shallow.

Posted by: Meli at February 2, 2006 12:16 PM

Talent and Oscar nominations are completely separate of one another. Look at Best Actress winners the last few years. Women who uglied it up won. Strike while the iron's hot...uh so to speak.

Posted by: KellTrenzer at February 2, 2006 12:21 PM

Brad Pitt to agents: "Get me a gay role, dammit! And make him handicap. And suicidal. They love suicidal characters. Now remember, he's gotta be gay, handicap, and suicidal! I smell Oscar, baby! Here I come! Psst. Plus, try to make him the victim of incest..."

Posted by: Anonymous at February 2, 2006 12:36 PM

First, Brad Pitt IS a solid actor. And Simone, I thought he was GREAT in Troy. One of the strong points of that movie. And by the way, Troy was still better than King Arthur and Kingdom of Heaven, to name a few. And its acting was WAY better than any of the crappy Star Wars sequels you seem to adore.

Second, as the article says, "Brad knows it would be seen as shocking to take on a gay role because he's seen as such a heart-throb". This is nothing new - it's one of the reasons he starred in Twelve Monkeys, Fight Club etc. From time to time he likes to play parts that are shocking/different that what he usually plays. After The Mexican, Ocean's Eleven/Twelve, Troy, Mr & Mrs Smith, it's no suprise that he wants something different.

Posted by: Edward.Elric at February 2, 2006 01:31 PM

the title to this post should read "Brad Pitt wants Oscar".

Posted by: Alfredo at February 2, 2006 01:58 PM

Hey Edward, I beg to differ but I thought it was Bana that made Troy watchable, and if there was a great performance in Troy that will have to go to the great Peter O' Toole, but not Pitt. We just have to agree to disagree on this one. If there was a Pitt moment worthy of mentioning, it will have to be just "Twelve Monkeys", in my very humble opinion. And by the way, why did you have to drag Star Wars out of this? Its kinda way out of line. If I dont like him as an actor, surely that is my choice, dont you think?

Pitt screaming HECTORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR was utterly embarrassing.

Posted by: Simone at February 2, 2006 02:06 PM

I said Brad Pitt was ONE of the strongest points, not THE strongest point. You mentioned some of the other. And Pitt's screaming was appropriate to the character's situation.

Posted by: Edward.Elric at February 2, 2006 02:19 PM

I'm in agreement with Simone on this (we do this sometimes ;)).
I didn't find his performance in Troy very good, he was eh, like most of his performances.

A mild manner actor with a nice body is all it takes for most anyone to get ahead in Hollywood.

Posted by: Meli at February 2, 2006 03:44 PM

Ehr Meli, I am so proud of you girl! I knew we'd agree on this one. *winks* Yeah, everytime I remember Pitt in Troy I am like, UGH, PUH-LEAZE! I may be in the minority but I dont think he is that good looking either.

Posted by: Simone at February 2, 2006 03:59 PM

Wow, if this is true I just lost a ton of respect for the Pitt. I agree that Oscar tends to latch onto trends though. For years it seemed like the women had to play prositutes to get a best actress nod. Now guys gotta play gay. Hollywood is flushing itself down the toilet and nobody out there cares.

Posted by: adam at February 2, 2006 04:43 PM

"Gay" is the new "Retard"

I absolutely hate people getting nominated for playing a role that any regular person has been practicing since grade school. Play a lunatic, play a man tryng to find himself or even play a guy that believes Drew Barrymore is such a catch that you're willing to humiliate yourself just to get her love. But a retard or gay guy? That shouldn't be an award winning role. C'mon. Doug and John do that every week and they never win anything.

(okay, that last line was a joke. but the point still stands. gay and retarded aren't what makes an actor great.)

Posted by: Cole at February 2, 2006 06:02 PM

This just seems like another one of those instances where his life is being controlled by his temporary life partner. "Hey best looking guy 4 years straight, go carry those rice bags to help feed the puny children." "Okay every-girls-fantasy, i'll let you fly with me to some desert if you promise to adopt my kids and make sure they'll be financially stable even after i get sick of this fad."

Why doesn't he just make a biography of how he went from "sexiest man alive" to "psycho bitch's lap dog". That's more oscar worthy than the "handsome gay man falls for another handsome gay man" scheme that Ms. Jolie thought up.

BTW, too bad they can't retract oscars. Angelina Jolie gets one for playing a psycho...HELLO?????

Posted by: Cole at February 2, 2006 06:11 PM

Then maybe Pitt can play the lead role in a movie called "Solo" and he can go FUCK himself.

