February 03, 2006

Borat Movie

Borat The MovieAs we've talked about here on The Movie Blog before, there is indeed a Borat movie heading our way. And from the looks of it, it's already a LOT further along than most of us thought it was.

According to the good folks over at AICN, there has already even been a screening of Borat (ultra popular character from The Ali G Show) and the review of the screening sounds hilarious. Here's what they had to say:

Well, I can assure you now that this movie is real. And will become a thing of legend.

While this wasn't the funniest movie I've ever seen, it was definitely, hands down, the hardest I've ever laughed in a theater, if that makes any sense. I honestly can't remember being with an audience who CONSTANTLY laughed - that hard - throughout the entirety of a movie.

Hmmm... encouraging words! From what I can tell there is still no set release date for Borat The Movie except that it will indeed be this year (2006). Other than that we'll just have to sit and wait for the news.

I'm guessing they're trying to see if the advanced screenings are strong enough to justify a summer release. Now that would be something.

Posted by John Campea at February 3, 2006 09:33 AM


I find Borat hilarious, but sitll find it kind of hard to believe there is a movie.

Posted by: miles at February 3, 2006 10:19 AM

I laughed for days at the episode where he visited the wine tasters, got tanked and pulled out polaroids of he and his "sister" in graphic sexual positions.

Posted by: adam at February 3, 2006 05:30 PM

I'm dying to see this, but I have my reservations as well. What made Borat such a comedic treat on Da Ali G Show was his incredible ability to put real people into tear-inducingly uncomfortable situations. Taking this character out of his original context and placing him into a purely fictional environment runs a serious risk of killing the humour altogether.

I am a big fan of Sacha Baron Cohen however. I have faith in his ability to write and portray this character well enough to keep me entertained. But for all his skill I just don't think it will be the same, and I can't escape this foreboding feeling that I'll walk away from this film at least somewhat disappointed.

Posted by: Jax at February 3, 2006 05:33 PM

well, i couldn't believe there was an ali g film when it came out. if there's already been a screening, is there a teaser or trailer of this available yet?

Posted by: Psych at February 4, 2006 07:30 PM

First off


Secondly, Ive been following this film for quite sometime, and from what I understand there is to be quite alot of unscripted material in the movie, and one has to hope there is really, the only thing funny about Borat was the unscripted nature of the whole thing, along with the previously mentioned uncomfortable scenerios, this has the makings of a cult comedy film if nothing else.

They better drop this in May and it better be R rated.


Posted by: SmotPoker at February 6, 2006 10:52 AM