February 03, 2006

Bond Director Arrested for Prostitution

Lee TamahoriOk, this story is just BIZARRRR! Apparently Lee Tamahori (director of "Die Another Day" and "XXX: State of the Union) has been arrested in Hollywood. Why was he arrested? Well... the BBC article explains it better than I could:

James Bond director Lee Tamahori was arrested for allegedly approaching an undercover police officer and offering to perform a sex act for money. Los Angeles city attorney's office said Mr Tamahori was dressed in a black wig and dress when arrested in Hollywood. He was charged with soliciting an act of prostitution and loitering with the intent to commit prostitution.
Holy crap. I know XXX 2 sucked... but I didn't think the guy would be THIS hard up (haha... oh shut up). Like I said, this is easily the most strange news I've hear this year so far. I can't wait to hear how he explains it. Maybe he'll say he was just doing research for an upcoming movie. Thanks to Hamid for the Heads up.

Posted by John Campea at February 3, 2006 09:54 AM


Hmm... not to much to say about that.... hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Posted by: Joey at February 3, 2006 10:07 AM


holy crap, the secret lives some people lead.

Posted by: miles at February 3, 2006 10:14 AM

I knew i reconised that hooker when i was in hollywood last

Posted by: pendragon00 at February 3, 2006 12:05 PM

this deserves (at the very least) a tempered, dignifies, mature, intellegent
Lee-Lee Tama-WHOR-A!!

Posted by: bond, james bond at February 3, 2006 08:38 PM

And Hugh Grant wasn't even on the scene!

hohohohohohoho and another 'HO

Posted by: darren seeley at February 4, 2006 03:28 PM

whats doug got to say on the matter?

Posted by: Psych at February 4, 2006 07:36 PM

hmmmmm maybe he could direct a sequel to Brokeback Mountain... lol
But there isn't much that could be said about this so here goes it...

OK im done...


ok ok now im done... really!

Posted by: Silent_BoB_Strikes_First at February 7, 2006 01:21 AM