I'm tired of this amazement with Gay men. Give me some LESBIANS. Give me a Lesbian movie where TWO MAJOR superstar hotties - i.e. ANGELINA JOLIE and KATHERINE ZETA JONES make out on the big screen and call it "BROKE BACK MOUNTAIN TWO: THE BAYOU" and have em go at it.

Then, you can simply write a love story based on two people who have to live in seclusion, cheat on their spouses, and convince the audience that the real criminals aren't the people who are CHEATING on thier spouses and children, rather, convince the audience that the real BAD GUY is society for not accepting HOMOSEXUAL behavior.

Yeah, that'd sell!

And you know what, for all I care - you can be gay and happy and do whatever you want - I'm a libertarian!

But to put it on the big screen and depict it as something that is done in seclusion because "society" (I.e., everyone who is HETEROSEXUAL) doesn't accept it is FALSE.

I'm heterosexual, have a few homosexual friends, and so be it. But why convince me that everyone who isn't a homosexual or homo-tolerant is somehow a homosexual basher, homo-PHOBIC (An obvious misnomer, since you can say that means HOMOSAPIEN-PHOBIC, but I digress) or homo-HATING.

That's a complete load of HORSESHIT and I'm sick of being force fed this.

Even KING KONG - you can basically say that King Kong was an ugly fat woman who wasn't accepted by society because she, well, KILLED PEOPLE, and ATE PEOPLE and just wanted to be with her "beauty", but the EVIL WHITE MAN killed the beast. And if you believe the theme of the movie, the beast was killed not because it was going around destroying a city and killing people. No. Rather, society killed the beast because we didn't UNDERSTAND the beast.

Just in the last two weeks in New York there were repeat murderers who were given a second chance at life and repeat child beaters who were given a second chance to prove themselves. Guess what? They both failed. And now they're back in jail and saying they were "temporarily insane".

But again, a digression:

If Brad Pitt feels his ticket to recognition and fame (not that he needs more of that???) is to play a gay role, then go ahead Pitt, go for it. Why not convince JOHNNY DEPP to be your boy toy? I'm sure that'd get the attention of the Academy.

But if it takes two guys kissing on a mountain and feeling up each other's asses to get an award, we're headed down the road of Rome. Next will be live stadium killings folks.


Posted by: SpideyFan at February 2, 2006 07:30 PM

I bet in a day or two. Someone will say this was all untrue.
Donna A.

Posted by: Donna A. at February 2, 2006 09:20 PM

Brad Pitt already had his chance in Troy. It's widely regarded that Achilles was homosexual and that his lover was Patroclus. That's partly why I was so disappointed with the movie when Patrolus was turned into Achilles' cousin and that Achilles screwed Briseis, the slave girl.

I completely agree with Simone about Bana. To me, he was the only good thing in that movie.

Posted by: theduckthief at February 6, 2006 12:30 AM

Right theduckthief, not too many people agree with me, so I appreciate that! ;-)

Posted by: Simone at February 6, 2006 03:54 PM

I am sorry but Brad Pitt being a "pretty boy actor" does not appeal to most hetrosexual men even when he is playing it straight! If he thinks we are going to all want to see him in a gay love story then he really is deluded.

Posted by: Morbius at February 7, 2006 06:12 AM

I think Brad Pitt has finally realised that many females out there find homosexuality a turn on, and is trying to bring in a wider range.

Maybe he's been checking out the many websites that contain Brokeback Mountain slash (me <3), and is getting envious.

Basically, he just wants to pump up his sex appeal, don't ya think? But God knows what KIND of homosexual he'll play. It would be kind of funny if he thought, "Well, gay cowboys is so random and obscure, and deep and meaningful too. I wanna be in a film, which is obscure and intense, which everyone will ache for ... hey, what about me as a gay milkman? And I can rely on some talented, good-looking actor to win that Oscar if I'm crap at the role ... hey, what about Johnny Depp? Yeah, Johnny Depp! That'd be great! YEAH! GO JOHNNY!!!"

Mmm. Celebrities today, eh?

Posted by: Daft Eejit at February 18, 2006 07:18 AM

is brad really gay? send a picture of him screwing aguy

Posted by: carlton bradley at February 23, 2006 07:39 AM

Theduckthief took the words... It is true. Achilles in Greek did have a gay lover in Patroclus. So if Brad had had enough foresight he could have brought his foreskin to bear on Patroclus instead of Berseus and scooped himself a potential oscar nomination. Being wise after the event and in the wake of Broke Back must really suck for such a big ego'ed celebrity!

Posted by: sputnik at February 28, 2006 08:36 PM